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Home » V-Cube Co., Ltd. V-Cube creates videos such as seminar GPT (transcription of live streaming) and business reports using voice generation AI, and holds the 2023 general meeting of shareholders

V-Cube Co., Ltd. V-Cube creates videos such as seminar GPT (transcription of live streaming) and business reports using voice generation AI, and holds the 2023 general meeting of shareholders

V-Cube Co., Ltd.
V-cube, seminar GPT (transcription of live streaming), creating videos such as business reports using voice generation AI, and holding the 2023 general meeting of shareholders
~Reducing the burden and realizing efficient shareholder meeting management with automatic minutes and generated AI videos~
V-CUBE Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and Domestic CEO: Masaya Takada, hereinafter referred to as V-CUBE) will use natural language processing AI for the corporate live streaming service “V-CUBE Seminar” for the 2023 general meeting of shareholders. We are pleased to announce that we have held the “V-CUBE Seminar GPT” using GPT, as well as videos such as business reports using voice generation AI.
[Image 1:×289.png ]
-Shareholder meeting: automatic transcription displayed on the right side of the screen-
■“V-CUBE Seminar GPT”, background and aim of introducing videos such as business reports using voice generation AI
V-CUBE Seminar GPT combines the corporate live streaming service “V-CUBE Seminar” with an algorithm developed by our company and Whisper API and Chat GPT API provided by OpenAI to automatically and in real time convert the text of seminar lecture content. Create minutes and summaries of the meeting.
Until now, it has been difficult for people who have joined an event or seminar midway through to grasp what the speaker has said up to that point, making it difficult to deepen their understanding. There was an issue in that putting together the information required a lot of time and effort for the operator. In order to solve these issues, we have been offering the V-CUBE Seminar GPT since March last year. The general meeting of shareholders that we have introduced this time also has common issues. According to the Companies Act, shareholders’ meetings are obligated to create minutes, but by using V-CUBE Seminar GPT, you can reduce the burden of creating minutes. In addition, from April 2024, businesses will be required to provide reasonable accommodation to people with disabilities (*). Real-time transcription can also be used as part of your reasonable accommodation response. About “V-CUBE Seminar GPT”: In addition, by creating videos such as business reports using voice generation AI, the preparation load and the burden on the chairperson on the day of the meeting can be reduced. Business reports must be prepared in close coordination with the IR department and business divisions, but since the fiscal year-end and the general meeting preparation period overlap, the content of the day needs to go beyond summarizing basic information. There aren’t many companies that can start building their production. Therefore, we have developed a video production function that uses generation AI to reduce the burden of explanations on the day. In actual use, there have been cases where the burden of advance preparation for shareholder meetings has been significantly reduced.
By adopting these functions, we reduce the burden of advance preparation for shareholder meetings and support efficient operations on the day as well.
[Image 2:×293.png ]
Click here for a business report video created using voice generation AI. *Reference [What is the virtual shareholders meeting service?]
We started providing services in 2020, and have a track record of supporting shareholder meetings of over 200 companies in 2022. We support all kinds of holding methods, including participatory, attendance-based, and completely virtual, and support a variety of required operations from arranging equipment to pre-rehearsal to on-the-day operations, ensuring safe and secure virtual shareholder meetings that comply with laws and regulations. It is possible to implement this while increasing shareholder satisfaction.
Furthermore, in a survey of the number of companies supporting online shareholder meeting distribution, we achieved the No. 1 market share (*).
*Research by Japan Marketing Research Organization,
[What is Vcube?]
V-Cube’s mission is to “realize an even society,” and by creating an environment where people can communicate “anytime” and “anywhere,” we are working to eliminate the various inequalities in opportunities caused by time and distance constraints. Masu. Through visual communication, we can shorten the time and distance of communication between people, solve social issues such as a declining birthrate and aging society, long working hours, disparities in education and medical care, and create a society where everyone has equal
opportunities. We aim to realize this.
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