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Home » Saikinsou Co., Ltd. After performance, beneficial bacteria such as butyric acid bacteria are significantly reduced in the intestinal bacteria of athletes! ? What you need to know about the relationship between sports and exercise and intestinal bac

Saikinsou Co., Ltd. After performance, beneficial bacteria such as butyric acid bacteria are significantly reduced in the intestinal bacteria of athletes! ? What you need to know about the relationship between sports and exercise and intestinal bac

Saikinso Co., Ltd.
After a performance, beneficial bacteria such as butyric acid bacteria are significantly reduced in the intestinal bacteria of athletes! ? What you need to know about the relationship between sports and exercise and intestinal bacteria
Saikinso Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yu Sawai, hereinafter referred to as Saikinso) publishes a newsletter “Saikinsou Newsletter – Relationship between sports and exercise and intestinal bacteria” about the relationship between sports and intestinal bacteria. We have announced. The J League (soccer) games started last month, and the Major League also started this month. In 2024, the Paris Summer Olympics, a sports festival, will be held, and interest in sports and exercise is increasing.
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Regarding the relationship between sports and intestinal bacteria Condition management is important in order to perform at your best, and it is said that 10-20% of athletes suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms such as gastrointestinal pain, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea. *1
In fact, a study conducted by Juntendo University on the intestinal flora of Japanese ultramarathon runners *2 found that extremely heavy exercise reduces butyric acid-producing bacteria in the intestines and improves the immune system. It has been found that functionality may be affected. In addition, in a comparative study of the intestinal environment between the Setsunan University Rugby Club and general healthy individuals *3, it was found that some players had high levels of succinic acid, which causes diarrhea, reaching the level of patients with colitis. It has been reported that 22 out of 87 rugby team members who participated in the event had butyric acid levels below the detection limit (very low).
Exhaustion of physical strength due to intense exercise and training, excessive tension in pursuit of match results and performance, and living in an unusual environment such as on expeditions, including overseas, are factors that worsen the intestinal environment. It is believed that
At Saikinso, we started an athlete support project in 2022, monitoring and providing feedback on the intestinal flora of athletes. Currently, we have ambassador contracts with two people: professional soccer player Ryuya Morishita and ultra trail runner Kimino Miyazaki. *1: Systematic review: exercise-induced gastrointestinal
syndrome-implications for health and intestinal disease
*2:Alterations in intestinal microbiota in ultramarathon runners
*3: Altered Fecal Microbiotas and Organic Acid Concentrations Indicate Possible Gut Dysbiosis in University Rugby Players: An Observational Study
Athlete performance and intestinal environment
By monitoring the intestinal flora of players Miyazaki and Morishita, who have ambassador contracts, we found the following relationship with performance.
■What we learned from Miyazaki player’s intestinal flora
Although the bacterial composition was generally good in both the 2022 and 2023 seasons, when support began, we found that the intestinal flora had changed before and after the tournament. In particular, in the 2022 season competition, when the race results were significantly lower than in the previous and subsequent competitions, the Flora score judgment (an indicator of the quality of the intestinal environment) was also lower than the normal value before and after the race. . Testing immediately after the race also revealed an increase in Veillonella bacteria, which causes diarrhea, which is common among long-distance athletes. It seems that Miyazaki himself was not in the best mental condition and felt particularly tense when his intestinal flora was fluctuating. This term, we have received strong motivation to work on improving intestinal flora in order to overcome these issues.
■What we learned from Morishita’s intestinal flora
He has always had problems with diarrhea, and an intestinal flora test revealed that he has a predominant type of diarrhea. Thanks to continuous follow-up by Saikinso’s registered dietitian, including dietary improvements, the type of intestinal bacteria was able to change from a diarrhea-dominant type to one that is rich in
butyrate-producing bacteria and has a high flora score. Mr. Morishita himself feels that his physical condition has improved as his diarrhea symptoms have improved, and that his performance has also improved. In fact, he won the 2023 J League Outstanding Player Award, and from the 2024 season he is expanding his range of activities, including transferring to an overseas league.
Relationship between exercise habits and intestinal environment as seen from Mykinso data
The situation is different between the intestinal environment of athletes who engage in intense exercise and the relationship between the intestinal environment and the regular person’s exercise habits. From the Mykinso data held by Saikinso (calculated from the results of the intestinal flora test of 100,000 people, the largest in Japan), the intestinal flora determination scores of people who have a habit of exercise are compared with those who do not. It was found that the intestinal environment tends to be highly diverse.
In addition, it has been reported that people who engage in intense exercise, such as athletes, have a large decrease in butyrate after exercise, but people who have a habit of moderate exercise have a higher level of butyrate-producing bacteria than those who do not. It is known that it harbors a large amount of Ficalibacterium.
Butyric acid is a type of short-chain fatty acid that is also called a natural medicine, and it contributes to improving immune function and maintains health. From these facts, it can be seen that it is extremely important for the general public to have a moderate exercise habit in order to maintain a good intestinal environment.
■There is a certain relationship between athlete performance and the state of the intestinal environment.
Previous research has shown that 10-20% of athletes suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms such as gastrointestinal pain, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea, and that immune function is actually significantly affected after intense exercise. I am.
At Saikinso, we have signed ambassador contracts with two athletes and are researching the relationship with performance through monitoring of intestinal flora. Through these efforts, we have achieved certain results, such as a correlation between tournament results and flora scores, changes in behavior and improvements in flora scores after receiving advice on intestinal health, and improvements in the performance of the athletes themselves. ■Moderate exercise leads to a good intestinal environment.In general, it is recommended to exercise moderately when it comes to intestinal health, and Mykins data actually shows that exercise improves the intestinal environment. It is known that this is a contributing factor to maintaining the condition in good condition. People who have a habit of exercising also have a large amount of Ficalibacterium, a beneficial bacteria that produces butyric acid, a type of short-chain fatty acid. Short-chain fatty acids have a positive effect on improving immune function, leading to a good intestinal environment.
It is recommended for the general public to get into the habit of exercising moderately, as this can have a positive effect on intestinal activity.
However, when engaging in strenuous exercise like professional athletes, in order to prevent the loss of bacteria necessary for maintaining immune function, such as butyric acid bacteria, it is necessary to directly ingest bacteria through supplements or eat foods that are pleasing to intestinal bacteria. It is important to raise awareness by thoroughly implementing the following.
About Saikinso NEWSLETTER
Saikinso, which operates the intestinal flora test “Mykinso” for individuals, has the largest collection of intestinal flora data in Japan with 100,000 cases, as well as questionnaire data on lifestyle habits, medical history, etc. Utilizing intestinal flora big data from healthy people, we will publish our unique opinions on topics of interest in the world as a newsletter.
About Mykinso
An intestinal flora testing service that anyone can easily perform at home. In addition to being equipped with the “Intestinal Flora Comprehensive Judgment” that evaluates the quality of intestinal flora on a five-level scale, it also includes useful bacteria such as bifidobacteria, lactic acid-producing bacteria, butyric acid-producing bacteria, and equol-producing bacteria, and the risk of obesity and colon cancer. You can check 10 items including bacteria to be careful about. In addition, we will also give you advice on how to improve your intestinal environment according to the bacteria category. We also offer Mykinso Pro, which is available at over 1,200 medical institutions nationwide, and Mykinso Kids, a testing service specializing in infants and young children.
・Service site:
・Introduction video:
Company Profile
With the corporate philosophy of “Making people healthy through microbiota,” we aim to elucidate the relationship between resident microbiota, including intestinal flora, and mental and physical health and disease risks, and provide optimal solutions for the daily lives of all people. By providing the following, we aim to create a society where everyone can become naturally healthy. As part of this effort, we developed Mykinso, an intestinal flora test that can be easily performed at home, based on the idea that understanding the state of the intestinal environment will lead to maintaining and improving health. Utilizing Japan’s large-scale bacterial flora database and advanced data science technology, we will diversify businesses based on bacterial flora data, such as expanding testing services, OEM development, system construction support, and promoting research and utilization of anonymously processed information. It is being expanded to.
・Company name: Saikinso Co., Ltd.
・Established: November 19, 2014
・Location: 2nd floor, Odaka Building, 1-36-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo ・Representative: Representative Director Yu Sawai
・Main joint research destination: Osaka University Research Institute for Microbial Diseases
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