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Home » Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Antioxidant supplement Twendee X has been shown to have the potential to safely treat the designated incurable disease “systemic scleroderma”

Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Antioxidant supplement Twendee X has been shown to have the potential to safely treat the designated incurable disease “systemic scleroderma”

Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Antioxidant supplement Twendee X has been shown to have the potential to safely treat the designated intractable disease “systemic sclerosis”
Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Antioxidant Laboratory (Headquarters: Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Chief Researcher: Haruhiko Inufusa) has demonstrated that the antioxidant compound “Twendee We published a paper showing the possibility of suppressing the progression of skin disease and treating it. This content was published in the online version of “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” on March 4, 2024.
[Image 1:×670.png ]
What is systemic scleroderma?
Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease that causes hardening of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. Raynaud’s phenomenon* is a pathological condition in which many abnormalities are intertwined, including vascular disorders, fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, and immune abnormalities. Symptoms vary widely among individuals, and treatments tailored to each individual are tried, but as there is no fundamental treatment, it is designated as an incurable disease in Japan.
* Raynaud’s phenomenon: Blood vessels in the fingers constrict, narrowing the lumen of the blood vessels, or fibrosis within the blood vessels hardens them, resulting in reduced blood flow and cold stimulation (such as touching frozen objects, etc.) This refers to a condition in which the fingers suddenly turn white or purple due to exposure to cold air (such as when exposed to cold outside air). It is said to occur in 90% of patients with systemic sclerosis.
The mechanism that causes SSc is unknown, but frequent Raynaud phenomenon results in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can regulate cell activation and proliferation, and in SSc, oxidative stress is involved, attacking fibroblasts and endothelial cells, causing endothelial damage, intimal thickening, and fibrosis, which worsens the pathology of SSc. It is well known that
Our research team used a normal dose of the antioxidant supplement Twendee ), we verified its effect on SSc.
What is Twendee X?
Twendee X (TwX) is an antioxidant supplement consisting of eight active ingredients: vitamin C, L-glutamine, niacin, L-cystine, coenzyme Q10, vitamin B2, succinic acid, and fumaric acid. We have passed the strict safety tests required for pharmaceuticals
(chromosomal abnormality, toxicity, mutation tests). The antioxidant ability of Twendee X has been shown to be effective in preventing dementia caused by mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in humans through the mechanism shown below.
・Reduction of oxidative stress ・Mitochondrial protection
・Increase energy production ・Maintain autophagy function
・Increase and maintenance of neurogenic cells ・Lengthening of telomeres ・Adjustment of intestinal flora ・Suppression of rise in blood sugar level
[Image 2:×434.jpg] research summary
Oxidative stress reduction in SSc
It has been reported that the serum levels of highly oxidized protein products (AOPP) in SSc patients are usually higher than in healthy subjects. Indeed, AOPP concentrations were also increased in HOCl-induced SSc mice. Administration of Twendee X significantly reduced the elevated AOPP (Figure.1).
[Image 3:×468.jpg] Suppression of skin thickening and skin and lung fibrosis
Continuous intradermal injection of HOCl solution into mice resulted in an increase in skin thickness (Figure 2A) and hydroxyproline (OH-proline) concentration in the skin and lungs (Figures 2B,C) compared to the control group (PBS). fibrosis was observed. Similarly, the lungs of HOCl-induced SSc mice also exhibited high concentrations of OH-proline (Fig. 2C), and fibrosis in the lungs was also observed. In contrast, Twendee X significantly suppressed OH proline
concentration and Col1 mRNA expression, and also suppressed collagen accumulation. Notably, collagen accumulation in the lungs was significantly reduced to a lower level than the control group (PBS).
[Image 4:×370.jpg]
[Image 5:×485.jpg] Together with these results, it was suggested that Twendee X also affects inflammation and immunity, and may delay the transition to chronic stages such as fibrosis. Based on this, Twendee X is expected to alleviate the symptoms of SSc in humans, and the oxidative stress control of Twendee it was done.
Bibliographic information
DOI: 10.3390/ijms25053064
Paper: Fukka You, Carole Nicco, Yoshiaki Harakawa, Toshikazu Yoshikawa, Haruhiko Inufusa. The Potential of Twendee X as a Safe Antioxidant Treatment for Systemic Sclerosis. Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 6;25(5):3064.
Organization overview
[Image 6:×488.jpg] Based on the philosophy of Louis Pasteur, we provide basic and clinical research on viral diseases, cancer, intractable diseases, etc., without being bound by the boundaries of medical specialization, especially from the perspective of strengthening the natural immunity inherent in each person. The goal of conducting research is to alleviate and prevent people’s worries about illness, both physically and mentally, as much as possible.
Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Address: 103-5 Tanakamonzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8225
Chairman: Toshikazu Yoshikawa
Antioxidant Laboratory HP:
-About Chief Researcher Haruhiko Inufusa-
[Image 7:×388.jpg ]
Chief Researcher, Antioxidant Laboratory, Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center, Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Specially Appointed Professor, Antioxidant Research Department, Collaborative Research Chair, Gifu University Scientific Research Foundation, Executive Committee Member, Evidence Creation Committee, Japanese Society for Dementia Prevention, Director, Japanese Society for Brain Supplements
Biography Graduated from Kindai University School of Medicine in 1982. Graduated from Kinki University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery in 1988 (Doctor of Medicine). Specializes in gastrointestinal surgery, including laparoscopic surgery and cancer metastasis research. After retiring from Kinki University, he began researching alcohol metabolism, sugar/lipid metabolism, and oxidative stress in 2007 as a chief researcher at the medical foundation TIMA
establishment. In 2013, he was appointed as a specially appointed professor at Gifu University’s Scientific Research Center for the establishment of the Antioxidant Research Department. Currently conducting research on oxidative stress and the antioxidant
combination drug “Twendee X”. Since March 2020, he has been a chief researcher at the Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center Antioxidant Laboratory.
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