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Easily create your own Claude 3 chatbot! miibo is equipped with a new model.

Easily create your own Claude 3 chatbot! miibo is equipped with a new model.
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Press release: March 11, 2024
Easily create your own Claude 3 chatbot! miibo is equipped with a new model. *The conversational AI construction platform miibo is “Claude 3 Sonnet” and “Claude 3” provided by Anthropic.
Compatible with “Opus”. Evolved into a platform that can be used with various high-performance LLMs. *
miibo, a conversational AI construction platform provided by miibo Co., Ltd., is based on the high-precision language model “Claude” provided by Anthropic.
We are pleased to announce that we have added support for 3.

miibo is a platform that allows you to customize various LLMs and build conversational AI products. It is possible to give LLM expertise and build AI chatbots and AI avatars at lightning speed.

miibo official website

Now, you can use Claude 3’s model on miibo to build AI extremely quickly and efficiently.
What is Claude 3?
Claude 3 is the latest language model released by Anthropic on March 4th. There are three sizes: “Opus”, “Sonnet” and “Haiku”.

It is currently attracting a lot of attention as a model comparable to the language model GPT-4, which has boasted the highest accuracy to date.
What can you do with miibo’s Claude 3 compatibility?
miibo can customize various LLMs and publish them as various AI chatbots.

・Give information about your company’s services and operate it as a CS chatbot ・Create a help desk bot by giving internal information

Claude, who has given his expertise by supporting both “*Opus*” and “*Sonnet*” models.
You can now easily operate an AI chatbot based on 3.

How to use Claude 3 on miibo
You can start using miibo for free from the page below.

After creating an agent (AI) with miibo, select the Claude 3 model in “Language model selection” on the miibo settings screen.
Setting AI responses
Language model selection
*If you want to use it in a more stable state, please try using an API key. It can be used in a more stable state.

[miibo usage guide]

miibo follows the new LLM
miibo is a platform that allows you to easily switch and use various LLMs.

It is expected that high-performance models will appear one after another in the future. Our policy is to incorporate new models as quickly as possible while absorbing the differences in each model’s specifications. If you want to operate AI that optimizes cost and performance by using various LLMs, please use miibo.
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