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Home » Yahoo! Shopping Starts offering a “gift function” that allows you to send gifts to people you don’t know their address

Yahoo! Shopping Starts offering a “gift function” that allows you to send gifts to people you don’t know their address

LINE Yahoo Corporation
[Yahoo! Shopping] Starts offering a “gift function” that allows you to send gifts to people you don’t know their address
Contributing to the revitalization of the gift market with the ability to easily send gifts via SMS or email
Special page: Yahoo! Shopping, which offers daily discounts and is operated by LINE Yahoo! Inc. (hereinafter referred to as LINE Yahoo), has a “Gift feature” that allows you to send gifts even to people you do not know your address, with the aim of revitalizing the gift market.
(hereinafter referred to as this function) is now available. Stores that sell products suitable for gifts can optionally use this function. (*1)
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“Yahoo! Shopping” is used not only for personal shopping but also for purchasing gifts, with more than half of the users, 57%, answering that they have “purchased a gift” or “have considered it.” (*2). For seasonal events such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, mid-year and year-end gifts, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas, customers have been able to enjoy gifts on Yahoo! Shopping by setting a delivery address different from that of the orderer. Sweets, alcohol, flowers, etc. are becoming popular as gifts. On the other hand, when giving a gift, some users say, “It’s hard to find the product I want to give,” “I don’t know how to give,” and “I don’t know the recipient’s address.” We have started providing this feature in order to provide a social gifting experience that allows you to easily send gifts without knowing your address. To use this feature, users select the gift they want to give from a wide range of over 1 million products in the target store. In addition to keyword searches, you can also select popular products by category or usage scenario from the newly released special page. After selecting a product, press the “Send Gift” button and a URL will be issued. The URL can be shared with the person to whom you want to give a gift via email, SMS, LINE, etc., and the recipient can use the URL to provide necessary information such as address. Enter. Once the recipient’s input is complete, a notification will be sent, and the orderer will complete the purchase procedure as usual (*3). As with regular shopping, gift purchases via this feature are eligible for campaigns such as Yahoo! Shopping’s “Daily 5%” (payment cap and conditions apply) and “5 Days” campaign, and you can earn PayPay Points. You can save money. In addition, if you select a product with “Excellent Delivery” that will deliver the item from the same day to the day after the order date, even a last-minute gift can be delivered by the desired date. *1: Specific categories and products are not subject to setting. *2: Survey target: Men and women all over Japan, Implementation period: 2022/03/10 to 2022/03/13, Valid number of responses: 1,490, Aggregate target: Users who visited “Yahoo! Shopping” during the survey implementation period *3 :Both the orderer and recipient must log in using their Yahoo! JAPAN ID. ■“Gift function” usage image/Gift side
[Image 2: &S3=129774-3877A9A9FBCB766141EE6F61BF817 c2-1200×470.png]
・The recipient of the gift
[Image 3:×413.png ]
In the future, we will promote the introduction of this function in the store, and we are also considering expanding the function so that users can search for gifts that will please them even if they do not know the recipient’s preferences, and enhance the ways to give gifts. We aim to be a store where you can feel free to give gifts not only at different times of the year, but throughout the year. LINE Yahoo also offers LINE Gift, a service that allows you to send various gifts to your friends through LINE, and the service continues to grow, with the total number of users currently exceeding 30 million (*4). LINE Gifts also allows you to easily send gifts on LINE, even if you don’t know their address or can’t meet them in person, so they can be used for a variety of occasions, such as when you want to say a little thank you, seasonal events, important life events, etc. It is used in the scene. Through this function, which allows you to send SMS, email, etc. to people other than your LINE friends, and the LINE Gift service, which allows you to seamlessly send gifts to LINE friends, it is easy for both the sender and receiver to use social media. We will provide a gift experience. *4: Number of unique users who have given or received a LINE gift as of May 2023 “Create a “WOW” life platform and deliver “!” to your daily life. LINE Yahoo!, whose mission is “Yahoo! Shopping,” which offers everyday great deals, will continue to not only allow users to “buy what they want at a great price,” but also contribute to the revitalization of the gift market. More details about this release: