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Home » Shiseido Co., Ltd. Shiseido Japan receives the Minister’s Award for the Regional Revitalization Support Tax System in 2020 – Recognition for Yamagata City’s support for promoting the empowerment of women –

Shiseido Co., Ltd. Shiseido Japan receives the Minister’s Award for the Regional Revitalization Support Tax System in 2020 – Recognition for Yamagata City’s support for promoting the empowerment of women –

[Shiseido Co., Ltd.] Shiseido Japan receives the Minister’s Award for the Regional Revitalization Support Tax System in 2020 – Recognition for Yamagata City’s support for promoting the empowerment of women –
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Press release: February 13, 2024
Shiseido Japan receives the Minister’s Award for Regional
Revitalization Support Tax System in 2025 – Recognition of Yamagata City’s support for strengthening the promotion of women’s empowerment –
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. (Representative Director, President) CEO Kentaro Fujiwara) received the Cabinet Office’s 2021 Minister’s Award for Regional Revitalization Support Tax System (Corporate Version of Hometown Tax) in the corporate category.

This award has been given every year since FY2018 to companies and local governments that have made particularly outstanding achievements in utilizing the regional revitalization support tax system (corporate version of hometown tax) and have conducted activities that are recognized as a model for others. This award is given by the Cabinet Office and the Minister of State for Regional Revitalization. Our company is involved in a public-private partnership project for the empowerment of women in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture.
In addition to donating to this project through the “Corporate Hometown Tax” system, the company was recognized for its efforts to support the city’s promotion of women’s empowerment.

* 《Public-Private Collaboration Project “Town, Me, Sparkling Women’s Campus Yamagata”》 *

Starting in 2022, our company will enter into a comprehensive partnership agreement with Yamagata City and Ridilover Co., Ltd., which develops education and training projects related to social issues, to promote a public-private partnership project aimed at empowering women in the city. , Sparkling Women’s
Yamagata”. This project aims to contribute to the development of female leaders who can play an active role in the local community, with the aim of making Yamagata a city where women shine.The project targets women who live, work, or attend school in the city to learn through workshops. , we are implementing an action-based inquiry-based program.
For this project, in addition to making donations through the “Corporate Hometown Tax” system, we will leverage our know-how from supporting women’s empowerment and gender equality initiatives both inside and outside the company to hold lectures and plan some workshop programs. Through these efforts, we have supported the promotion and strengthening of women’s empowerment in the city.

* 《Promoting the empowerment of women at Shiseido》 *
Shiseido’s corporate mission is “BEAUTY INNOVATIONS FOR A BETTER” WORLD (a better world through the power of beauty), we will create an organizational culture in which employees recognize and respect individual differences, regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., and continue to generate innovation through synergies. In order to achieve this goal, we position diversity, equity and inclusion (hereinafter referred to as DE&I) as an important pillar of our management strategy.
In particular, we are actively promoting the active participation of women in Japan, and since 2017 we have started the female leadership training school “NEXT LEADERSHIP” with the aim of developing female managers.
WOMEN,” and has now expanded to three programs for candidates for the next section manager, general manager, and executive management, steadily strengthening the pipeline. Furthermore, with the
introduction of the job-based personnel system, initiatives such as proactive career development and strengthening of expertise are supporting the advancement of women.

Currently, the percentage of female managers in the Shiseido Group in Japan is 40.0%*1, the percentage of female directors and auditors is 40.0%*2, and the percentage of female managers in the Shiseido Group, including overseas, is 58.8%*1.

In addition, we have established the 30% Club, which aims to increase the proportion of women in Japanese company executives*3.
Shiseido Co., Ltd. Chairman and Representative Director of Shiseido Co., Ltd. Masahiko Uotani is the CEO, and he also acts as a flag-bearer for eliminating the gender gap in Japanese society as a whole.
*1 Preliminary figures as of February 2024
*2 As of April 1, 2023
*3 Officers are defined as directors and auditors.

As Japan’s leading leading company in the advancement of women’s empowerment, we consider it one of our corporate missions to broadly communicate an organizational culture that realizes DE&I to the next generation and to Japanese society as a whole, and we are promoting initiatives both within and outside the company. Masu.

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