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Daito Trust Implemented corporate hometown tax payment totaling 100 million yen

[Daito Trust] Implemented corporate hometown tax payment totaling 100 million yen

*View in browser* *Daito Trust*
Press release: March 27, 2024
Implemented corporate hometown tax payment totaling 100 million yen *Donation to Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture and Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture* Daito Kentaku Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo;
Representative Director, President and Executive Officer: Kei Takeuchi) utilizes the local revitalization support tax system (corporate version of hometown tax) to provide services to Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture and Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture. They each donated 50 million yen, for a total of 100 million yen.
In response, a donation acceptance ceremony will be held on March 27th at the council room of Asago City Hall in Hyogo Prefecture, and on March 28th at Icowell Sumita in Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture. We will continue to promote the resolution of social issues through our corporate activities, and aim to improve the sustainability of both our company and the local community through collaboration with local governments.

– * Donated 50 million yen each to Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture and Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture, for a total of 100 million yen, through the corporate hometown tax system*
– *Supporting projects related to forest conservation and forestry promotion promoted by Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture*
– *Supporting projects related to forestry promotion, regional exchange, and migration and settlement support promoted by Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture*
– *We aim to improve the sustainability of both our company and the local community by donating to the local governments where we operate* ■ Overview of donations to Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture
■ *Donation amount*: 50 million yen
■ * Donation project *: Asago city revitalization project
The donations will be used for projects such as the under-maintained forest maintenance project, the First Wood Present project, the wood-burning stove promotion project, the support project for felling dangerous trees and bamboo forests, and the support project for nurturing self-foresters.
■ *Background of donation*:
In July 2023, the Company will acquire the Asago Biomass Power Plant (Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as the “Power Plant”), Kanden Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, President and CEO: Yukio Kawasaki), Hyogo
Prefectural Forest Co., Ltd. We have entered into the biomass power generation business by entering into a business transfer agreement with a federation of unions (Headquarters: Kobe City, Hyogo
Prefecture, Representative Director and Vice Chairman: Noriyuki Ishikawa). We have decided to donate to Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture because we believe that in order to continue our biomass power generation business, it is essential to revitalize the local forestry industry and revitalize the local economy through supporting the lives of Asago citizens. .

* -Related news release-*
●Daito Bio Energy Asago Biomass Power Plant will begin commercial operation in April 2024 (March 27, 2024) ●[Environmental management] Established a new company to engage in biomass power generation business and started fuel procurement (October 10, 2023) ●Entering the biomass power generation business to achieve RE100 (July 6, 2023)

■ Overview of donations to Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture
■ *Donation amount*: 50 million yen
■ * Donation project*: 38 million yen to promote forestry from upstream to downstream
4 million yen for work and learning complex facility (Icowell Sumita) *1 4.5 million yen for resident exchange base facility (Machiya Setamae Station) *2 3.5 million yen to Taneyamagahara Exchange Center
*1 Work and study complex (Icowell Sumita) ≫ *2 Resident exchange base facility (Machiya Setamae Station) ≫
■ *Background of donation*:
Since 2012, when we began using Kesen cedar for housing materials, we have continued to collaborate with Sumita Town, including supporting the planting of Kesen cedar trees. In addition, in 2022, Kesen Precut Business Cooperative (Headquarters: Sumita-cho, Kesen-gun, Iwate Prefecture, Representative Director: Jutaro Izumida), National Research and Development Corporation
Forest Research and Management Organization
In cooperation with the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chairman: Toru Asano) and the Iwate Prefectural Forestry Technology Center (Yahaba Town, Shiwa District, Iwate Prefecture, Director: Kiyoto Suzuki), a frame wall construction method using 100% domestically produced lumber has been developed. (2×4 construction method) We conducted strength tests on red pine with the aim of realizing a building.
In order for our company to continue to supply wooden rental housing complexes with low environmental impact, we believe that it is essential to continue to support the promotion of forestry in Sumita Town and to create a town that attracts the human resources who will play a leading role in this industry. The donation was made to Sumita Town.

* -Related news release-*
●[Research and development] Towards the realization of 2×4
construction method buildings made of 100% domestically produced materials (March 31, 2023) ●[Using domestic timber] Donation of tree planting and forest management costs to Sumita Town, Iwate Prefecture (November 18, 2022)

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