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Home » Tanomu Co., Ltd. Regarding stock transfer to Infomart Co., Ltd.

Tanomu Co., Ltd. Regarding stock transfer to Infomart Co., Ltd.

Tanom Co., Ltd.
Regarding stock transfer to Infomart Co., Ltd.
Tanom Co., Ltd. has reached an agreement to transfer its shares to Infomart Co., Ltd. (Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market: Stock Code 2492). The shares will be transferred to Infomart on March 29, 2024, and the new structure will take effect on April 1, 2024.
TANOMU is a sales promotion and ordering system for wholesalers. Since the service began in 2018, we have been developing it as an ordering system for wholesalers of processed foods, fruits and vegetables, etc. for the food and beverage industry. Since the coronavirus pandemic, we have received more inquiries as a sales promotion system, and we continue to develop as a management support system that can realize sales DX. In addition, the number of industries in which it is used has expanded, and it is now widely used in general food wholesalers, hairdressing and beauty industries, etc.
Since its founding in 1998, Infomart has been providing and operating cloud services that streamline operations such as billing and ordering in inter-company transactions.
Through this stock transfer, we aim to further accelerate the TANOMU business by utilizing Infomart’s management resources, such as sharing our business infrastructure and knowledge of security systems. We also expect to strengthen our management capabilities by achieving a stable financial environment.
Tanom’s executives, including Kawano, who is the founder and current representative director, will continue in their positions.
[Comment from Hideya Kawano, our representative director]
Since the beginning of our service, we have believed that it is important to create a service that allows sellers to conduct business safely and securely, and we have always expanded functionality from the seller’s perspective. We are developing something that is mobile-first and fits the times, but also something that users who are not good at digital can pick up.
We have been expanding our services based on these guidelines, but we have made this decision with the aim of strengthening financial stability, strengthening security, and gaining sales partners that cover the entire country.
In order to enhance business continuity, we will continue to make decisions based on the guidelines that our company has placed emphasis on, while coordinating even more strongly than before.

●Asahi Media Lab Ventures Partner and Asahi Shimbun America Inc. Vice President
[Image 1:×2700.jpg] Mr. Kentaro Shiraishi
Asahi Media Lab Ventures invested in Tanom immediately after the company transformed its business. I remember that the number of paid stores was about 10. At that time, CEO Kawano was not using SEO methods, but rather a steady sales model in which he visited wholesalers and persuaded them one by one. By providing support for public relations work, we received the words from then-CEO Kawano that “Your company’s public relations support is helpful during sales,” which was very gratifying for our company, whose motto is to support ventures. . Although I feel a little lonely now, I continue to have deep trust in Mr. Kawano’s vision and ability to take action, and I look forward to further growth after collaborating with Infomart.
[Image 2:×1000.png ]
●ANOBAKA Co., Ltd. Representative Director Yasukazu Nagano
ANOBAKA invested in Tanom in 2017. At that time, our main business was meal kits. I was amazed at his courage as I watched Mr. Kawano overcome difficult times that normally would have given up, such as withdrawing due to business stagnation, pivoting, and searching for new business. After going through that period, TANOMU’s business has grown, and now we have reached the M&A, which makes us extremely happy and moved, especially since we went through such difficult times. congratulations!
We look forward to continuing to grow TANOMU with a wonderful partner like Infomart.
[Image 3:×2000.jpg] ●DNX Ventures Managing Partner Yo Kurabayashi
Congratulations on your participation in Infomart Group Co., Ltd. We are very happy that the capital and business alliance between Infomart and Tanom, which began in January 2021, has come to fruition in this way. I believe that this is the result of President Kawano and everyone at Tanom sincerely approaching the business and building up the support of our customers and business partners, Infomart. We look forward to further development by leveraging the synergies between Tanom’s business building capabilities and Infomart. [About Tanom Co., Ltd.]
Address: Toei Heights 1A, 5-6-7 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative: Hideya Kawano
Business content: Web service operation and development business Service start date: November 1, 2018
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