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Home » Nippon Foundation HEROs Project Secretariat The sports world stands up to leave a sustainable environment for future children. A cross-sport sports industry-wide single-use plastic waste reduction project “HEROs PLEDGE” launches

Nippon Foundation HEROs Project Secretariat The sports world stands up to leave a sustainable environment for future children. A cross-sport sports industry-wide single-use plastic waste reduction project “HEROs PLEDGE” launches

Nippon Foundation HEROs Project Secretariat
In order to leave a sustainable environment for future children, the sports world launches “HEROs PLEDGE”, a project to reduce single-use plastic waste across the sports world
Participating athletes will be on stage at the Nippon Foundation HEROs PLEDGE presentation event, which will be the venue for the launch. ……
The Nippon Foundation (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Yohei Sasagawa) is working with athletes on a global scale to promote HEROs ~
Sportsmanship for the Future ~ (hereinafter referred to as HEROs), which aims to expand the circle of solving social issues together with athletes. In order to eliminate single-use plastic waste, which is one of the causes of environmental problems such as marine litter and climate change, HEROs PLEDGE (hereinafter referred to as this project) is a project that works across the sports world to reduce single-use plastic waste. started on Thursday, March 28, 2024. In addition, to launch this project, a “Nippon Foundation HEROs PLEDGE” presentation was held at the Nippon Foundation Building from 11 a.m. on the same day, with participating athletes on stage.
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The HEROs project began its activities in 2017 with the aim of generating interest and action among many people connected through sports and expanding the circle of solutions to social issues by promoting social contribution activities by athletes. . In recent years, marine pollution has been spreading on a global scale, and abnormal weather events due to climate change have been observed in many countries around the world.Even in Japan, extreme heat waves and floods are occurring frequently, threatening people’s daily lives. These problems are also related to the sports world, and have a major impact on athletes and those of us who enjoy sports, such as situations where competitions cannot be held due to intense heat or lack of snow. One of the causes of environmental problems that are spreading on a global scale, such as ocean pollution and abnormal weather, is the “single-use plastic waste” that is produced in large quantities even in the sports world. This project aims to bring the sports world together, with athletes as its starting point, as well as associations, federations, club teams, fans, consumers, and companies, in order to achieve the goal of “zero single-use plastic waste from the sports world.” , is a “project to reduce single-use plastic waste that cuts across the sports world” by working together.
33 athletes and 10 sports-related organizations have already participated in this project (as of March 28, 2024). Our current goal is to reduce single-use plastic waste by half at major sports events by the end of 2027, and in addition to starting with athletes and working with partner athletes to create advanced examples of reducing single-use plastic waste, we will also be making pledges available on the HEROs PLEDGE special website. (Declaration) We will use this function to communicate to the general public, including fans, and we will also hold a total of 9 trash-picking events by the end of May in collaboration with partner sports-related organizations to raise awareness of the issue of single-use plastic waste. I’m going. Through this project, the Nippon Foundation aims to disseminate accurate knowledge and actions from athletes and teams, help solve social issues such as marine litter and climate change, and create an environment where various people can practice sports with peace of mind. At the same time, we will create an opportunity for each fan to take action against marine litter and climate change issues. “Nippon Foundation “HEROs PLEDGE” Presentation”
As an opportunity to announce the launch of this project to members of the press, we held the Nippon Foundation HEROs PLEDGE Presentation at the Nippon Foundation Building on Thursday, March 28, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. At the presentation, in addition to Naoko Imoto, a former competitive swimmer who is leading the project, there were many athletes participating in the project, including combined ski Nordic skier Akito Watanabe and professional surfer Yumeji Tsuzuki.
[Image 2:×2000.jpg] At the outset, regarding the launch of this project, Nippon Foundation Managing Director Junpei Sasakawa said, “The Earth is becoming a difficult place for people to live on, and we are being deprived of opportunities to enjoy sports.One of the causes of this is climate change.” In order to do something about this problem, we launched a project called “HEROs PLEDGE” together with athletes.We want to utilize the power of athletes and sports to solve social problems,” said a former competitive swimmer who is leading this project. Player Naoko Imoto said, “I’m excited to be able to start such a spectacular project today, and I’m happy to be able to start from here.I don’t have any knowledge about environmental issues.” There are still many people like this who don’t have anyone around them to speak up and don’t know what they should do.If we all learn together and raise our voices together, we can achieve a lot of results. I feel that this is the case, so I would like to work seriously with the Nippon
Foundation, athletes, and sports organizations to resolve these issues,” he said, expressing his strong feelings toward this project.
[Image 3:×1928.jpg] Furthermore, Yumeji Tsuzuki, who took the stage as a participating athlete, said, “(Surfing) is a sport that can’t be done without the ocean, so I have a strong desire to protect the ocean.” I would be happy if this event could give many people an opportunity to think about the natural environment.” Akito Watanabe, a Ski Nordic combined athlete, said, “I hope that by joining hands with various athletes, we will not only be able to tackle climate change.” , I would like to continue to expand the circle of this kind of activity,” he said, emphatically expressing his enthusiasm for this project. The presentation will be held in two parts, and in the second part, in addition to the participating athletes who took the stage in the first part, we will welcome guests who are experts in environmental issues and sports organizations that are already taking action on
environmental issues. , a talk session was held.
[Image 4:×1945.jpg]
・Naoko Imoto (competitive swimming)
[Image 5:×1853.jpg] We have been preparing this project together with the Nippon Foundation. I’m excited to be able to start such a spectacular project today, and I’m happy to be able to start from here. I don’t have any knowledge about environmental issues, I don’t have anyone around me who can speak up, and I don’t know what I should do. There are still many such people. I feel that we can achieve a lot of results by learning together and raising our voices together, so I have been working seriously with the Nippon Foundation, athletes, and sports organizations to solve these issues. I think so.
・Akito Watanabe (Ski Nordic combined)
[Image 6:×1943.jpg] It’s reassuring to have friends around us, and we can take the inspiration we receive from you and give it back to our own
activities, and what we can do to help others, so we can join hands to tackle the issue of climate change. I would like to face this issue, and I would like to continue to expand the circle of these activities. ・Yuyumeji Tsuzuki (surfing)
[Image 7:×1942.jpg] I play a sport called surfing, which is very close to nature, and I feel the beauty of nature with my own skin, and since it is a sport that cannot be done without the ocean, I have a strong desire to protect the ocean. As a professional surfer, I will not only be implementing initiatives such as separating garbage, bringing my own water bottle, and cleaning the beach, but also by spreading the word through this project, I will give many people an opportunity to think about the natural environment. I would be happy if you could. ・Shinji Negi (wheelchair basketball)
[Image 8:×1942.jpg] The athletes here have come to this day after many study sessions and on-site inspections. It’s full of brilliant and exciting feelings. There are many other athletes participating in addition to the 12 athletes on stage today. In addition to athletes, there are also many people who have given talks as lecturers at study groups and members who work together with us. I’m sure you all know that environmental issues are truly dire right now, but it’s precisely in times like these that I would like to take this day to use the power of athletes to solve these problems. First, I would like to make a declaration and create a major movement in the sports world.
Background to the start of the “HEROs PLEDGE” project
Abnormal weather events occurring all over the world. Crisis changes are currently occurring on the planet we live in, including a rapid increase in heatstroke due to unprecedented heat waves, frequent wildfires due to heat waves, and record-breaking floods due to heavy rains. In addition, the ocean, which absorbs heat and CO2 and is called a “climate regulator,” is becoming increasingly polluted by garbage, and these environmental problems are having a serious impact on our lives. These issues are also relevant in the sports world, with more than 40% of athletes dropping out of the women’s marathon at the Doha World Athletics Championships in 2019 due to the heat, and the cross-country race scheduled to be held in Sapporo in 2021. Events have been canceled due to lack of snow, which has had a major impact on the competitive scene for athletes and those of us who usually enjoy sports.
Single-use plastics, which we use and throw away in our daily lives, are said to be one of the causes of environmental problems that are spreading on a global scale, such as ocean pollution and abnormal weather. Both when plastic is produced and when it is incinerated, it emits large amounts of CO2, which causes global warming and causes abnormal weather. In Japan, it is said that about 90% of discarded plastic is recycled, but about 60% is recycled in the form of thermal recycling (using the thermal energy from incineration for power generation, etc.). In reality, it is incinerated*1, and the CO2 emitted during incineration accelerates global warming. Furthermore, the amount of plastic waste that washes up in the ocean is said to be 8 million tons*2 each year worldwide, and more than 60% of marine litter is plastic. Plastic garbage that washes up in the ocean remains in the ocean for a long time without being decomposed, and creatures mistake it for food and eat it, destroying the ocean ecosystem that is the “regulator of the climate.” To solve environmental problems, we need fundamental reforms to reduce single-use plastics.
The reality is that a large amount of single-use plastic waste is generated not only in daily life but also in sports. Hydration is essential for us when we play sports, but a lot of plastic is thrown away when we do it. In addition, plastic waste of various sizes is generated in the process of playing sports, such as plastic pieces created when the artificial turf spread on stadiums wears out, and microfibers released when washing uniforms made of chemical fibers. doing.
If things continue like this, it might not even be a sport anymore. At HEROs, a platform for expanding the circle of solutions to social issues, in response to this critical situation, athletes and sports organizations with influence on society declare their activities to reduce single-use plastics in the sports scene. We started this project because we believe it is important to involve various stakeholders such as athletes, sports organizations, companies, fans, and sponsors in order to solve these issues.
In the world of sports, which has the power to unite as one toward a single goal, various initiatives have already begun around the world. In 2018, the International Olympic Committee joined seven sports organizations (World Sailing, International Association of Athletics Federations, International Triathlon Union, International Ice Hockey Federation, World Rugby, International Golf Federation, and
International Surfing Federation) to eliminate the use of single-use plastics. At the same time, we have started an initiative to eliminate the use of single-use plastics at sporting events. Additionally, this year’s Paris Olympics will be the first time in history that plastic bottles will not be allowed into the stadium, and reusable cups will be used at marathon water stations. ” is attracting attention. *1 Source: Plastic Recycling Association “Basic Knowledge of Plastic Recycling 2023” *2 Source: Nippon Foundation Journal “[Continuing increase in marine litter] The marine litter problem is too late to hear about. What we can do”
“HEROs PLEDGE” project details
“HEROs PLEDGE” is recruiting project participants to reduce single-use plastic waste at sports events, which is one of the causes of global environmental problems such as ocean pollution and abnormal weather. This is a project across the sports world where everyone takes action to reduce emissions. Starting with athletes, we work with
associations, federations, clubs, fans, consumers, and businesses to reduce single-use plastics from the sports world.
This project will provide learning opportunities such as study sessions, field trips, and related events on environmental issues to partner athletes who have PLEDGE to participate in the project, and will also consider specific individual measures together with the athletes. We will continue to implement these measures. Partner athletes not only work to reduce single-use plastic waste by themselves, but also reach out to other athletes, sports
organizations, companies, fans, and sponsors to expand their circle of support and reduce single-use plastic waste from the sports world. In addition to expanding our activities, we will plan and develop content that allows athletes other than partner athletes, the general public, and companies to participate. Through this project, we will
disseminate correct knowledge and actions from athletes and teams, help solve social issues such as marine litter issues and climate change, and create an environment where various people can practice sports with peace of mind. Together, we will create an opportunity for each and every fan to take action against environmental issues. [Future action plans]
– Simultaneous action campaign (April 13th to the end of May): Fan-participatory trash picking and sorting events at home games by partner organizations such as Chiba Jets (basketball) and Ventforet Kofu (soccer) (total of 9 events scheduled)
・Production of educational content, development on special website and SNS ・Specific athlete activities Naoko Imoto: Measuring the amount of waste at domestic badminton tournaments (Rethink)
Mei Ichinose: Introduction of water servers at domestic para-swimming competitions (Reduce) Ryo Tawatari: Upcycling of discarded goods at Fukushima Firebonds, to which he belongs
Awareness of waste issues to fans (Recycle, Advocate)
“HEROs PLEDGE” participating athletes and organizations (as of March 28, 2024) Athletes (in alphabetical order, titles omitted): Yoshimasa Arai daze (snowboarding) / Miki Ando (figure skating) / Mei Ichinose (para swimming) / Miki Ito (freestyle skiing/moguls) / Yasuo Inoue (judo) / Naoki Imoto Ayuko (competitive swimming) / Kyoko Iwasaki (competitive swimming) / Tatsuro Iwashita (3×3) / Mao Okada (3×3) / Yurie Kato (triathlon) / Yukari Konga (soccer) / Mayu Kushihashi (fencing) / Daiki Kubo (Para Swimming) / Ayumu Goromaru (Rugby) / Kazuki Sugimoto (Karate) / Fumino Sugiyama (Fencing) / Misa Sugiyama (Artistic Swimming) / Sara Takanashi (Ski Jumping) / Minami Takechi (Surfing) / Mari Tanigawa (Track and Field) / Ryo Tawatari (Basketball) / Yumeji Tsuzuki (Surfing) / Naoto Tobe (Track and Field) / Takashi Toritani (Baseball) / Mai Nakagawa (Diving) / Manki Nagashima (Boat Race) / Shinji Negi (Wheelchair Basketball) / Student Nonaka Moe (climbing) / Yumie Hori (bodyboarding) / Shinya Makabe (rugby) / Naomi Mashiko (volleyball) / Aki Yamada (hockey) / Akito Watanabe (ski nordic combined)
Groups (in no particular order): B.LEAGUE (Basketball) / J League (Soccer) / Ventforet Kofu (Soccer) / Chiba Jets (Basketball) / Kawasaki Frontale (Soccer) / Kashima Antlers (Soccer) / Japan Badminton Association (Badminton) /FC Tokyo (soccer) /FC Imabari (soccer) /Japan Sailing Federation (sailing)
■HEROs Sportsmanship for the future
“HEROs Sportsmanship for the future” is a platform to expand the circle of solving social issues. By promoting social contribution activities by athletes, we will generate interest and action among many people connected through sports. This project aims to widen the circle of empathy and action, increase the number of people working to solve social issues, and make social contribution activities commonplace in society. ■What is the Nippon Foundation?
Pain, hope, and future together. Since its establishment in 1962 as Japan’s largest foundation, the Nippon Foundation has used grants from boat race proceeds to support activities in a wide range of fields, including children, people with disabilities, disasters, oceans, and humanitarian aid, transcending race and national borders. We are promoting this as a financial resource.
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