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Home » Crowdfunding Co., Ltd. Job changes from securities managers to IFAs are rapidly increasing! Released ChatGPT specialized for the securities industry to increase IFA operational efficiency!

Crowdfunding Co., Ltd. Job changes from securities managers to IFAs are rapidly increasing! Released ChatGPT specialized for the securities industry to increase IFA operational efficiency!

Crowdfunding Co., Ltd.
Job changes from securities managers to IFAs are rapidly increasing! Released ChatGPT specialized for the securities industry to increase IFA operational efficiency!
■Investment partner GPT released
We have recently released ChatGPTs customized by our company for IFA/securities professionals!
This ChatGPTs is a specialized version of ChatGPT to help
IFA/Securities people. The primary role is to provide knowledge and insight on topics related to the financial industry, including investment strategies, market analysis, and compliance. We focus on providing up-to-date information and demystifying complex financial knowledge, but we do not provide personalized advice or predictions.
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In particular, it greatly improves the operational efficiency of IFAs/securities professionals when it comes to explaining complex financial products and providing advice on regulatory compliance. It also helps support customized investment proposals according to client needs.
This is an initiative that has never been done before, so why not give it a try? We will continue to expand the functionality to meet IFA needs and support improved efficiency and quality of IFA operations.
-Investment partner GPT-
We input market information that is publicly available and a variety of information that can be used by IFAs and securities managers. In the future, we plan to update the information on the data analyzed by our company.
*We do not input personal or confidential information.
■Recruitment site
In addition to supporting IFA, we are also actively recruiting.
■About crowdfunding
Our company not only has the industry’s highest level of back-back rates, but also has introduced an organizational structure that makes it easy and rewarding for IFAs to work, such as zero enrollment fees and switching conditions.
We will continue to aim to maximize customer profits as an “investment partner”. We will continue to expand our services by creating an organization that is easy to work in and introducing systems that maximize results. We look forward to your continued patronage.
-Company overview-
Company name: Crowdfunding Co., Ltd.
Head Office: Toyo Building 7F, 1-8-5 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative: Representative Director Osamu Ito
For inquiries regarding this matter: 03-6427-8208

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