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Webinar held on the theme of “Getting away from EXCEL in data utilization”

Majicemi Co., Ltd.
Webinar held on the theme of “Getting away from EXCEL in data utilization” ……
Magisemi Co., Ltd. will be holding a webinar on the theme of “Getting away from EXCEL” in data utilization.
[Image:×720.jpg] (Click here for details and application) ■The need for data utilization and the limits of Excel In today’s increasingly
digitalized world, the competitiveness of companies lies in the use of data. A lot depends on your ability. Fast and accurate decision-making based on data is a key factor in determining business success. However, many companies still mainly use Excel to create reports, and as a result, they are faced with problems such as wasting the time and effort of data aggregation and inefficient report creation and repeated distribution. Repetition of such simple tasks not only reduces intellectual productivity, but also slows down business processes and causes missed growth opportunities. Difficulties in collaboration between business and IT departments Business departments need to quickly analyze and utilize the right data to quickly respond to the challenges they face in their daily operations. However, the necessary data is often managed by IT departments or stored in individual PCs in disparate formats, and collecting and aggregating it takes a great deal of time and effort. In addition, business departments that do not have sufficient IT budgets are unable to proceed with the introduction of tools to solve this issue on their own, and may have given up on improving efficiency. These gaps complicate the promotion of data utilization within companies. ■Anyone can easily switch away from Excel and enable business departments to take the lead in data utilization.In this seminar, we will demonstrate how to move away from creating reports that rely on spreadsheet software such as Excel and increase intellectual productivity. We will explain how you can streamline data collection, aggregation, analysis, and sharing by using Domo, a data utilization tool that allows you to start small, even on a limited budget. If you are concerned about data management and data utilization using Excel, please join us. (For details and to apply for participation, click here) ■Sponsor: Domo Co., Ltd. ■Cooperation: Open Source Utilization Institute Co., Ltd. Majisemi Co., Ltd. We will be holding a webinar that will help you. ★For other webinar applications and videos and materials from past seminars, please check below★ ★If you would like to hold a webinar, please watch this video★ https: //

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