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Home » Okayama University How intestines without intestines feel: The role of the immovable hairs of the Japanese beetle

Okayama University How intestines without intestines feel: The role of the immovable hairs of the Japanese beetle

National University Corporation Okayama University
[Okayama University] How intestines without intestines feel: The role of the immovable hairs of the Japanese beetle
February 26, 2024 (Reiwa 6) National University Corporation Okayama University
[Image 1:×1462.jpg] -Key points of presentation-
It has been discovered that the motionless “hair” is involved in the sensation mechanism of the “Nikaimuchou beetle”, a mysterious creature without an intestine that lives quietly on the natural coast of the Seto Inland Sea!
With a body length of only 2 mm, it relies on its immovable fur to avoid obstacles, feel hot and cold, and judge what is good and bad, and it has been revealed that genes related to human diseases are involved in this process!
By investigating the environmental response mechanism of this species, which is the basis of the evolution of bilateral animals including humans (ancestors), we may be able to get closer to the origin of the senses possessed by all animals!

◆Summary National University Corporation Okayama University
(Headquarters: Kita-ku, Okayama City, President: Yasutomo Nasu) Graduate School of Environmental and Life Sciences Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science Doctoral Program student Tosuke Sakagami and Okayama University Academic Research Institute Education Department (Life Science Area) )’s research group, led by Professor Motonori Ando, ​​focused on the senses possessed by intestine animals, developed new research methods, and uncovered part of the molecular basis involved in the stimulus-reception mechanism possessed by this species.
The research results were published in the electronic version of the international journal “Cell and Tissue Research” (Springer Nature) on February 2, 2024.
Intestinal animals lack a body cavity and anus, and are
phylogenetically located at the origin of bilateral animals, so they are attracting a lot of attention around the world. The intestine used in this study, the intestine beetle, is an endemic species that lives along the coast of the Seto Inland Sea, and is little known to the general public.
In this research, we clarified the relationship between the sensory organs of this species and the brain/nervous system, as well as the molecular basis responsible for these functions. We discovered a new structure in epidermal sensory cells, and confirmed the expression of transient receptor voltage-type (TRP) channel genes, which are present in many animals including humans, as related molecules. As a molecule of particular interest, the expression of TRP polycystin (PKD2), which is associated with human diseases, has been observed, and it is predicted that changes in the external environment are sensed through this molecule and information is transmitted via the brain and nervous system. Masu.
It is hoped that future research progress will reveal the complete picture of the stimulus-reception response mechanism mediated by epidermal sensory cells in intestine animals, and elucidate the molecular mechanism that traces back to the origin of sensation in bilateral animals.
[Image 2:×522.jpg] Cells with stereocilia located in the ciliated epidermal cell rows of intestines
[Image 3:×524.jpg] Body surface structure (arrowhead, sensory hair)
[Image 4:×518.jpg] Fluorescent labeling of tubulin (green) and actin (red) (arrowheads, sensory hairs)
[Image 5:×520.jpg] Expression of Pkd1 and Pkd2 genes classified as TRPP
◆A message from Professor Motonori Ando
This is the second paper based on the research results of the entire laboratory, led by Mr. Sakagami. Mr. Sakagami became so immersed in intestine research that he acquired the inhuman ability to find the habitat of an intestine with a length of 2 mm from the window of the train (Seto Ohashi Line) on his way to school. If you are interested in intestines (and Mr. Sakagami), which are full of mysteries, please contact us! Sharpen your five senses and research with us!
[Image 6:×194.jpg] Professor Motonori Ando
◆Paper information Paper title: Structure of putative epidermal sensory receptors in an acoel flatworm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis. Publication paper: Cell and Tissue Research Author: Tosuke Sakagami, Kaho Watanabe, Mayuko Hamada, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Toshimitsu Hatabu, Motonori Ando D O I :10.1007/s00441-024-03865-y U R L: ◆Research funding: This research was supported in part by
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (22KJ2308), Fisheries and Invertebrate Research Institute individual research grants
(KO2021-05), and university commissioned research projects under the Science and Technology Promotion Project of the prefecture where the special power source is located. We received and implemented it. ◆About detailed research content
How intestine-less animals feel: The role of the immovable hairs of the Japanese beetle ◆Reference・Okayama University Faculty of Education・Graduate School of Education・Okayama University Graduate School of Education・Department of Natural Education・Science Education Laboratory Cell Physiology Laboratory (Zoology) ◆Reference information/[Okayama University] Elucidation of the fastest cell movement mechanism in the biological world in the protist centripetal solar worm ~ Is it a mystery why the backbone of cells, microtubules, disappear in an instant? ~
・[Okayama University] The mystery of “intestinal animals” that connect Okayama and the world! ~ Elucidation of the environmental response mechanism of the Nymph beetle ~
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[Image 9:×840.jpg] Okayama University Tsushima Campus (Kita Ward, Okayama City), where the Okayama University Faculty of Education and Graduate School of Education are located
◆For inquiries regarding this matter: Motonori Ando, ​​Professor, Department of Education (Life Science), Faculty of Academic Research, Okayama University TEL: 086-251-7753 FAX: 086-251-7755 rika/cell_physiology/index.html -For inquiries regarding Okayama University’s
industry-academia-government collaboration, etc.- Okayama University Research Promotion Organization Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Headquarters 1-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 Okayama University Tsushima Campus Main Building 1F TEL: 086 -251-8463 E-mail: sangaku◎
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