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Home » Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry An award ceremony for the “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises an d Small Businesses” will be held!

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry An award ceremony for the “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises an d Small Businesses” will be held!

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
The award ceremony for “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Small Businesses” will be held!
The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency recognizes small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as models that can be expected to contribute to the growth of regional and Japanese economies by taking on the challenge of business transformation and new businesses in response to changes in the economic and social structure. The 300 SMEs/Small Businesses that Take Advantage recognizes small and medium-sized enterprises that are making excellent efforts in five areas: improvement, overseas expansion, GX, DX, and investment in people and environmental improvement. The award ceremony will be held on Thursday, March 14th.
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Saito will be awarding letters of appreciation to the five representative companies.
[Image:×472.jpg] About the award ceremony
Date and time: March 14, 2020 (Thursday) 17:15 to 18:30 Location: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Auditorium (2nd basement floor, 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Overview of representative business operators
■Business restructuring/productivity improvement field
Isle Co., Ltd. (Nagasaki Prefecture) [Regional revitalization and new added value creation using
non-standard vegetables] Isle Co., Ltd. is a business that develops, manufactures, and sells the vegetable sheet “Vegito.” Seeing the current situation where substandard vegetables are left unattended, we have been researching and developing ways to utilize substandard vegetables for over 20 years and have commercialized them. The new product value of vegetable sheets has been recognized both
domestically and internationally, and we are expanding our business. ■Overseas expansion field
Yamamoto Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Hiroshima Prefecture)
[Refining our strengths and achieving growth through global
competition with foreign countries] Yamamoto Seisakusho Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer of commercial washing machines. The company is developing its products in-house, manufacturing almost everything in-house, and by building a development and production system that can respond to the diverse needs of users, it has the ability to consistently supply replacement parts. We provide unique value and are recognized overseas as a “forever machine” because customers can use our products for a long period of time.
■GX field
Seiwa Co., Ltd. (Tochigi Prefecture)
[Promoting GX through environmental control using energy saving, electrification, and carbon recycling] Seiwa Co., Ltd. is an equipment manufacturer for gardening facilities. In order to realize profitable agriculture, we are developing equipment for controlling the environment inside greenhouses and running a demonstration farm. We provide products that achieve both high production volume and efficient resource use, and are taking the lead in developing energy-saving technologies and disseminating smart agricultural technology to production sites.
■DX field
Vegekul Co., Ltd. (Tokyo)
[Development of agricultural products distribution through digital cloud services] Vejikuru Co., Ltd. is a fruit and vegetable wholesaler based in Ota-ku, Tokyo, with the aim of becoming “Asia’s leading greengrocer.” By promoting the use of web marketing and IT tools, building a system for ordering and placing operations, and promoting DX, we are able to quickly respond to customer requests.
■Investing in people and improving the environment
Morita Co., Ltd. (Miyazaki Prefecture) [We actively employ people with disabilities and contribute to the local economy by accepting diverse human resources] Morita Co., Ltd. is a business that sells industrial machinery and machine tools, and manufactures resin molded parts. In recent years, we have expanded our business into the aircraft field, and our strength lies in our advanced technological capabilities, such as starting direct business with automakers for our main product, door mirrors. In addition, while recognizing people with physical disabilities as individuals, the company contributes to the local community by accepting people with physical disabilities and having them play an active role in the workforce.
The selection was made by the National Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises Associations, the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (including local Japanese chambers of commerce and industry overseas), the National Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Japan Finance Corporation, the Shoko Chukin Bank, and the Japan Small and Medium Enterprises Innovation Agency. , Japan External Trade Organization, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, National Shinkin Banks Association, National Credit Union Central Association, Information-technology Promotion Agency, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (including recommendations from overseas embassies and consulates) ), and the nominations were rigorously reviewed by outside experts led by Selection Committee Chairman Miki Numagami (Professor at Waseda University Business Finance Center).
Related Documents
List of 300 small and medium-sized enterprises and small businesses that will flourish in 2023 (list) Small and Medium Enterprise Agency HP “300 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Small Businesses” Contact information regarding this matter
Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Management Support Division Manager, Shibayama Person in charge: Nakajima, Nakano, Murakami Phone: 03-3501-1511 (extension 5331) Email: bzl-keieikakusin★ *Replace [★] with [@] please.

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