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Home » KINOCOS Co., Ltd. KINOCOS supported company Caulis Co., Ltd. is listed on the TSE Growth Market

KINOCOS Co., Ltd. KINOCOS supported company Caulis Co., Ltd. is listed on the TSE Growth Market

KINOCOS supported company Caulis Co., Ltd. is listed on the TSE Growth Market ……
KINOCOS Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shota Kinoshita, hereinafter referred to as KINOCOS), which supports maximizing corporate value from the perspectives of design, finance, and marketing (engagement partner business), has provided IPO support to Caulis Co., Ltd. We are pleased to announce that Caulis (hereinafter referred to as Caulis / Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo / Representative Director: Atsuyoshi Shimazu / Securities code: 153A) has been newly listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market on March 28, 2024.
[Image 1:×1675.jpg] Overview of Caulis
Caulis is a company that operates “Fraud Alert,” a cloud-based unauthorized access detection service for corporations that protects all customer contact points. “FraudAlert,” which began rolling out in 2016, determines “authenticity” based on over 250 factors such as a user’s IP address and location information, and uses machine learning to perform access analysis in real time. By detecting login attempts that are suspected to be fraudulent and performing additional authentication, damage caused by fraudulent remittances is minimized. It is being introduced by major financial institutions,
telecommunications carriers, infrastructure providers, etc.
Please refer to the following materials for details.
-Explanatory materials regarding business plans and growth potential-
[Image 2:×890.jpg] ■Company information (Caulis Co., Ltd.)
・Company name: Caulis Co., Ltd.
・Representative: Representative Director Atsuyoshi Shimazu
・Address: FINOLAB, 4F Otemachi Building, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
・Business content: Development and provision of unauthorized access detection services
Main support provided by KINOCOS and client messages
■Main support details
KINCOOS provided Caulis with support in producing roadshow materials to facilitate communication with investors during the roadshow. ■Comment from Atsuyoshi Shimazu, Representative Director of Caulis Co., Ltd. Looking back, I have known KINOCOS President Kinoshita for about 10 years. When I first met him, he taught me how to make amazing PowerPoints. He also taught us what we should communicate to institutional investors before an IPO.
Founding presidents like me are always thinking about the business, and while holding a lot of information in our heads, there are many things we want to communicate to the outside world and things we want to say ourselves.
On the other hand, there are many things that are different from what institutional investors want to hear, and it is important to understand that.
He taught me that it is very important.
As we look ahead to going public, we are confident that the president has been able to resolve his confusion and guide us while shaping the company into a format that institutional investors want to hear. IM, I think I was able to face the road show.
When changing from an unlisted company to a listed company, please listen to what KINOCOS has to say.
I think there is always something to learn. Thank you for your continued support.
■What is KINOCOS Co., Ltd.
Based on our unique systematized know-how from over 200 listed and unlisted companies, we visualize and verbalize a company’s strengths from the perspectives of design, finance, and marketing, and maximize corporate value. This is an engagement farm.
■Support results
Of the listed companies in 2024, KINOCOS has a track record of supporting 5 companies, which is approximately 17.9% of the companies that have been approved for listing as of March 28, 2024.KINOCOS was listed last year and has maintained its stock price even after listing. We are also supporting companies such as Arent Co., Ltd. (5254) and Emimen Co., Ltd. (9237), which are increasing their performance.
■Click here for details on Arent’s support
[Image 3:×1125.jpg] ■Company information
・Company name: KINOCOS Co., Ltd.
・Representative: Representative Director Shota Kinoshita
・Address: 3rd floor, Kowa Building 35, 1-14-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
・Business content: Engagement partner business that aims to maximize corporate value for both unlisted and listed companies from the perspective of design, finance, and marketing.
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