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Where to start? human rights due diligence

Where to start? human rights due diligence

*View in browser* *International Labor Organization Japan Office*
Press release: March 4, 2024
Where to start? human rights due diligence
*Webinar will be held on March 14th from 2pm*
The ILO Office in Japan, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) will raise the risk of human rights violations in their corporate activities and value chains from 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 14th. We will hold a webinar on “Human Rights Due Diligence” to investigate and respond to human rights violations.

Participation is free, but advance registration is required by 5pm on Monday, March 11th.

. We look forward to your participation.

-Date and time-
March 14, 2024 (Thursday) 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


-Main programs-
●Lecture 1: JETRO-ILO joint research summary report
●Lecture 2: Examples of good practices in human rights due diligence by Japanese companies – From the JETRO-ILO joint research report – ●Lecture 3: Human Rights Due Diligence – Case Studies of Initiatives in Japanese Companies (Electrical/Electronic Equipment)
●Lecture 4: Human Rights Due Diligence – Examples of Initiatives in Japanese Companies (Textiles/Apparel)
●Lecture 5: Introducing the United Nations Global Compact – ILO E-Learning “United Nations Global Compact Labor Principles: Promoting Decent Work, Business and Human Rights”

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