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Home » Developed a new earthquake countermeasure BCP “touchless entry/exit control system” Achieving quick evacuation and accurate safety confirmation in the event of a disaster

Developed a new earthquake countermeasure BCP “touchless entry/exit control system” Achieving quick evacuation and accurate safety confirmation in the event of a disaster

Matrix Co., Ltd.
Developed a new earthquake countermeasure BCP “touchless entry/exit control system” Achieving quick evacuation and accurate safety confirmation in the event of a disaster
Unique RFID technology used for sports time measurement accurately recognizes multiple passes at the same time.
Matrix Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, President and CEO: Yoshimitsu Tsuji) has developed a semi-active RFID system called “Touchless Entry/Exit Control” that focuses on efficient personnel management and ensuring safety in the event of a disaster. did. This system enables quick, touchless evacuation during disasters and increases the accuracy of location confirmation in emergencies.
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We live with natural disasters every day. Earthquakes, floods, and typhoons suddenly threaten our lives, impacting not only our lives but also the continued activities of local communities and businesses. That is why we are required to formulate and implement a “BCP (Business Continuity Plan)” and “Business Risk Countermeasures” that can immediately respond to unexpected situations.
The latest technology is available to achieve these objectives. For example, by using RFID tags, you can automatically determine the whereabouts of your employees and quickly and efficiently confirm their safety.
■Touchless function
There is no need to take out the IC card and perform touch operations, making it ideal for objectively recording working hours.
■Batch reading
Even if multiple people pass through at the same time in an emergency, it can be read faster and more accurately than facial recognition. ■Limited detection area
The trigger magnetic field limits tag transmission, prevents unnecessary transmission, and improves battery life. Positioning is also more accurate compared to active tags and BLE beacons.
-System Overview-
This system is especially intended for implementation in factories, warehouses, etc. In such an environment, it is expected that many personnel will be on the move at once during an emergency, and prompt and accurate personnel management is essential. It is also ideal for clean rooms where biometric authentication or touch authentication cannot be used. By installing a trigger magnetic field and a receiving device in the location where you want to control entry and exit, the passage of an IC tag is detected and the location information is sent to the host system. It can be used not only for entry/exit control, but also for process control by measuring work time. We offer both cloud and on-premises options, depending on your needs.
[Video 2:] URL:
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-Overview of Matrix Co., Ltd.-
Matrix is ​​a developer and manufacturer of semi-active RFID systems. In addition to entry/exit control, we are also developing automatic race time measurement, school attendance monitoring management systems, and warnings for forklifts and people approaching each other. These technologies are used in a wide variety of fields, including contributing to the success of sporting events and a safe and secure lifestyle. We will continue to develop new technologies and products and aim to contribute to solving social issues. URL:

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