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Home » AppBrew Co., Ltd. LIPS labo 98% desire to be “sophisticated” Explore latent needs by verbalizing “soph isticated” March 2024, issue 2

AppBrew Co., Ltd. LIPS labo 98% desire to be “sophisticated” Explore latent needs by verbalizing “soph isticated” March 2024, issue 2

[AppBrew Co., Ltd.] [LIPS labo] 98% desire to be “sophisticated” Explore latent needs by verbalizing “sophisticated” [March 2024, issue 2]

*View in browser* *AppBrew Co., Ltd.*
Press release: March 29, 2024
[LIPS labo] 98% desire to be “sophisticated” Explore latent needs by verbalizing “sophisticated” [March 2024, issue 2]
“LIPS” which picks up the beauty situation of LIPS users and beauty trends labo”. This time, we will talk about users’ desire to be
“sophisticated” as revealed in a survey. We will explain how to verbalize the sense of dignity, and the services that users are looking for to become more sophisticated.
1. Many users desire to be “sophisticated”
In recent years, the word “sophisticated” has often been seen in reviews on social media and product catchphrases. It is a word that is now commonly used in the beauty industry, but what does
“sophistication” actually mean to users?

Starting with the question, “Have you ever wanted to be
sophisticated?”, we will investigate users’ expectations and aspirations behind the word “sophisticated.”
According to the responses of approximately 1,800 LIPS users, an astounding 98% answered that they had “wanted to become
. It seems that a large percentage of people have had a desire to be sophisticated.

Next, we will explore the points that users place importance on, starting with the question, “Please tell us what you think is the most important part to improve yourself.”
Just under 40% of the respondents selected “makeup” as the most important element to look sophisticated. Second place was “skin” at 29%, followed by “hair” at 24%*
The majority of people, over 90%*, place importance on things that can be seen.

From this, it can be said that *users of all ages have a “desire to look classy”*, and among them, *many of them mainly* want to change their appearance*.
2. A deep dive into “makeup” that affects sophistication
Makeup is considered to be an important element for users to look sophisticated, but which part is the deciding factor? Let’s dig deeper into makeup to make your face look more sophisticated by asking the question, “What is the most important aspect of facial makeup for a more sophisticated look?”
When asked about the key points for sophisticated makeup, one out of every two users answered that eyebrows are the most important thing to work on. The second place, “eye area”, also accounted for over 30%,* Nearly 90% of respondents* placed the most importance on the impression from the eyebrows to the eyes.

We also asked the question, “Please tell us some makeup techniques that give you a sophisticated look.” The following questions were asked: * Eyebrow shape, eyebrow color, and eye impression *
Answers that mentioned these three points ranked high.
In addition, when asked, “Please tell me the cosmetics (product names) you recommend to improve your look,” the list of eyebrow mascaras and eyebrow powders centered around brands that have a strong affinity with LIPS users.

The most popular answers were as follows.
* ・* * KATE “3D Eyebrow Color N” * * ・* * Deja Vu “Film Eyebrow Color” * * ・* * Romand “Hanol Browkara” * * ・* * Cezanne “Extra Fine Eyebrow Mascara” *

* ・* * Canmake “Mix Eyebrow” * 3.What kind of services do users seek for “sophistication”?
Now that we know the makeup points that users place importance on for a sophisticated look, the next question is, “Please let us know if there are any services or requests that you wish the cosmetics brand or beauty industry had for a sophisticated look.” from,*
We conducted a survey* to find out what users want from companies and brands. There were many *voices requesting a meeting*. In particular, I am not sure how to change parts such as eyebrows and eyes, etc. *
There is also a need to refer to professional opinions*.

We also offer trial size* “sample sets”* and “set sales”* where you don’t have to choose each item by yourself*, *
There also appears to be demand for “proposal-based sales formats such as subscription”*.
4. What we learned from the verbalization of “Kunukeru”
In the first place, the original meaning of the word “Jukukeru” is “to be sophisticated, smart, and stylish.” So, what exactly does “sophistication” mean to users? Here are the results of the question, “Please tell me what ‘refined’ means to you.”
When asked about the state of being sophisticated, in addition to external impressions such as “adultness,” respondents answered that “they know what suits them,” “they make use of their own charm,” and “the person is bright and lively.” More people than expected cited impressions other than physical appearance, such as “being confident” and “self-confident.”

“What I think is the most important part to look sophisticated = external impression such as makeup” and “What does it mean to be sophisticated = internal impression?” *
As a result, I felt that there was a slight gap between the answers to the two questions*.

In this regard, it is important to not only adjust external elements such as makeup, hair, and skin, but also to change your impression from within by getting to know yourself.
This can also be seen as leading to the user’s idea of ​​“sophistication”.

We also asked respondents the question, “Besides makeup, please tell us one thing you do to look sophisticated.”
Along with self-care-related items such as “massage,” “diet,” “improving posture,” and “skin care/hair care,” we also noticed “knowing your personal color,” “skeletal diagnosis,” “checking your skin type,” and “diagnosis by face type.” “I’ll do it.”

*The results show that there is a strong need among users to learn more about themselves and adopt makeup and fashion that suit them*.

You might say that you are changing into a better version of yourself, and that you want to rely on the reliable opinions of professionals as a source of self-confidence.

As a side note, with the LIPS app version, you can immediately see the results just by taking a picture with your smartphone.
* “Personal Color Diagnosis” *
It is equipped with diagnostic functions such as Please use it as a tool to know yourself deeply.
(*Diagnosis can only be performed with the LIPS app.)
5. Changes expected by users who want to be sophisticated
The meaning of the word “sophistication” used by users is not limited to changes in appearance, such as makeup and hair, but is expected to have a positive impact on the inner world and the atmosphere one wears.*
You can say that it is connected to the point where you do it.

LIPS uses cosmetics and services to respond to the user’s desire to “be sophisticated”, which has such a broad meaning*
The number of cosmetic brands and companies that not only provide professional advice on external changes but also support internal changes will increase*
, and we hope that this message gets across to users as well.

* *This content can also be viewed from the “LIPS labo” note. *
(Please also take a look at past surveys)
* Survey results details *
Survey method: Questionnaire survey
Survey period: March 7th (Thursday) to March 12th (Tuesday), 2024 Survey target: Men and women in their teens to 50s who are LIPS users Number of people targeted: 1,797 people

*Request when quoting*
If you would like to reprint this research analysis, please indicate the source as below. (Example: “LIPS survey”, “LIPS survey”, etc.)

*About LIPS*
The service was launched in January 2017. In October 2022, the logo will be redesigned to embody the concept of “Be more free to be who you want to be.” A platform where individuals can freely pursue their “happiness” and “the way they want to be” through makeup and beauty, regardless of gender or generation. In addition, a total of 11 million downloads will be achieved in August 2023 (according to our research/Survey period: January 2017 to August 2023, Survey target: App
exceeded the total number of downloads from Play. We provide various functions and contents for free, such as product reviews related to makeup and skin care, communication between users, popularity rankings, new product information, and gift plans.

* Company Profile*
Company name: AppBrew Co., Ltd.
Address: 4th floor, Toshiki Hongo Building, 1-11-6 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Representative Director: Yuta Fukasawa
Business content: Planning, development, and operation of beauty platform app “LIPS”
LIPS (iOS):;
LIPS (Android):;

Contact information
AppBrew Co., Ltd. PR manager
TEL: 03-3868-3329
FAX: 03-3868-2366
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