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Home » Diet Cafe Co., Ltd. Diet ranking for women in their 50s: Thorough investigation of popularity and effectiveness based on word of mouth

Diet Cafe Co., Ltd. Diet ranking for women in their 50s: Thorough investigation of popularity and effectiveness based on word of mouth

Diet Cafe Co., Ltd.
Diet ranking for women in their 50s: Thorough investigation of popularity and effectiveness based on word of mouth
On March 14, 2024, Diet Cafe Co., Ltd. (Sapporo City, Hokkaido, President and CEO: Naohiro Fukuda) conducted a survey on the current status of dieting among women in their 50s. The analysis target was 10,179 review data from women in their 50s registered on Diet Cafe, a diet product review site operated by the company.
In the ranking of popular diets for women in their 50s, “burdock tea” came in first place, “ginger drink” came in 2nd place, and “black tea” came in 3rd place.
In the diet success rate ranking for women in their 50s, 1st place was “GLP-1 receptor agonist,” 2nd place was “diet DVD,” and 3rd place was “slimming beauty treatment.”
Among women in their 50s on a diet, the highest body mass index (BMI) was around a healthy normal weight (22), at 25.3%.
■Investigation background
While running Diet Cafe, a review site for diet products, it has become clear that there are large differences in preferred diet methods depending on age and gender. This survey focused on “women in their 50s” among diet product users, and analyzed their popular diet rankings, diet success rate rankings, and body mass index (BMI). We believe that the results of this survey can be important data for companies engaged in diet-related businesses. It is also hoped that women in their 50s who are trying to lose weight will be able to learn from the success stories of their peers and receive valuable suggestions that can be used in their own diet plans.
■Survey results
(1) Popular diet ranking for women in their 50s
In the Diet Cafe product category (*), we have ranked the categories with the most reviews from women in their 50s, compared to all ages and all genders. As a result, 1st place was “burdock tea,” 2nd place was “ginger drink,” and 3rd place was “black tea.”
*All products in this category are diet products. For example, products in the “coffee” category are sold and recognized as “diet coffee” rather than “regular coffee.” For specific product names within a category, please go to each category page from the Diet Cafe top page.
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(2) Diet success rate ranking for women in their 50s
We analyzed reviews from women in their 50s and ranked which diet category of products the people selected were successful in dieting. As a result, 1st place was “GLP-1 receptor agonist,” 2nd place was “Diet DVD,” and 3rd place was “Slimming Esthetics.”
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(3) BMI of women in their 50s on a diet
When we analyzed the body mass index (BMI) of women in their 50s who use diet products, we found that 24.1% were between 23 and 25. The second most common weight was around a healthy normal weight (22) at 22.8%.
[Image 3:×768.png ]
■Comments from the person in charge of receiving the survey results Diet Cafe Co., Ltd. Representative Director Naohiro Fukuda
X (old Twitter):
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The results of the survey revealed that more women in their 50s with a BMI of 23-25 ​​are on a diet.
In the ranking of popular diets for women in their 50s, the top rankings are “burdock tea,” 2nd place “ginger drink,” 3rd place “black tea,” 5th place “coffee,” and 6th place “vinegar.” I did. These refreshing diet drinks are “easy to incorporate into daily life,” and women in their 50s seem to be choosing diets that are less demanding. “Diet Gym” is ranked 4th, but most of the contents are “Curves”, which shows the popularity of “Curves” among middle-aged and older people.
Furthermore, the diet success rate ranking revealed that women in their 50s who are successful in dieting choose three main product categories. The first category is medical diets, which include GLP-1 receptor agonists and diet pills (oral medications). The second type of product is a type of product that allows you to exercise while being guided by someone else (video, esthetician, trainer), such as “diet DVD”, “slimming beauty salon”, and “diet gym”. Lastly, there are food replacements that will keep you full, such as “soup (a filling diet soup suitable for replacement),” “protein,” and “shake.” Although the types are different, the success rate is high no matter which one you choose, “medical care,” “exercise,” or “diet,” so it’s best to choose a diet method that suits you. What is noteworthy is that when comparing the popular diet rankings and the diet success rate rankings, there are only two that are in both rankings: “Diet Gym” and “GLP-1 receptor agonist”. The point is that a high diet category does not necessarily mean a high success rate. Women in their 50s tend to choose diets that are less demanding, but in order to lose weight, it would be better to consider a diet that has a high success rate.
■Survey overview
Survey target: 10,179 reviews posted by women in their 50s among the reviews registered on Diet Cafe
Survey period: February 4, 2016 (date when it became possible to enter both age and gender when posting reviews) – February 4, 2024 Survey conducted by: Diet Cafe Co., Ltd.
Research method: Aggregate and analyze survey target word-of-mouth data (*1) (*1) Survey results are rounded to the second decimal place. ■Investigation release policy
In research releases, we aim for fairness according to the following policies. ・Transparency: Disclosure of research and analysis methods
・Reliability: Collecting a large amount of honest word-of-mouth data ・Neutrality: Individual product names are not mentioned in the research report In the future, we plan to actively announce survey results for categories for which we have collected sufficient review data. ■About Diet Cafe Co., Ltd.
Currently, an unhealthy culture such as “health hazards” and “unauthorized sales methods” is rampant in the diet industry. In order to change this situation, Diet Cafe Co., Ltd. operates its business with the mission of “establishing a healthy diet culture.” For more information about Diet Cafe Co., Ltd., please see the official page below.
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About Diet Cafe: Representative message: ■About diet cafe
Diet Cafe is a review site specializing in diet products, established in August 2008. Currently, we carry over 10,000 diet products and over 200,000 reviews.
This site aims to convey the truth about diet products, and has adopted a unique policy of “no sales of diet products” and “no affiliate advertising or pure advertising.” This allows us to provide honest and honest reviews to manufacturers and sales companies. Additionally, since 2019, we have partnered with the National Institute of Informatics to provide word-of-mouth data free of charge for academic use. We are currently providing data to over 30 universities, and are conducting activities to uncover the truth about diet products from an academic research perspective.
Free provision of academic data: ■About citing the results of this survey
・Please clearly state the name of the diet cafe as the source of the information.
・Please set the link below as the source URL.
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