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Home » Biz Forward Co., Ltd. “SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Forward” decided to be introduced to NTT Data

Biz Forward Co., Ltd. “SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Forward” decided to be introduced to NTT Data

[Biz Forward Co., Ltd.] “SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Forward” decided to be introduced to NTT Data

*View in browser* *Money Forward Co., Ltd.*
Press release: March 29, 2024
“SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Forward” decided to be introduced to NTT Data *Complete compliance with invoice system and electronic bookkeeping law* Biz Forward Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Naomichi Tomiyama, hereinafter referred to as Biz
Forward) and Pageant Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Hiroshi Kawai, hereinafter referred to as Pageant) are the cloud-based BtoB billing agency service ‘SEIKYU+
powered by Biz
Forward, we have completed compliance with the invoice system and the Electronic Bookkeeping Act. This makes it possible to issue qualified invoices that comply with the invoice system and to store invoices that comply with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act.
In addition, it has been decided that NTT Data Corporation
(hereinafter referred to as “NTT Data”) will be the first user to implement the service after the legal system is implemented. ■Background of introduction at NTT Data
NTT Data Corporation has launched its cloud-based comprehensive payment platform “CAFIS”.
Arch*1’s new service, we have started requesting installment payments for the purchase price.
In providing the above new service, we plan to issue approximately 20,000 invoices compatible with the invoice system in the future, and we will significantly increase the number of personnel required to issue this number of invoices using our in-house system. I needed to. On the other hand, “SEIKYU+ powered by Biz
We found that by using the “email link function*2” of “Forward”, we could outsource the above invoice issuing process and reduce the internal workload. NTT Data decided to migrate from its own in-house system, with the goal of reducing the internal workload being the deciding factor.

*1 CAFIS Arch… *2
A function that allows buyers (paying parties) to directly enter the information necessary to issue invoices by sending the input format to buyers (paying parties) by email.
■Expected introduction effects
・By outsourcing the invoice issuing work, there was no need to significantly increase the number of personnel (about 10 people) required to issue approximately 20,000 invoices.
・Reducing development costs by utilizing the email link function that can be introduced without system development ・Shortening the time until service launch
・By signing a contract with Pageant, “SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Easily implement payment methods other than “Forward” (credit card payments, etc.)
・Compatible with each legal system without the need for in-house development 1. Achieving the issuance of qualified invoices compatible with the invoice system without the need for development
2. No development required and invoices can be stored in compliance with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act.

[SEIKYU+ powered by Biz Forward service introduction page]
■About Biz Forward Co., Ltd.
Name: Biz Forward Co., Ltd.
Address: 3-1-21 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo msb Tamachi Tamachi Station Tower S 21F
Representative: Naomichi Tomiyama, Representative Director and President Shareholder: Money Forward Co., Ltd. (51%)
    Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Ltd. (39%)
Mitsubishi UFJ Factor Co., Ltd. (10%)
Establishment date: August 2, 2021
Business details:
Provision of cloud-type BtoB billing agency service “SEIKYU+”
Provision of online factoring service “SHIKIN+” for small and medium-sized businesses

■About Pageant Co., Ltd.
Pageant is a payment service company with a stable management base, with 50% owned by NTT Data Corporation and 50% owned by Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Corporation. Pagent payment agency service is a payment service that allows you to integrate a wide variety of payment methods including credit card payments. In addition to internet shopping, we also support payments for a variety of individual services such as digital content, services, and membership fee collection, as well as payments for business-to-business transactions.

Name: Pageant Co., Ltd.
Location: Shibuya Prime Plaza, 19-1 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative: Hiroshi Kawai, President and Representative Director Establishment date: May 2006
Business details:
Provision of payment agency services for e-commerce businesses, collection agency business related to electronic commerce, payment agency services, etc.

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