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Home » The “Interoperable Character/Avatar Working Group” proposed and co-chaired by the VRM Consortium has been promoted to an official working group of the “Metaverse Standards Forum”

The “Interoperable Character/Avatar Working Group” proposed and co-chaired by the VRM Consortium has been promoted to an official working group of the “Metaverse Standards Forum”

Dwango Co., Ltd. Public Relations Department
The “Interoperable Character/Avatar Working Group” proposed and co-chaired by the VRM Consortium has been promoted to an official working group of the “Metaverse Standards Forum”
~Promoting interoperability of 3D avatars~
The VRM Consortium (Representative Director: Yohei Ishii, Location: Chuo-ku, Tokyo / Member: Dwango Co., Ltd.) is a general incorporated association called the Interoperable Characters/Avatars Working Group. Character/Avatar Working Group) has been officially recognized by the Metaverse International Forum “Metaverse Standards Forum”
(Representative: Neil Trevett, Location: Oregon, USA/hereinafter referred to as MSF), as the public interest of the group’s activities has been recognized. We would like to inform you that it has been decided that the forum will be operated as a working group.
[Image 1:×599.png ]
The market for highly customizable 3D avatar characters is rapidly expanding in various fields, including the metaverse and gaming industries. On the other hand, each platform is developing its own avatar format, standards, and tools, and some are concerned about the fragmentation of the industry. “Interoperability” is becoming increasingly important.
To address this issue, this group, which was launched on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, established a consensus-based charter for the joint development of the Avatar and Character Translation Framework, created a use case matrix, and We have facilitated avatar and character interoperability by hosting sessions and connecting key industry players across the avatar ecosystem. By using the Avatar and Character Translation Framework, users can freely move between platforms without worrying about compatibility of avatars and characters.
By being certified as an official working group, it is expected that constructive discussions to realize avatar interoperability will further accelerate and business opportunities will increase across the industry. Specifically, we aim to achieve the following:
・Create an environment where it is easy to develop tools that can create, generate, and customize avatars that can be used on multiple platforms, and expand demand for avatar tools.
・Create an environment where it is easy to develop a runtime engine and platform that can import and process avatars created with different tools, enabling content expansion and rapid innovation. ・Help platforms create an open economy to reduce development costs and provide a deeper end-user experience.
*For details, see the Metaverse Standards Forum official website below: [VRM consortium representative comment]
Yohei Ishii (Virtual Cast Co., Ltd.)
The portability and interoperability of avatars is exactly the philosophy that VRM has been advocating since 2018. In addition to efforts to standardize VRM, as the leader of this working group, MSF would like to promote interoperability of avatars while also raising awareness of the differences between avatar cultures in Japan and overseas. Through our activities with MSF and the VRM consortium, we will continue to expand the opportunities for creators and aim to create an environment where content can be safely distributed to various metaverses.
[VRM advocate/developer comments]
MIRO/Shinnosuke Iwaki (Virtual Cast Co., Ltd.)
We are living in an era where communicating through VR and the Metaverse has become commonplace. Nearly six years have passed since I started expressing my philosophy that one’s identity should not be tied to a single platform, but should be interoperable.
Interoperability of avatars is now being actively discussed worldwide, and the knowledge accumulated by VRM is attracting widespread attention. We have been able to continue this far thanks to the support of our member companies, developers, and users who have supported VRM up until now. We appreciate your continued support. [Co-chair of the Interoperable Characters/Avatars Working Group] ・Hideaki Eguchi (VRM Consortium)
[Image 2:×554.jpg] VRM Consortium liaison officer. Belongs to Virtual Cast Co., Ltd. since 2019 and is involved in the development of VR applications as an engineer. Utilizing his 8 years of experience as an industrial English-Japanese translator, he also localizes software and interacts with overseas business partners.

・Zeno Saviour (Representative of Character Labs)
[Image 3:×479.jpg] He has a background primarily in character development and gameplay system development at Epic Games, Warner Bros., Magic Leap, and 2k Games. He currently represents Character Labs, a
Character-as-a-service platform that provides complete, instantly deployable characters that can be quickly and easily integrated into any virtual experience, (https://www. He is passionate about developing
■Related URL:
・Interoperable Characters Avatars Working Group Educational Session -About “VRM”-
VRM is a platform-independent file format for 3D avatars originating from Japan that assumes interoperability in the Metaverse era. In addition to information such as textures and bones for conventional 3D models, we have made it possible to handle information necessary for avatars operated in first person, such as line of sight settings, and by unifying scales and coordinate systems that differ depending on the environment, 3D avatars can be used on any platform. It is intended to be used in In addition, taking into account the characteristics of the avatar that a person manipulates to play a personality, it is possible to embed in the file even avatar-specific rights, such as whether this avatar can be used by others or whether it can express violence. is possible. We are currently rolling out version 1.0 beta.
◆VRM 1.0β: ◆VRM Public License Document 1.0
(This is a VRM-specific license that takes into account the permission regarding the avatar’s personality)
 Japanese: / English:
-About “VRM Consortium”-
A general incorporated association whose purpose is to formulate and popularize the file format “VRM” for 3D avatars. We are actively recruiting new members interested in shaping the future of Avatar interoperability in the Metaverse.
[Name] General Incorporated Association VRM Consortium
[Establishment date] April 24, 2019
[Location] 4-12-15 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
[Business details] ⑴ Developing a unified standard for 3D avatar models “VRM” ⑵ Collection and provision of information related to “VRM”
⑶ Popularization and advertising of “VRM”
        ⑷ Proposal and development regarding legal protection of 3D models created by “VRM”
⑸ Exchange and cooperation with domestic and foreign related organizations regarding “VRM”
        ⑹In addition to what is listed in the previous item, activities necessary to achieve the purpose of our corporation [Officer composition]
Representative Director Yohei Ishii (Virtual Cast Co., Ltd.) Director Shinnosuke Iwaki (Virtual Cast Co., Ltd.)
Director: Hiroki Ohmae (Advisor, Unity Technologies Japan Co., Ltd.) Director Shun Kubota (Mogura Co., Ltd.)
Director Tomoo Shimizu (Pixiv Inc.)
Director: Yoshiki Soejima (NTT ConoQ Corporation)
Director Naomasa Nakagawa (Lawyer, Partner at Hibiya Park Law Office) Director Yuki Matsumoto (MOE Group Holdings Co., Ltd.)
Auditor Hajime Kurimoto (tax accountant, administrative scrivener) Auditor Yutaka Sato (Associate Professor (Intellectual Property Rights), Yamagata University)
[Official website]
[Membership application/inquiries] VRM Consortium Secretariat:

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