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Home » Webinar will be held on the theme of “Japan pavilion joint exhibition at ASEAN’s largest manufacturing industry DX exhibition ‘ITAP2024′”

Webinar will be held on the theme of “Japan pavilion joint exhibition at ASEAN’s largest manufacturing industry DX exhibition ‘ITAP2024′”

Majicemi Co., Ltd.
Webinar will be held on the theme of “Japan Pavilion Joint Exhibition at ASEAN’s Largest Manufacturing Industry DX Exhibition ‘ITAP2024′” ……
Magisemi Co., Ltd. will hold a webinar on the theme of “Joint exhibition with the Japan Pavilion at ASEAN’s largest manufacturing DX exhibition ‘ITAP2024′”.
[Image:×720.jpg] (Click here for details and to apply) ■Japanese manufacturing and IT industries are required to expand
overseas.Japanese manufacturing and IT industries are We are facing a shrinking domestic market and increasing competition. Under these circumstances, overseas expansion has become an essential strategy for companies to survive. In particular, ASEAN countries are an attractive market as they are experiencing remarkable economic growth and many Japanese companies are already operating there. ■The benefits of overseas exhibitions and the high barrier to entry For Japanese companies aiming to expand overseas, exhibiting at overseas
exhibitions is one of the best means. This allows you to increase your brand awareness in new markets while interacting directly with potential customers and business partners. However, exhibiting at overseas exhibitions is not easy. Barriers include language barriers, cultural differences, and the high cost and complexity of preparing and running an exhibition. ■About joint exhibition of the Japan Pavilion at ASEAN’s largest manufacturing DX exhibition “ITAP2024” Magisemi Co., Ltd. and the International Linkage LLC Deutsche Messe Japan Representative Office will jointly exhibit from October 14th (Monday) to October 16th, 2024 (Monday) to October 16th, 2024 ( We have decided to set up a Japan Pavilion at Industrial Transformation Asia Pacific2024 (ITAP2024), one of ASEAN’s largest manufacturing DX exhibitions, to be held in Singapore. In this seminar, we will introduce ITAP2024 and explain how to jointly exhibit at the Japan Pavilion. ■The status of DX/automation in the manufacturing industry in ASEAN and how to utilize ITAP Additionally, ABeam Consulting Co., Ltd., which has already expanded its business in ASEAN and is exhibiting at ITAP, will be on stage to discuss DX/automation in the manufacturing industry in ASEAN. He will explain the current situation, how to use ITAP, and its effects. (For details and to apply for participation, click here) ■Sponsored by Majisemi Co., Ltd. ■Cooperated by Open Source Utilization Institute Co., Ltd. Majisemi Co., Ltd. Majisemi will continue to We will hold webinars that will be helpful to participants. ★For other webinar applications and videos and materials from past seminars, please check below★ ★If you would like to hold a webinar, please watch this video★ https: //

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