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Home » NPO Support Foundation Research Group 2024 Spring WEB Symposium “Spring grant application season is here. Un derstand the program’s aim and improve your proposal skills!”

NPO Support Foundation Research Group 2024 Spring WEB Symposium “Spring grant application season is here. Un derstand the program’s aim and improve your proposal skills!”

Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Grant Center
[NPO Support Foundation Research Group 2024 Spring WEB Symposium] “Spring grant application season is here. Understand the program’s aim and improve your proposal skills!”
~Introducing the projects solicited by each grant foundation and building better partnerships~
The NPO Support Foundation Research Group has been holding symposiums across the country with the aim of building better partnerships between NPOs and granting foundations.
Spring (April to July) is the time when many grant foundations publicly solicit grants. On the NPO side, we would like to find the optimal grant program and propose better plans in order to develop our partnership with grant foundations. At the same time, the grant foundation hopes that the purpose of the grant program will be accurately understood, that applications will be of higher quality, and that we will be able to build better partnerships.
Therefore, the Foundation of the NPO Support Foundation Study Group would like to introduce the foundation’s grant program that will be recruiting in the spring, as well as clearly convey its aims and expectations, in the hope that it will be of assistance to NPOs in their planning. We will also introduce the foundation’s efforts in response to the Noto Peninsula earthquake that occurred in January. This is a must-listen for NPOs considering applying for grants. Also, if you are a foundation that is interested in the activities of the NPO Support Foundation Study Group, please join us!
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[Date and time] April 15, 2024 (Monday) 13:00-15:45
[Venue] Online (Zoom webinar held: URL will be sent to applicants) [Capacity] 300 people *First come, first served [Participation fee] Free [Participation targets] NPOs, volunteer organizations, local intermediary support organizations and grant
foundations・Organizations, companies, local government officials, corporate CSR personnel, etc.
●Opening Greetings ●Part 1: Keynote Speech: “How NPOs can Build Better Partnerships with Grant-Aid Foundations (tentative)” Akira Matsubara (Representative Director, NPO Cooperation Academy) ●Part 2:
“Introduction to Grant Programs of Each Foundation” Each Participant Foundation / Moderator: Akira Matsubara Overview of the grant program, points of review, expectations for NPOs “Introduction of the foundation’s efforts in response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and introduction of the Grant Foundation Center” Part 3 “The grant foundation’s support as seen in grant examples Points to Expect” *Currently coordinating presentation examples Moderator: Hajime Watanabe (Vice-chairman of the Civil Society Creation Fund, a specified non-profit organization/Director of the Grants-in-Aid Foundation Center, a public interest incorporated foundation) Introduction of grant programs from grant foundations and grants to recommended NPOs Explanation of the program (how they understood the program and how they planned it)・Evaluation points of NPO projects from the perspective of the grant foundation●Q&A Moderator: Hajime Watanabe●Closing remarks
-How to apply-
-Attendance Foundations- (Scheduled, in alphabetical order) Kirin Welfare Foundation, Grant Center Public Interest Incorporated, SOMPO Environmental Foundation, SOMPO Welfare Foundation, Central Community Chest of Japan, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Dentsu Scholarship Foundation, Toyota Foundation, Nippon Foundation, Japan Post Co., Ltd. Head Office, Welfare and Medical Organization (WAM), Mazda Foundation, Mitsubishi Foundation, Yamato Welfare Foundation , Sponsored by Social Welfare Corporation Yomiuri Light and Love Corporation
NPO Support Foundation Study Group (Secretariat: Seien Specified Nonprofit Corporation, Grant Foundation Center, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation)
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