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Home » Nekuino Co., Ltd. An event commemorating the launch of the community site “25 o’clock Smarna” will be he ld! Guests include Pekopa-san, Misato Yasui, and love hotel staff member Ueno, who is a hot topic on SNS.

Nekuino Co., Ltd. An event commemorating the launch of the community site “25 o’clock Smarna” will be he ld! Guests include Pekopa-san, Misato Yasui, and love hotel staff member Ueno, who is a hot topic on SNS.

Nekuino Co., Ltd.
A launch commemorative event for the community site “25 o’clock Smarna” will be held! Guests include Pekopa-san, Misato Yasui, and love hotel staff member Ueno, who is a hot topic on SNS.
After experiencing the community, Mr. Yasui said, “It’s a
long-awaited place where you can talk about your worries because it’s anonymous.” Pekopa’s Shoinji said, “When I’m worried about love, I also watch “25 o’clock Smarna” every day!
Smaruna (*1), an online pill prescription service that allows you to consult, examine, and prescribe pills on your smartphone, is operated by Nekuino Co., Ltd. (Kita-ku, Osaka, Representative: Kenichi Ishii, hereinafter referred to as Nekuino), and will be launched in March 2024. On the 8th (Friday), we launched “25 o’clock Smarna”, an online community where all women can feel free to talk about love, sex, and the body, based on the concept of “Things you want to talk about even if you’re late at night.” To commemorate this, STUDIO DA VINCI will hold a launch event on Thursday, March 28, 2024, inviting entertainers Pekopa (Shuupei, Taiyu Shoinji), Misato Yasui, and love hotel staff member Ueno. It was held at A-studio (Shiodome, Tokyo).
[Image 1:×2600.jpg] ■Ishii, CEO of Nekuino Co., Ltd. “Our goal is to implement SRHR in society through Smarna.”
[Image 2:×2600.jpg ]
At the beginning of the event, Nekuino representative Ishii said, “The online pill prescription service “Smarna” started in 2018, and has now surpassed 1 million downloads, making it one of the largest online medical examination platforms in Japan. We would like to implement SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) in society through a platform called “25 o’clock Smarna”, and we have launched “Smarna at 25 o’clock” as part of that platform.” I told you the purpose of starting it.
■”25 o’clock Smarna” is “a place where users can share their worries and feelings equally and find the right information for each person.”
[Image 3:×2600.jpg] Next, Smarna midwife, who is in charge of user community development, spoke about the background and outline of the launch of “Smarna at 25 o’clock”.
“A survey of Smarna users revealed that while more than 90% of them have concerns about their sexuality and body, there are also many who are hesitant to seek advice.As a midwife, I found that When I face someone, I sometimes think that they are probably waiting for someone to say, “It’s okay.” However, as a medical worker, when I’m facing someone, I find it difficult to say “It’s okay.” At times like these, it would be great if there was a place where users could share their worries and feelings with each other on an equal footing, and find the right information for each other.I felt the need for such a place and decided to create a community. , talked about the background of its launch.
■Pekopa-san and Misato Yasui experience “25 o’clock Smarna”! What does “something I want to talk about even if it’s late at night” mean? Mr. Yasui said, “Because I’m sick, I want to consult with people about minor physical concerns.”
Guests to celebrate the launch of “25 o’clock Smaruna” will be Pekopa (Shuupei, Taiyu Shoinji), a talent who is active on comedy shows and other TV shows, and Misato Yasui, a talent who became popular on a romance reality show. We welcomed Mr. as a guest and held a talk session related to “25 o’clock Smarna” with themes such as views on love and past love stories.
When asked to actually use “25 o’clock Smaruna,” Mr. Yasui said, “It’s difficult to talk about your body and sex with your
friends.However, with “25 o’clock Smaruna,” you can talk
anonymously. So, as a woman, I would like to have one! I would also like to talk about trivial concerns about dating in the “Anything Room”! ”, he commented ravingly. In addition, Pekopa’s Shoinji said, “It was interesting to see the straight titles lined up.If I were worried about love, I would probably spend the night reading “25 o’clock Smarna” every day…” said Yusui. He also sent a happy message saying, “I see! I found it interesting yesterday too and read it until midnight (lol).”
[Image 4:×533.jpg] Next, when asked about the concept of “25 o’clock Smarna”, “Things you want to talk about even if it’s late at night,” Pekopa’s Shoinji replied, “I’m married, but the other day I also talked about… No matter how messy your room is, just keep smiling!” I once told my wife, and she scolded me, saying, “It’s not that easy!” (laughs)” He revealed. On the other hand, Ms. Yasui said, “As I announced last year, after coming one step closer to cervical cancer, I started wanting to talk about my body.However, there aren’t many places like that. Yes, but I thought I could talk about those things on “25 o’clock Smarna”!” He talked about the need for a place to talk about his body, including his own experiences.
■In “Real Love Correcting by Love Hotel Staff Ueno-san,” Pekopa can’t help but think, “I’m going to misunderstand this!!” when asked about love advice by Mr. Yasui.
In the second half, we welcome a new guest, Ms. Ueno, a love hotel staff member who is the author of a popular manga whose accurate love advice has become a hot topic on SNS. ‘Real love correction by love hotel staff member Ueno’ was held. In this corner, we had Mr. Ueno, a love specialist, give real love corrections to the guests’ real love stories.
[Image 5:×533.jpg] In Pekopa’s Shoinji’s confusing love story, he immediately reveals, “I found out that my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and we talked about breaking up, but the girlfriend who cheated on me cried and said she didn’t want to break up with me, so I had mixed feelings.” An episode was told. In response, Ms. Yasui prefaced this by saying, “Cheating is an act that hurts the other person,” and added, “The feeling of wanting a man to hug you won’t go away unless he hugs you!” While Pekopa Shupei commented sympathetically, she revealed her true feelings, saying, “I can’t handle it if someone cheats on me!” Mr. Ueno corrected him by saying, “Her true feelings were that she cheated on her because she was lonely.” I think Mr. Yasui’s point is exactly correct.”
[Image 6:×533.jpg] Ms. Yasui said, “Normally, I treat men in a friendly manner, but when I’m in the mood, I suddenly act friendly and make the other person misunderstand…” There was also a scene where Mr. Yasui and Mr. Pekopa Shupei actually recreated the scene at the venue. Seeing Mr. Yasui’s friendly response, the two Pekopas couldn’t help but say, “You’re going to misunderstand this! It’s hard not to fall in love with him!” In response, Mr. Ueno said, “In conclusion, there’s nothing wrong with trying to shake things up.However, there are problems such as the risk of serious love (being misunderstood) and being mistaken for being rude.By the way, I’m Yasui, who deals with salt. I like you better.” The audience was filled with laughter at his sharp point and humorous answer.
■Guest’s presentation of “My theory of sex”! Pekopa’s Shoinji “Most love patients have a disease called ‘timidity'”
Finally, we asked our guests about their love-related proverbs, similar to the content in the community called “My Do-Sei-ron,” which receives love proverbs about sex and love from various people.
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Mr. Yasui said, “The correct answer to money problems is “I can’t calculate, so I’ll pay.”” Pekopa Shupei said, “The people who notice the invisible messages are… overwhelming!” Mr. Shoinji said, “Most of the love patients The name of a person’s disease is “cowardice”.” The meeting ended with a lively remark, “It’s interesting how each person has different values ​​for love!” ■Overview of the new community “25 o’clock Smarna” opening commemorative event ・Date and time: March 28, 2024 (Thursday) 14:00-14:45
・Location: STUDIO DA VINCI A-studio
          Palazzo Siena 3F, 2-4-6 Higashi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo ・Speakers: Kenichi Ishii, Representative Director of Nekuino Co., Ltd., Mio Go, in charge of user community development/midwife ・Guests: Pekopa (Shuupei, Taiyu Shoinji), Misato Yasui, love hotel staff member Ueno
■Guest profile
[Image 10:×1244.jpg] Pekopa (Shuupei/Shoinji Taiyu)
3rd place finalist in “M1 Grand Prix 2019” and 1st place in “Guruguru Ninety-Nine Omoshiro-so 2019”. He has appeared on numerous TV programs as a regular and semi-regular, and has also appeared in commercials.

[Image 11:×3900.jpg] Misato Yasui
She attracted attention when she participated in season 4 of Amazon Prime Video’s “Bachelor Japan” and became a hot topic as a “smart girl”. In addition to serving as the director of the fashion brand “qumerry,” she is also active in a wide range of activities, including appearing in women’s magazines and variety shows.
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Love hotel staff member Ueno
Love hotel staff somewhere in Tokyo. His tweets about how to invite people to a love hotel with X and various love guidelines have become a hot topic, and he has around 360,000 followers. (As of March 2024) His books include “Love Hotel Ueno-san.”
■What is the community site “25 o’clock Smarna”?
[Image 13:×700.jpg] Illustration: Tomowaka
“25 o’clock Smarna” is based on the concept of “Things you want to talk about even if you’re late at night.” Smarna users can discuss physical and sexual concerns, etc. that they usually can’t talk about in real life or on SNS. Masu. If necessary, Smarna midwives and pharmacists may also participate in the consultation and provide comments. The content is mainly divided into three categories: “Nozokitai”, “Hanashitai”, and “Shiritai”, and includes not only consultations but also popular influencers and love professionals who answer your concerns and experiences, and things you can’t hear anywhere else. We have prepared content that matches the interests of our users, such as questionnaire surveys related to sexuality.
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Actual community picture
[Table 4: ]
[Table 5:] Shiritai
[Table 6:] Community site “25 o’clock Smaluna” URL: (*1) About Smarna
Smarna is an online medical examination platform service. Examinations are conducted by affiliated medical institutions.
[Image 15:×1280.jpg] Smarna is an online pill prescription service released in June 2018 that allows you to consult, examine, and prescribe a doctor from anywhere on your smartphone. Your doctor will suggest the right pill for you online. In addition to prescribing pills, we operate the Smarna Medical Consultation Room, where midwives and pharmacists provide consultation services. It is mainly used by people in their teens to 30s, and the cumulative number of downloads of the Smarna app has exceeded 1 million.
*If your doctor recommends a face-to-face consultation, please follow the doctor’s instructions.
*It may be difficult to prescribe the pill for those who fall under the following conditions.
■Nekuino Co., Ltd. Company Profile
Established in June 2016 by bringing together doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, and other human resources with knowledge in the medical and related legal fields. We are creating a medical environment that can be used selectively according to each individual’s lifestyle and health condition, including online medical examinations using ICT, health management support, and pre-symptomatic measures. We aim to be a medical communication company that “Re▷designs medical spaces and experiences around the world,” and use the power of technology and dialogue to raise the world’s perspective and promote the social implementation of innovation. In June 2018, we released “Smarna”, an online examination platform specializing in the field of gynecology. In 2020, we will start providing the corporate welfare service “Smaruna for Biz,” and in 2023 we will start providing “Smaruna for Sports,” which supports athletes. We also operate Smarna Station, a consultation facility for young people in Shinsaibashi, Osaka, as a place for offline medical experience, and produce a gynecology clinic. Company name: Nekuino Co., Ltd. (English notation: Next Innovation Inc.) Representative Director: Kenichi Ishii
Address: Midosuji Frontier WeWork, 1-13-22 Sonezaki Shinchi, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka 530-0002
Established: June 3, 2016
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