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Home » Trade Waltz Trade Waltz, which promotes trade DX, attended the “Study meeting for promoting the utilization of trade platforms” hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Trade Waltz Trade Waltz, which promotes trade DX, attended the “Study meeting for promoting the utilization of trade platforms” hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

[Trade Waltz] Trade Waltz, which promotes trade DX, attended the “Study meeting for promoting the utilization of trade platforms” hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

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Press release: March 27, 2024
Trade Waltz, which promotes trade DX, attends the “Study Meeting for Promoting the Utilization of Trade Platforms” hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
TradeWaltz Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “TradeWaltz”), which operates the trade information collaboration platform
“TradeWaltz(R)︎,” has held a total of three events from November 2023 to March 2024, sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We participated in the Study Group for Promoting the Utilization of Trade Platform (hereinafter referred to as Trade PF). At the third meeting held on March 22, it was concluded that, with support from the government, it is necessary to push forward with the digitalization of trade procedures by private companies, and eventually by the entire market.
* ■About the background and overview of the study group for promoting trade DX*

In order to promote trade DX, it is essential to expand the use of trade PF, which enables the digitalization of trade and international logistics. While various trade PFs have been developed in Japan and around the world, in many cases the digitalization of trade procedures by companies involved in the trading industry remains limited to individual companies or only some commercial channels. It hasn’t penetrated enough.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has set a goal of increasing the proportion of trade transactions that will be digitized through trade PF to 10% by 2020, but the current figure is less than 0.1%. Therefore, we will share examples of the use of trade PF and the latest situation regarding trade DX with shipper companies such as trading companies and manufacturers, and
This study group was held with the aim of promoting understanding of the importance of DX and gathering expectations for environmental improvements (expansion of trade PF services, measures that should be taken by the government, etc.).
Number of times held: 1st 2nd 3rd
Date and time: November 20, 2023
14:00-15:30 December 14, 2023
17:00-18:30 March 22, 2024
Agenda          ・Opening remarks
・Explanation of the secretariat
・Example introduction of trade DX initiatives
1. Trade Waltz x Fujifilm Holdings
2. Shippio × YKK AP
3. STANDAGE × Nishimura Medical Instruments
4. Toyota Motor Corporation
·Question-and-answer session
・Free discussion
・Closing speech ・Opening speech
・Introducing CyberPort, the computerization of port logistics procedures (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) ・Introducing the status of each company’s efforts towards
digitalization of trade procedures and sharing issues
・Free discussion
・Closing ・Opening remarks
・JAFTAS (EPA Origin Certification Platform)
Regarding coordination of the Type 1 Specified Certificate of Origin issuance system (Tokyo Kyodo Accounting Office)
・About the interim report
・Free discussion
・Trade PF service demo introduction
1. Trade Waltz
2. Shippio
・Closing speech
Participating companies -Manufacturing industry-
Hitachi, Ltd. / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. / Kaneka Corporation / Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. / Olympus Corporation / Nippon Steel Corporation
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd./Denso Co., Ltd.
-Trade platform provider-
STANDAGE Co., Ltd. / * Trade Waltz Co., Ltd. * / Shippio Co., Ltd. (observer)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Port Bureau / Ministry of Finance Customs Bureau / Digital Agency Citizen Service Group
Ministry of Justice Civil Affairs Bureau / Japan Machinery Export Association (JMC) / Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Japan Association for the Simplification of Trade-related Procedures (JASTPRO)/ Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)/
Import/Export/Port Information Processing Center Co., Ltd. (NACCS) (Secretariat)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Trade and Economic
Cooperation Bureau Trade Promotion Division
Reference: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry homepage
( )

* ■To aim for 10% digitalization of trade transactions by Reiwa 10*

At the first and second study sessions, current issues and requests for future cooperation from the government were discussed based on interviews with participating companies. Regarding the status of each company’s efforts to digitize trade procedures, up until now, the mainstream has been to digitize only specific departments, but recently an increasing number of companies are working on this across their internal organizations.・The fundamental adjustment of
accumulation is beginning to progress.

What is expected of Trade PF providers including Trade Waltz in the future are 1. Provision of service specifications that are easy to implement (APIs that are easy to link, cost/system settings that are easy to implement), and 2. Provision of Trade PF. Collaboration between businesses, 3. Collaboration with logistics businesses, 4. Collaboration with financial institutions and chambers of commerce, ➄Others
Providing new value-added functions (support for post-mortem investigations, analysis functions for transportation distance, quantity, CO2 emissions, etc.), etc. were mentioned.

Among them, requests to the government were raised regarding “issues such as institutional development,” which are difficult to resolve through individual company efforts or improving the functions of trade PFs. As a country, we will: 1. Establish and promote the use of rules for the digitalization of trade documents and procedures, 2. Support the introduction of trade PF, 3. Raise awareness of trade PF and disseminate the importance of digitizing trade procedures, 4. Forwarders It is expected to work on various issues such as promoting business participation in trade PF, linking trade data and security measures.

Through this study group, we confirmed that shipper companies, trade PF providers, and the country are all implementing initiatives toward digitalization of trade procedures. We also confirmed that it is important to continue to identify priorities and work strategically, and to consider incentive plans to encourage the use of trade PF.

The framework of the action plan to achieve the above-mentioned goal of digitizing 10% of trade transactions in FY2020 will be confirmed, future goal setting will be considered, and related ministries, shipper companies, and trade PF providers will cooperate. As a result, we have decided to promote digitalization of trade procedures.

In order to quickly commercialize the comments 1-5 from the shipper companies that participated in the conference, Trade Waltz develops EAI solutions to simplify API collaboration, technical collaboration between trade PFs, and for logistics companies. We have begun work on an introduction support system, information collaboration with financial institutions and chambers of commerce, commercialization, and introduction of compliance management products for shippers (electronic storage of import/export permits and electronic storage of trade data), and have been listed in the review committee. We will actively promote activities to respond to the emerging issues. In addition, the country has come up with measures to promote trade PF, and the public and private sectors are working together to make this a national effort.

* *
*Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Trade Promotion Division, Naofumi Yoshikawa* “The digitalization of trade procedures has been mentioned in the outcome documents and joint statements of international conferences such as the G20 and APEC, and is positioned as a theme that should be prioritized internationally.As a country, we must not lag behind this trend. Therefore, the public and private sectors need to work together to accelerate the digitalization of Japan’s trade procedures.Based on the interim report discussed at the third review meeting, an action plan will be created together with related ministries and agencies. I would like to ask all trade PF provider companies and shipper companies to work towards resolving each of the issues described in the interim report.”

*Trade Waltz Co., Ltd. Executive Officer COO, CMO Satoru Someya* “I would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the study group to promote the utilization of trade PF.There are many people involved in the digitalization of trade procedures, and there are many issues that cannot be solved by platform operators alone, so I would like to take this opportunity to I am glad that the government has announced the milestone of 10% in Reiwa 10 and various measures to achieve it, in response to your feedback.However, milestones and measures only have meaning if they are realized. I hope that we can work hand in hand with the government and practitioners to make this a reality.”

* ■About Trade Waltz * Trade name: Trade Waltz Co., Ltd.
Representative: Hirohisa Kojima, President and Representative Director Address: WORKSTYLING, 36th floor, Kasumigaseki Building, 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6036
Established: April 2020 (Reiwa 2)
Business details: Providing SaaS (Note 2) of TradeWaltz (Note 1), a trade information collaboration platform that utilizes blockchain. Number of personnel: 64 full-time
List of shareholders: NTT Data Corporation / Toyota Tsusho Corporation /     University of Tokyo Collaborative Creation Platform Development Co., Ltd. /Sumitomo Corporation /
     Mitsubishi Corporation / TW Link Co., Ltd. / Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. /
Toyoshima Co., Ltd. / Kamigumi Co., Ltd. / Fujitrans Corporation /     Mitsui-Soko Holdings Co., Ltd. / Nissin Co., Ltd. / Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Ltd. /
Marubeni Corporation / Mitsubishi Logistics Corporation / Sompo Japan Insurance Co., Ltd.
Initiatives for SDGs: Our services mainly promote initiatives related to themes 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, and 17.
(Note 1) “TradeWaltz” is a registered trademark of TradeWaltz Co., Ltd. in Japan.
Other product names, company names, and organization names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. (Note 2) Abbreviation for Software as a Service, a system in which users use the necessary software functions via the Internet. * For inquiries regarding this matter (Trade Waltz Co., Ltd.) * Public Relations/Marketing Department: Someya, Saito, Hiraoka, Nakao Email:
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