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Home » Qlipper Ranking The number of articles on Reiwa Roman is 69.4% for Westland and 77.7% for Nishikigoi. Survey of web news of M-1 Grand Prix 2023 finalists

Qlipper Ranking The number of articles on Reiwa Roman is 69.4% for Westland and 77.7% for Nishikigoi. Survey of web news of M-1 Grand Prix 2023 finalists

Todo Onada Co., Ltd.
[Qlipper Ranking] The number of articles on Reiwa Roman is 69.4% for Westland and 77.7% for Nishikigoi. Survey of web news of M-1 Grand Prix 2023 finalists
The total number of articles decreased by 30% compared to past tournaments due to Hitoshi Matsumoto’s sexual assault reports and the disasters and accidents that occurred at the beginning of 2024. ……
Todo Onada Co., Ltd. (President: Yasuyuki Matsumoto) investigated web news regarding the duos that participated in “M-1 Grand Prix 2023.” The number of articles for the winning Reiwa Roman was significantly lower than for previous years’ champions, and we found that this was influenced by Hitoshi Matsumoto’s sexual assault reports and the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
These are survey results based on data from Qlipper
(, a PR effectiveness measurement service that can monitor over 4,000 web media sites.
▼For more information about this report, or for more information about Qlipper, click here
[Image 1:×670.png ]
The ranking itself, such as the number of articles, is in order. Reiwa Roman, Sayaka, Yarens, and Mogrider are at the top.
Comparing the month after the tournament, the total number of articles is lower than in past tournaments. 71.2% for the 2022 tournament and 68.3% for the 2021 tournament.
The number of articles on Reiwa Roman is 69.4% for Westland and 77.7% for Nishikigoi.
Hitoshi Matsumoto’s sexual assault reports and disasters and accidents at the beginning of 2024 have had an impact.
▼For details on news articles, etc., please click here
1. M-1 Grand Prix 2023 finalists tally for one month after the tournament ▼Web news ranking of M-1 Grand Prix 2023 final participants (1 month from the tournament)
*Collect web news that includes each combination name
[Image 2:×981.png ]
“M-1 Grand Prix 2023″ Finalists’ article/PV/article tweet count ranking (1 month from the tournament)
*PV = Virtual PV: A number predicted and calculated by an original engine to predict and calculate article page views based on the site structure obtained by Qlipper.
*Article tweets: Number of tweets that include the article URL ・There is no big discrepancy between the review ranking and the ranking of the number of articles. The winner, Reiwa Roman, is ranked first in each numerical value, while Sayaka and Jarens, who both made it to the final round, are in the top ranks.
・An exception is Mog Rider, which has a higher ranking in terms of number of articles, PVs, and number of article tweets than the screening results due to its original name recognition and exposure on TV.
・What is more noteworthy is the decrease in the number of articles compared to past tournaments.
2. Comparison of number of articles with past conferences
▼ Total number of articles and PVs for M-1 Grand Prix 2021/2022/2023 finalists (1 month from the tournament)
[Image 3:×360.png ]
Total number of articles for past 3 contestants (1 month from the competition) Comparing the number of articles about contestants one month after the competition, the total number of articles for the 2023 competition is significantly lower than for the 2021 and 2022 competitions. The number of articles in 2003 was 71.2% in 2002 and 68.3% in 2021. The amount of news coverage varies depending on the finalists’ popularity before the tournament, but that alone cannot explain the size of the difference.
▼M-1 Grand Prix 2021/2022/2023 Finalist Web News Ranking (1 month from the tournament)
[Image 4:×1014.png ]
Comparison of number of articles for M-1 Grand Prix 2021, 2022, and 2023 final participants (1 month from the tournament)
Looking at each combination, you can see that the number of articles ranking high in the 23rd tournament is lower than in the past. In particular, the number of articles related to Reiwa Roman remains at 69.4% for Westland and 77.7% for Nishikigoi.
What could be the reason for this?
3. Background to the lack of Reiwa Roman news
Let’s compare the trends of the top 5 groups with the most articles from the 2022 and 2023 competitions (one month after the competition). ▼M-1 Grand Prix 2022/2023 Top 5 news trends
[Image 5:×560.png ]
Trends in the top 5 articles by number of articles in 2022
[Image 6:×445.png ]
Trends in the top 5 articles by number of articles in 2017
There is not a big difference from the day of the tournament to the next day, but there is a noticeable drop after the third day in 2013. Additionally, an extreme stagnation in the number of articles can be seen from January 1st to January 4th, 2024.
There are mainly two possible reasons.
1) Hitoshi Matsumoto’s sexual assault report became the dominant topic in entertainment news.
▼Trend in the number of news about Hitoshi Matsumoto and Reiwa Roman etc.
[Image 7:×445.png ]
History of articles including Hitoshi Matsumoto
The above graph is the addition of Hitoshi Matsumoto’s article trends to the M-1 contestant’s article trends.
After December 26, when Weekly Bunshun began reporting on Matsumoto’s sexual assault, the number of Reiwa Roman articles began to decline. Since then, the two have been swapped, and news about Reiwa Roman has not increased as much as the winner in previous years.
2) Entertainment news was suppressed due to disasters and accidents at the beginning of 2024
The Noto Peninsula Earthquake on January 1, 2024, and the collision at Haneda Airport on the 2nd, 2024, which had a major social impact, made it difficult for entertainment news to be distributed.
This can be seen by comparing the year-end and New Year news trends between Westland and Reiwa Roman.
▼Article transition from December 31st to January 6th: Westland et al. in 2023 and Reiwa Roman et al. in 2024
[Image 8:×560.png ]
Article trends from December 31, 2023 to January 6, 2023
[Image 9:×560.png ]
Article trends from December 31, 2024 to January 6, 2024
Westland had 300 to 350 articles from December 31st to January 1st, and stayed at 100 to 200 each day thereafter.
On the other hand, the number of articles on Reiwa Roman is about 80 as of December 31st, and 20 to 30 articles from the 2nd to the 4th. The reason why the number of articles increased rapidly on the 5th was due to the stage greeting on the first day of release of the movie “Laughing Kaibutsu”, in which they provided acting guidance for Manzai.
Despite being a hot topic for being the second top batter in history to win, and the record for the shortest number of years for a winner, it can be seen that Reiwa Roman’s news exposure was suppressed by external factors.
■Survey overview Survey period: December 19, 2021 to January 18, 2022, December 18, 2022 to January 17, 2023, December 14, 2023 to January 23, 2024 (Qlipper Article confirmation date and time) Research institution: In-house research Survey target:
1) Articles that include the following “M-1 Grand Prix 2023” final contestants in the main text or headline:
Shinkuu Jessica, Sayaka, Reiwa Roman, Wall Poster, Mayurika, Yalens, Moglider, Kurage, Dambi Ramucho, Shishigashira
2) Articles that include the names of “M-1 Grand Prix 2021” and “M-1 Grand Prix 2022” final contestants in the text or headline
3) Article research method that includes Hitoshi Matsumoto’s name in the text or headline: Among the web news from major domestic news sites collected by Qlipper during the research period, the number of articles targeted for investigation, the number of virtual PVs, and the articles tweeted. tally the number of *Virtual PV: Qlipper, which monitors more than 4,000 web media in Japan, uses its own engine to predict and calculate article page views based on the acquired site structure. (Patent No. 7098122) ■About Qlipper Qlipper (URL: is a PR effectiveness measurement tool that supports public relations work. Equipped with functions such as web news monitoring, PR analysis, and automatic creation of press releases using ChatGPT, it is possible to plan and improve PR strategies efficiently and in real time, enabling effective PR activities. We offer a free trial, and our consultants will be on hand to assist with initial service setup and optimization. [Click here for past research reports and useful materials for public relations/PR]
[Todo Onada Co., Ltd.] Representative Director and President: Yasuyuki Matsumoto 2F, Mita 43MT Building, 3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073 Company establishment date: January 20, 2020 Japanese Capital: 5.8 million yen [Inquiries regarding press release] Qlipper Management Secretariat: Endo Email:

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