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Home » Fujitsu Limited Fujitsu has been recognized as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization – White 500” for 8 consecutive years

Fujitsu Limited Fujitsu has been recognized as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization – White 500” for 8 consecutive years

Fujitsu Limited
Fujitsu certified as a “Health and Productivity Management
Organization – White 500” for 8 consecutive years
Our company has been certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Note 1) as a “Health and Productivity Management Organization – White 500” for the eighth consecutive year.
We position human resources as our most important capital, and we are implementing initiatives to maintain and improve the health of our employees, with the aim of creating an environment where all employees can work actively and in good physical and mental health. This is the eighth year in a row that we have been selected for this award, based on evaluations of our health management organizational structure, external information disclosure, and implementation of lifestyle improvement measures.
We will continue to actively engage in health management in order to realize our purpose of “bringing trust to society through innovation and making the world more sustainable.”
[Image 1:×196.png ]
In our medium-term management plan announced in May 2023, we have set “improving people’s well-being” as one of our essential contribution areas (materiality). This also means facing the well-being of each and every employee, which is the source of value creation, and we believe this is an important issue that management should address. At our company, we define well-being as “a state in which you are facing the values ​​you hold dear, both at work and in your private life, and working every day towards your own future happiness.” We are promoting various measures to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of our employees and their families.
[Our main health management initiatives]
・Oral/dental health project We are working on oral/dental health as a priority measure for health management, and in addition to dental checkups by age group, we are holding preventive dentistry seminars and renovating Fujitsu Clinic into a preventive dental clinic. We have implemented it. Starting in January 2024, we will be holding health education sessions on preventive dentistry for domestic employees of our group to promote understanding of preventive dentistry.
・Bone Health Promotion Project From October 2023, a demonstration experiment “Bone Health Promotion Project” will be conducted with the aim of verifying the usefulness of bone evaluation using chest X-rays and its effect on changes in employee health awareness and health behavior. “It was started. We are working to detect osteoporosis early by evaluating the bone condition of our group’s domestic employees who undergo health checkups using chest X-rays and providing preventive health guidance.
・Responding to health issues specific to women In conjunction with Cervical Cancer Prevention Awareness Month in November and Women’s Health Week in March, we will be promoting the HPV vaccine and cervical cancer prevention, women’s health, and health issues surrounding women. We held a seminar on In addition to implementing and subsidizing the cost of cancer screenings specific to women, we are also using nudge theory (Note 2) to encourage people to undergo medical examinations, and are promoting actions aimed at increasing the rate of gynecological checkups and reducing risks. Masu. [For the future]
In addition to providing continuous health education to our employees, we also contribute to extending Japan’s healthy life expectancy by delivering solutions to customers and society that utilize the knowledge gained from our health management initiatives. Under “Fujitsu Uvance (” which aims to realize a sustainable world, “Healthy Living”
( In the area of
​​“ja/uvance/healthy-living/”, we will provide medical and health data utilization infrastructure (Note 3) for medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
[What is a “Health and Productivity Management Organization”?] The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenkou Kaigi have established the “Health Management” program to honor corporations that practice particularly excellent health management based on initiatives that address local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenkou Kaigi. We started the certification system for “Excellent Corporations” in fiscal 2016, and the number of companies applying has been increasing every year, and the system is gaining social recognition. We certify “Health and Productivity Management Organizations” in two categories: the “Large Corporation Category,” which targets large-scale companies, and the “Small and Medium Enterprise Category,” which targets small and medium-sized businesses. .
[About trademark]
Proper nouns such as product names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
Note 1
Nippon Kenko Kaigi: An organization that collaborates with private organizations and carries out effective activities with full support from the government to extend the healthy lifespan of each citizen and provide appropriate medical care.
Note 2
Nudge theory: A theory for creating “methods that allow people to make better choices voluntarily, rather than being forced to.” Note 3
Utilization platform for medical and health data: Healthy Living Platform is a new cloud-based platform for the utilization of medical and health data in the medical field. It will be provided to medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies in Japan from March 2023. Reference: Our press release
【Related Links】
・Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry “Health and Productivity Management Excellent Corporation Certification System”
( ・Fujitsu Group Health Declaration
( ・Well-being
・Fujitsu Press Release: “Expanding preventive dentistry efforts to maintain and improve the oral and dental health of employees” (
・Fujitsu Press Release “Fujitsu and iSurgery launch bone health promotion project with Tokyo Jikei University School of Medicine Department of Orthopedic Surgery”
・Healthy Living Platform, a data utilization platform that creates new value in the healthcare field
( [About our contribution to SDGs]
[Image 2:×112.png ]
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 are common goals that the entire world should achieve by 2030. Our purpose (raison d’être), “To bring trust to society and make the world more sustainable through innovation,” is our promise to contribute to the SDGs.
[Inquiries regarding this matter]
Employee Success Headquarters Employee Relations Department Telephone: 03-6252-2103 (direct)
Product prices, specifications, service details, etc. stated in the press release are as of the date of announcement. It is subject to change without prior notice. Please note.
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