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Home » JAXA Venture Tenchijin will continue to harvest “lunar asparagus” in 2024. Now shipping to Shibuya’s “Tenki” with the concept of “Tempura x White Wine”

JAXA Venture Tenchijin will continue to harvest “lunar asparagus” in 2024. Now shipping to Shibuya’s “Tenki” with the concept of “Tempura x White Wine”

JAXA Venture Tenchijin will continue to harvest “lunar asparagus” in 2024. Now shipping to Shibuya’s “Tenki” with the concept of “Tempura x White Wine”

*View in browser* *Tenchijin Co., Ltd.*
Press release: March 27, 2024
JAXA Venture Tenchijin will continue to harvest “lunar asparagus” in 2024. Now shipping to Shibuya’s “Tenki” with the concept of “Tempura x White Wine”
Tenchijin Co., Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo Representative Director) Yasuto Sakuraba) is pleased to announce that we have cultivated “Moon Asparagus” for the second time and have begun shipping it. Lunar asparagus is currently being shipped to Tenki, a restaurant in Shibuya with the concept of “tempura x white wine.” Menus using lunar asparagus will be available from March 18th. You can enjoy it as a spring menu for about 3 months.

“Moon Asparagus” grown by “Tenchijin FARM”
Cultivating “lunar asparagus” is a new challenge that leverages our experience in “space big data rice”*1. “Moon Asparagus” was shipped in the spring of 2023, and this year will be the second shipment. Last year’s “Moon Asparagus” was cultivated mainly by current student interns aged 22 to 24 enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture, with the cooperation of farmers in Kawasaki City.
This year’s “Moon Asparagus” was cultivated using the Heaven, Earth and Human Compass together with a grower in Misato City, Saitama Prefecture, which is one of the best places to grow asparagus. Because the soil and climate at this cultivation site were significantly different from Kawasaki City, where we cultivated it last time, and because it was extremely hot in 2023 during cultivation, we worked closely with the growers while using data from Tenchijin Kompass. We discussed cultivation management and worked on cultivation.

As a result, we were able to ship asparagus that was even more delicious than last year, although shipping was delayed compared to previous years due to the cold weather in the spring of 2024. *1 Space big data rice, Sora to Mizu, is rice grown by properly managing water in rice paddies based on big data such as weather information sent from artificial satellites. .
Press release about last year’s lunar asparagus:

* Regarding the shipment of “Lunar Asparagus” *
You can eat “Moon Asparagus” at “Tenki,” a newly opened tempura and white wine restaurant in Shibuya.
Last year, the taste of lunar asparagus was highly praised and it was featured on the grand menu. It became popular with customers, and was adopted as a grand menu item at Tenki again in 2024.
This year as well, “Moon Asparagus” will be featured on the “Tenki” grand menu and will be shipped. This year, “Tenki” has a detailed list of lunar asparagus on its menu. Please take a look when you visit.
The store is located in a calm atmosphere in Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Please give it a try.
* “Asparagus on the Moon” from a chef’s perspective *
Tenki manager Atsushi Nakazawa
Last year, the Lunar Asparagus was very well received by our customers, and this year we have released the same menu as last year. I’m happy to be able to use lunar asparagus again this year, as it’s an ingredient that the staff really like. We would like to convey the charm of lunar asparagus to as many customers as possible this year!

*About Tenki*
Tenki is a restaurant that opened on March 7, 2022 with the concept of “tempura x white wine.” The staff will pair the wine that goes well with the tempura you order. This is our second store, following the Izakaya “KAMERA” in Shibuya.
Operating company: good-eye Co., Ltd.
Store address: 202 Excellence Building Sakuragaokacho, 29-27 Sakuragaokacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

* Future of “Moon Asparagus” *
Demonstration in Tottori Prefecture
Tenchijin aims to cultivate “lunar asparagus” on the moon in the future. In February 2024, it was selected for the Tottori Prefecture Satellite Data Utilization Service Demonstration Project.
Tottori Prefecture is promoting the Tottori Sand Dunes Lunarization Project with the aim of becoming a hub for domestic and international companies and researchers working on lunar surface development to gather and interact. In addition to constructing a lunar surface demonstration field, Luna Terrace, on the Tottori Sand Dunes, we are also using data to understand the similarities and differences between the Tottori Sand Dunes and the lunar surface, and providing data for demonstration tests. Through these initiatives, Tottori Prefecture is taking on the challenge of “creating a space industry from Tottori Prefecture” as one of the industries that will support the future of the region.

Tenchijin plans to use satellite data to study farmland environments in order to establish asparagus cultivation technology on sand dunes, where it is difficult to grow crops. Through this demonstration, we will use the Heaven, Earth, and Human Compass to examine the optimal cultivation management method for asparagus production based on past weather data of the Tottori Sand Dunes.

JAXA Venture Tenchijin selected for Tottori Prefecture’s satellite data utilization service demonstration project.
Current status of lunar asparagus
Asparagus is rich in aspartic acid, which is found in energy drinks, and rutin, a powerful antioxidant. It has been reported that in space, the amount of antioxidants in the body that work to suppress lifestyle-related diseases may decrease, and asparagus can contribute to maintaining the health of humans living on the moon. think. “Asparagus on the Moon” is being researched and developed step by step, with the ultimate goal of cultivating asparagus on the moon, just as astronauts move step by step to an environment similar to space for training. Masu.

Phase 1: Cultivate delicious asparagus in a regular field
Phase 2: Cultivating delicious asparagus on abandoned farmland Phase 3: Cultivate delicious asparagus in harsh environments or with limited resources
Phase 4: Cultivate delicious asparagus on the moon
2024 is Phase 2
As a preliminary step to step up, we cultivated asparagus in a different environment than last time. Through this, we will accumulate cultivation know-how in two locations with different environments, accumulate data by proceeding with demonstrations in Tottori Prefecture, and plan to cultivate asparagus in even harsher

If you are interested in companies, restaurants, or media, we can send you samples (limited quantity). Please contact us.

What is Tenchijin Compass?
In July 2022, Tenchijin released a free plan for the land evaluation engine “Tenchijin Compass.” Tenchijin Kompass is a land evaluation service that comprehensively performs analysis, visualization, and data provision based on various data including big data from earth observation satellites. It can be customized for a variety of purposes, from agricultural production to urban development, allowing you to find the perfect land for your business from space.
When most people think of satellite data, they think of photographs taken from satellites. Images taken from satellites are typical satellite data, but Tenchijin Kompass also collects weather
information such as precipitation, topographical information represented by 3D maps, and ground surface temperature observed by infrared light from all over the world. Available everywhere. In addition, Tenchijin Kompass allows customers to overlay their existing ground data and performance data for comprehensive analysis. How to Use
“Heaven, Earth and Human Compass”
・Fee: Free
・Supported languages: Japanese, English
– Compatible browser: Google Chrome recommended, only compatible with PC ・Site URL:
Contact information:
■Company overview
Company name: Tenchijin Co., Ltd.
Location: 5th floor, Nihonbashi 1-chome Mitsui Building, 1-4-1 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Yasuto Sakuraba, Representative Director
Business content: Land evaluation consulting using satellite data Site URL:
Text: Kaito Suzuki
Editing/Photography: Keisuke Sunagare
Design: Hitoshi Kore-eda, Rana Suzuki, Tetsuya Konishi (iii), Yusuke Watanabe (iii)
Project members: Kazuki Okada, Shunta Kimura, Kaito Suzuki
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