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“Home Router User Satisfaction Survey” asked 200 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide

“Home Router User Satisfaction Survey” asked 200 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide

*View in browser* *ALL CONNECT Co., Ltd.*
Press release: March 27, 2024
“Home Router User Satisfaction Survey” asked 200 men and women in their 20s to 80s nationwide
ALL CONNECT Mobile Co., Ltd., a member of the All Connect Group that handles communication infrastructure services such as communication lines and smartphones,
We conducted a satisfaction survey of home router users on Mobareko, a smartphone and Internet-related information media operated by Mobile, Minato-ku, Tokyo (Representative Director: Shozo Senmoto).

As a result, we found out the percentage of contract services for home routers, the number of main users, the percentage of comparisons and considerations with other services, and what subscribers think are and are not recommended for home routers. Please feel free to use it as a source for reporting.
* [Survey overview] *
Survey method Freeeasy (using web survey tool)
Survey period March 2024
Target number of people: People who have a contract for a home router 200 men and women in their 20s to 60s
* -Home router user satisfaction survey topics-*
● The most subscribed service for home routers is “Softbank” (42%). ● 89.5% of home routers are used by 1 to 3 people, making them suitable for small groups.
● When signing a contract, only 24% of respondents said they had considered a home router from another company, and 42.1% had considered using another service.
● Only 20.5% of respondents said they were considering switching from their home router, with most respondents saying they were satisfied. Q1: Please tell me which home router you have a contract with. Survey items Questionnaire results
Softbank 42%
docomo 14%
au 10.5%
WiMAX 9%
Rakuten 3%
Ymobile 2%
Mobareko Air 1%
Others 18.5%
As for the home router services currently subscribed to, carrier services were found to be preferred, with 42% using Softbank, 14% using Docomo, and 10.5% using au. In addition, many respondents answered, “I don’t know.”
Q2: How many people mainly use the home router under contract? Survey items Questionnaire results
1 person 40.5%
2 to 3 people 49%
4 to 5 people 10%
More than 0.5%
Home routers were mainly used by a small group of people, with 40.5% saying “1 person” and 49% using “2 to 3 people.”
Q3: Did you compare and consider other home routers when signing a contract? Survey items Questionnaire results
Compared/considered 24%
Not compared/considered 76%
When signing a contract, 24% said they had “compared/considered” with other home routers, while 76% said they had not “compared/considered” them.
Q4: If you have compared and considered, please tell us about the home router services that you have compared and considered. (Multiple answers possible)
Survey items Questionnaire results
Softbank 27.3%
docomo 25.8%
WiMAX 19.7%
au 12.1%
Rakuten 7.6%
Ymobile 4.5%
Mobareko Air 3%
When asked about the home routers they compared with other companies’ home routers, 27.3% said Softbank, 25.8% said Docomo, and 19.7% said WiMAX, which is similar to the home routers they actually subscribe to. It has become a number.
Q5: If you have done a comparative study, please tell us the main reason why you ultimately chose the home router you are currently contracted with.
Survey items Questionnaire results
Monthly fee 50%
Presence of set discount 14.6%
Device performance 12.5%
Campaigns and benefits 12.5%
Communication area 6.3%
Reviews and reputation/name value 4.2%
The reason I signed up for the home router I’m currently using was the monthly fee, which accounted for 50% of the time.
Q6: Are there any other contracts you have considered other than your home router? (Multiple answers possible)
Survey items Questionnaire results
Optical line 28.7%
Pocket WiFi 7.7%
Tethering with smartphone 5.7%
Not compared/considered 57.9%
Among the contracts considered other than home routers, 28.7% were for “optical line,” 7.7% were for “pocket WiFi,”
The results were “tethering with a smartphone” at 5.7%, and “tethering with a smartphone” at 57.9%.
Q7: What is the number one reason you chose a home router over other communication contracts (optical line, pocket WiFi, tethering)? Survey items Questionnaire results
Low monthly fee 41%
Set discount applicable 20.5%
Faster opening time 15.5%
Campaigns and benefits 6.5%
Data traffic 5%
I couldn’t get a fiber optic line 5%
Reviews/Reputation 2%
Others 4.5%
The reason why they chose a home router over other communication contracts was “low monthly fee” (41%), which shows that, like those who compared home router services, the monthly fee was the most important factor in their choice. I did.
Q8: Are you considering switching from your home router?
Survey items Questionnaire results
20.5% are considering switching
Not considering switching 79.5%
The responses show that 20.5% are considering switching from their home router and 79.5% are not considering switching.
Q9: Please tell us the number one reason you are considering switching. Survey items Questionnaire results
Dissatisfied with price 51.2%
Dissatisfied with speed 43.9%
Others 4.9%
Among those who said they were considering switching, 51.2% said they were “dissatisfied with the price,” and 43.9% said they were “dissatisfied with the speed.”
Q10: If you answered “I am considering switching,” please tell me which destination you are most considering switching to.
Survey items Questionnaire results
Optical line 75.6%
Pocket WiFi 14.6%
Others 9.8%
Regarding the destination that they are considering most, 51.2% support fiber optic lines as their main transfer destination.

Other responses included “I want to cancel my contract” and “I haven’t decided yet.”
Q11: Please tell me what you recommend about a home router. (Free description) Survey results (partial excerpt)
No construction required, you can use it from the day you move in No complicated construction required
Although it is a stationary type, it can be used outside the home as long as a power source is secured.
There is a set discount with a smartphone.
Easy to install
As a result of collecting free-text responses regarding the
recommended aspects of a home router, we found responses regarding “quick start time,” “no construction required,” “set discount with carrier smartphone,” and “easiness of setup.” I did. Q12: Please tell me what is not recommended about home routers. (Free description)
Survey results (partial excerpt)
The signal sometimes cuts out
Monthly charges may increase depending on the contract details. 5G lines have not yet spread to the service area
Placement is limited to the window
There are times when we can’t connect
As a result of collecting free-text responses regarding the points that home routers are not recommended, we found that many responses related to “line stability,” “charging structure,” and “5G area range.”

*You can read the article created based on the survey results from the link below.
“Here’s our recommendation for a home router (WiFi just put it on)! ” ** ■About “Mobareco”
This is a comprehensive media site in the communication genre that provides information on how to use the smartphones, gadgets, and the Internet that you use every day more comfortably.

Mobareko covers a wide range of information on various communications and gadgets, including the latest smartphone release information, setting methods, SIM contracting methods, cheap SIM speed and price comparisons, recommended rankings for fiber-optic lines and WiFi, and PC reviews. .
* ■Company information*
ALL CONNECT Mobile Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Shozo Senbon
Head Office Hama Rikyu The Tower 4F, 1-3-1 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established December 17, 2015
Representative Director and President Kota Iwai
Head Office 15-1-2 Tsugano-cho, Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture Established April 21, 2005
URL ** *About details about this release*

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