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NTT Com Online Analysis report on eNPS and telework

[NTT Com Online] Analysis report on eNPS and telework

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Press release: March 6, 2024
Analysis report on eNPS and telework
*~ Telework at an appropriate frequency leads to improved work-life balance and productivity, and increases employee engagement ~* NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Co., Ltd. (Headquarters:
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Yoshie Tsukamoto, hereinafter referred to as NTT Com
eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Online) announced in February 2024 We have published an analysis report on the theme of telework based on the “Score” survey. This report focuses on telework, which is becoming more and more popular as a work style reform measure, and summarizes the implementation status of telework and the relationship between telework and eNPS, an indicator that measures employee engagement.

Click here for details on “eNPS Industry Analysis Report”

* -Result Points* –
* 1. Occupations with a high frequency of telework are “planning/marketing”* “eNPS Industry Analysis Report” conducted in February 2024
When asked if their company had a telework system, 53.4% ​​of all respondents answered that their company had a telework system. Figure: Presence or absence of telework system

When respondents working at companies with a telework system were surveyed about the frequency of telework, the highest percentage was 1-2 times a week (25.9%), followed by 1-2 times a week (25.9%). 3-4 times” (16.2%). Additionally, 8.8% of respondents were working fully remotely.

When looked at by job type, the job type with the highest frequency of telework was “Planning/Marketing”, with 74.2% of employees teleworking at least once a week. In particular, 31.5% of respondents reported doing this 3-4 times a week.

On the other hand, the percentage of employees who have a telework system but do not use it was higher in sales and service jobs (42.7%) and administrative and back office jobs (41.4%), indicating
differences in the implementation status of telework by job type. This is the result.
Figure: Frequency of telework by job type
* 2. Those who telework 3-4 times a week have the highest eNPS*

When we analyzed eNPS, an index that measures employee engagement by the frequency of telework, we found that those who telework 3-4 times a week had the highest eNPS. The eNPS of those who answered that they work “1-2 times a week” was the next highest, and the eNPS of those who answered that they worked fully remotely was -53.5 points, which was a slightly lower eNPS.
Figure: eNPS by frequency of telework

Furthermore, when we analyzed the factors that influence engagement based on the frequency of telework, we found that respondents who telework 3-4 times a week said, “My boss doesn’t listen to my concerns properly.” Items related to communication with your boss, such as “My boss tries to listen to me” and “My boss knows about your work results and efforts and evaluates you appropriately,” were factors that fostered engagement.

On the other hand, respondents who work fully remotely said, “Your workplace has a sense of unity overall,” and “There is active collaboration with other departments within the company,” which improves communication and inter-departmental relationships. Items related to collaboration were a factor that inhibited engagement. The results show that there are differences in factors that influence engagement depending on the frequency of telework.

*For detailed factor analysis, please download the document
Please refer to the.

* 3. Telework at an appropriate frequency leads to improved work-life balance and productivity, and increases employee engagement *

When surveyed to see if there had been any changes in their work-life balance compared to before teleworking, 53.9% of respondents answered that their work-life balance had “improved” or “slightly improved.” Additionally, 68.3% of respondents who telework 3-4 times a week said their work-life balance has improved.
Figure: Changes in work-life balance by frequency of telework

When eNPS was analyzed by change in work-life balance, those who answered that their work-life balance had “improved” had an eNPS of -23.9 points, those who answered that their work-life balance had “improved somewhat” had an eNPS of -36.7 points, and those who answered that their work-life balance had improved were -36.7 points. It was higher compared to the average person.
Figure: eNPS by change in work-life balance

When we analyzed changes in work productivity compared to before teleworking, 35.1% of respondents answered that their work
productivity had improved overall (“improved” or “slightly improved”). Looking at the frequency of telework, the respondents who reported the highest rate of improvement were those who telework “3-4 times a week” (51.1%), followed by those who telework “fully remote”. This was followed by 42.6% of respondents who said, “I work at a university.”
Figure: Changes in work productivity by frequency of telework

We also looked at eNPS by change in work productivity, and found that those who answered that their work productivity had “improved” had an eNPS of -14.4 points, and those who answered that their work productivity had “improved somewhat” had an eNPS of -33.0 points. , eNPS was higher than those who answered “no change”, “slightly decreased” or “decreased”. The results suggest that teleworking at an appropriate frequency leads to improvements in work-life balance and work productivity, and increases employee engagement.
Figure: eNPS by change in work productivity
* 4. Difficulty maintaining motivation and communication are issues when operating telework *

When respondents who were currently using telework were surveyed about the frequency of telework in the future, 36.7% responded that they would like to increase the frequency of telework. In addition, 54.8% of respondents answered, “I want to continue teleworking at the same frequency as now,” which is higher than the percentage who answered “I want to reduce the frequency of telework” and “I want to stop teleworking.”
Figure: Desired frequency of telework in the future

Among those who answered that they wanted to stop teleworking, we asked them to freely write their reasons, and the results were: “I lose motivation to work when I work from home (once or twice a week, technical field, male in his 50s).” “I don’t have a study at home, so I can’t concentrate or stay motivated. Also, I can’t change my mind.
(At least once a month, technical field, man in his 50s) It is difficult to maintain motivation, and there is a limit to the work that can be done with telework. (Female)”, “There are too many systems that cannot be used (full remote, clerical/back office system, female in her 50s),” and “Work coordination among employees is not smooth.” 3-4 times a week, planning/marketing type, male in his 50s), “Difficult to collaborate (more than once a month, technology type, male in his 40s)”, “It’s faster to talk face-to-face (monthly) at least once in
(Man in his 60s, Human Resources Department)” We heard some people feel that there are issues with communication. These results demonstrate the importance of taking measures to improve motivation and smooth communication as we continue to operate the telework system.

* -Survey overview-*
Survey target industries (in alphabetical order):
Energy (9 electric companies, 5 city gas companies), banks (12 banks), credit cards (14 companies), airline/travel (15 companies), automobile manufacturers (9 companies), supermarkets/GMS (4 companies), life insurance (13 companies), pharmaceuticals (18 companies), non-life insurance (12 companies), telecommunications carriers (including MVNO) (6 companies)
Survey target: Internet research monitors who work for companies in the above industries that are subject to the “NTT Com Online NPS Benchmark Survey”
Survey method: Private internet survey conducted by NTT Com Research* Survey period: 2023/10/6 (Fri) to 2023/10/11 (Wed)
Number of valid respondents: 2,153 people
Respondent attributes:
[Gender] Male: 73.9%, Female: 26.1%
[Age] Under 20s: 6.7%, 30s: 18.6%, 40s: 26.8%, 50s: 36.9%, 60s: 11.0%

* Please take a look.

* -NPS* (R)* What is -*
 NPS(R)(Net Promoter
Score(R)) is an index that measures customer loyalty, calculated from the answers to the question “Would you recommend this product to a friend or colleague?” It is said that one-third of public companies in Europe and the United States use NPS (R), and in Japan as well, an increasing number of companies are using NPS (R) as a new indicator to replace customer satisfaction.

Click here for information about NPS(R)
Please take a look.

* -NPS* (R)* About the solution-*
NTT Com Online provides a total solution (NPS(R) Solution) to improve customer loyalty using NPS(R).
In addition to consulting by NPS(R) qualified personnel, we provide cloud service “NPX” that visualizes customer feedback in real time and guides improvement actions.
We offer “NPS Pro” and “NPS(R) Research” which is effective for understanding your company’s position within the industry.
Click here for information on NPS(R) solutions
Please take a look.

* -About NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions-*
Online is a solution partner that supports corporate digitalization through data utilization and technology provision. In the digital marketing business, NTT Com provides NPS(R) customer loyalty management, “eNPS survey” to measure employee engagement, etc. We provide total support for research, social media analysis, etc., from implementation to operational support.

Name: NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Co., Ltd.
Address: Osaki Center Building, 1-5-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032 Representative: Yoshie Tsukamoto, Representative Director and President URL:

*Net Promoter(R) and Net Promoter mentioned in the text
Score(R) and NPS(R) are developed by Bain & Company, Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrics Systems (currently NICE).
Systems, Inc.) is a registered trademark. Also, Net
Promoter(R) and NPS(R) are owned by Bain & Company, Fred Reichheld, Satmetrics Systems (now NICE)
Systems, Inc.) is a registered trademark. eNPS is also being developed by Bain & Company, Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrics Systems (now NICE). Systems, Inc.) service trademark. Company names and product names mentioned in this text are registered trademarks or trademarks of each company.

” supplement ”
(*) “NTT Com Research (formerly goo Research)” NTT Com Online provides high-quality, high-value-added Internet research services.
We have built a large-scale consumer panel using in-house panels and monitors from partner companies, and are focusing on the four pillars of “quality of the monitor,” “quality of the questionnaire,” “quality of the questionnaire system,” and “quality of the response results.” It is used by many companies and organizations as an Internet research site that thoroughly ensures quality based on the “Quality Policy” and provides highly reliable research results.
Furthermore, on December 9, 2013, the service name was changed from “goo Research” to “NTT Com” to take advantage of the expansion of the monitor base.
We have changed the name to “Research” and are providing services.

[Contact information]
NTT Com Online Marketing Solutions Co., Ltd.
Marketing Analytics Department
Email address:
*About details about this release*

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