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Home » Lion Co., Ltd. Solve all your bathroom problems at once with 5 functions including mold prevention and “pink s tain prevention”! Investigation and verification report on “Look Plus Bath Anti-Mold Fumigant” added functionality and “pink stain prevent

Lion Co., Ltd. Solve all your bathroom problems at once with 5 functions including mold prevention and “pink s tain prevention”! Investigation and verification report on “Look Plus Bath Anti-Mold Fumigant” added functionality and “pink stain prevent

[Lion Co., Ltd.] Solve all your bathroom problems at once with 5 functions including mold prevention and “pink stain prevention”! “Look Plus
Investigation and verification report on the addition of functional appeal to the anti-mold smoke agent for baths and the prevention of pink stains.

*View in browser* *Lion Corporation*
Press release: March 29, 2024
Solve all your bathroom problems at once with 5 functions including mold prevention and “pink stain prevention”! “Look Plus
Investigation and verification report on the addition of functional appeal to the anti-mold smoke agent for baths and the prevention of pink stains.
Lion Co., Ltd. (Representative Director and President Executive Officer: Yukiyuki Takemori) has introduced “Look Plus”, which prevents mold in the entire bathroom by eliminating 99.999% of the bacteria that cause black mold lurking in the ceiling.
Bath anti-mold smoke agent”
The package was renewed in February 2024 with the addition of new functional appeals such as “sterilization*1”, “pink stain prevention”, “virus removal*1”, and “deodorization”.
Additionally, we have conducted a survey and verification regarding “pink stain prevention” and would like to report on this as well. *1 It does not remove all bacteria and viruses.
“Look Plus Ofuro’s anti-mold smoke agent”
◆Renewal of “Look Plus Bath Anti-mold Fumigant” with new functional appeal added ・In addition to preventing mold, it also has five functions: “sterilization*1”, “pink stain prevention”, “virus removal*1”, and “deodorization” to solve all your bathroom problems!
– “Silver ion smoke” can completely eliminate black mold-causing bacteria in the entire bathroom.
– Black mold is less likely to grow, making mold cleaning easier -Efficacy increases with regular use

◆Investigation and verification report regarding pink stains ・About 48% of people feel that pink stains are more common when it comes to bathroom stains.
・As a result of investigating the growth of the bacteria that causes pink stains, it was found that the growth of the bacteria that causes pink stains is promoted when they coexist with the bacteria that causes black mold.
・Suggests that the invisible bacteria that causes black mold may worsen pink stains
1. Aim of release
“Look Plus” newly released in 2012
“Ofuro’s anti-mold smoke agent” is a pioneer in household mold prevention that has proposed a new habit of “shifting from
“removing” black mold to “preventing it.”
The anti-mold smoke agent for baths has been updated with a new package. In addition, the silver ion smoke spreads everywhere from the ceiling to the back of the ventilation fan, eliminating 99.999% of the bacteria that cause black mold lurking in the ceiling, making the entire bathroom mold-proof. ”, “Pink stain prevention”, “Virus removal*1”, and “Deodorizing” functions have been added.

Among them, “pink stains” are the second most worrisome bathroom stains after black mold *2. The main cause of pink stains is a microorganism called Rhodotorula, which is a type of yeast. Rhodotorla appears pink as it proliferates, but it multiplies rapidly and turns into a visible pink stain in 1 to 2 weeks. As a result, more than 70% of consumers feel that cleaning pink stains is a burden, saying, “Even if I clean it, it just keeps coming back”*3. Therefore, in response to the needs of consumers who want to keep their bathrooms clean by preventing not only black mold but also pink stains, we have created the “Look Plus”.
We have added a pink stain prevention function to our “Bathroom Anti-Mold Smoke Agent” and have renewed it.
*2 2022, n=900 (20-59 year old female: Uses toilet-related products once every two weeks and self-selected purchaser of toilet-related products), according to our research
*3 2019, n=13,315 (20-69 years old, male: 964, female: 12,351), according to our research

2. Release date/region: February 2024 Natural switch nationwide

3. Product name/capacity/price
Product name: “Look Plus Bath Anti-mold Fumigant”
Floral/Soap/Deodorizing mint
Capacity: 1 piece/3 pack
Price: Open price

4. Product features
(1)* Not only does it prevent mold, but it also has five functions: “sterilization*1”, “pink stain prevention”, “virus removal*1”, and “deodorization” to solve all your bathroom problems! *

(2) * “Silver ion smoke” can completely eliminate black mold-causing bacteria in the entire bathroom *
The smoke from the sterilizing ingredient “silver ions” spreads to the ceiling and behind the ventilation fan, completely eradicating all the bacteria (mold spores) that cause black mold.

(3) * Black mold is less likely to grow, making mold cleaning easier* After use, black mold will be less likely to grow, and the number of times you will need to clean with mold remover will be reduced, reducing the burden of cleaning.

(4) *Efficacy increases with regular use*
By using it regularly once every two months, the anti-mold effect of “silver ions” will increase. You can maintain a clean bathroom with just regular cleaning without using mold remover.

-How to use-
■Before use
・Clean and remove mold
*Even if you use the product with black mold remaining, it will prevent the mold from spreading further.
・Close bathroom windows and turn off ventilation equipment.
*The bathroom can be used whether it is wet or dry.
*There is no need to take out bathroom accessories, children’s toys, toothbrushes, etc. in advance.

■Use “Look Plus Ofuro’s anti-mold smoke agent”
– Fill a plastic container with water and place it in the center of the bathroom.
・If smoke comes out, exit the bathroom and close the door.
・Leave it on for over an hour and a half, the entire bathroom will be sterilized and mold-proofed.
▶Click here for a movie on how to use fumigants

■After use
・Turn on the ventilation fan to provide sufficient ventilation. *After use, there is no need to rinse the bathroom with water.

■How to further increase the “pink stain prevention effect”
The “Look Plus” brand proposes a new method of cleaning that makes cleaning “easy and clean” through a variety of products. For bathroom cleaning, we are using the newly renewed “Look Plus”. In addition to “Ofuro Mold Prevention Fumigant”, we also suggest cleaning using “Look Plus Bathtub Cleansing Silver Ion Plus” bathroom detergent.
When we conducted an experiment to determine the pink stain prevention effect, we confirmed that using these two products together increases the pink stain prevention effect. “Look Plus
“Ofuro’s anti-mold smoke agent” can be applied to the entire bathroom, “Look Plus
By using “Bathtub Cleansing Silver Ion Plus” on areas of particular concern such as drains and floors, you will get better results than using it alone.
Viable bacteria suppression rate of pink stain-causing bacteria by using “Bathtub Anti-Mold Fumigant” and “Bathtub Cleansing Silver Ion Plus” together
[Experiment method] After using each product once, rinse the FRP board with hot water 10 times, or use Bathtub Cleansing Silver Ion Plus once.
The fungus that causes the pink stain, Rhodotorula, was found on the FRP board after applying an anti-mold smoke agent once and rinsing it with hot water 10 times.
The ability to suppress the number of viable bacteria was evaluated. *Model experiment using test piece (FRP board)

[Investigation and verification report regarding pink stains] ~Is the invisible bacteria that causes black mold making pink stains worse? “Look Plus Ofuro’s anti-mold smoke agent” will help prevent black mold and pink stains from forming in your bath.

Pink stains that appear quickly even after thorough cleaning are the main cause of bathroom problems, along with black mold. Therefore, we investigated and verified the relationship between pink stain and black mold and countermeasures.

■Results of investigation and verification
1) Approximately 48% of people feel that pink stains occur more often. 2) It was found that when the bacteria that causes pink stains coexists with the bacteria that causes black mold, their growth is accelerated compared to when they exist alone.
3) It was suggested that the coexistence of pink stain and black mold may make the black mold inconspicuous and delay in countermeasures, resulting in worsening of the occurrence of pink stain.
1) 48% of people feel that pink stains mainly occur.
When we investigated the stains that occur in the bathroom at home, we found that compared to people who had both black mold and pink stains, We found that many people feel that only one type of condition is likely to occur. “Both occur equally
17.9% of people feel that “black mold occurs more often,” while 34% of people feel that “black mold occurs more often.”
48% of people felt that “pink stains occur more often”*4.
Dirt in the bathroom
In addition, when we investigated how to deal with each type of stain, we found that 50.4% of respondents answered “spraying bathroom detergent and scrubbing” when dealing with pink stains*4.
How to deal with black mold and pink stains that occur
*4 March 2024, n=240 (female 20-69 years old), according to our research

2) If it coexists with the bacteria that causes black mold, pink stains will become worse.

Do you think, “I only get pink stains, so that’s all I need to deal with”? In fact, invisible bacteria that cause black mold may coexist, causing pink stains to develop more quickly. When we confirmed the effect of the bacteria that causes black mold on pink stains, we found that it is the bacteria that causes black mold*
It has been found that the coexistence of Cladosporium* promotes the growth of Rhodotorula*, a type of bacteria that causes pink stains. * Rhodotorula* may increase proliferation by two times compared to Rhodotorula alone.
Effect of coexistence of Cladosporium on growth of Rhodotorula 【experimental method】
* Rhodotorula * bacterial suspension prepared in liquid medium, and * Rhodotorula * and * Cladosporium *
The mixed bacterial solution was cultured on a PE plate at 25°C, and the number of viable bacteria was measured after a predetermined number of days.
*Model experiment using test piece (PE board)
3) If it coexists with pink stains, the bacteria that cause black mold may become inconspicuous and invisible to the naked eye.
If both coexist, the proliferation of * Rhodotorula * becomes more dominant, resulting in * Rhodotorula *
The pink color will be reflected more strongly, and you won’t even notice that the bacteria that causes black mold is lurking! Even if you think that only pink stains occur in your bathroom, the occurrence of pink stains may actually be exacerbated by the coexistence of black mold-causing bacteria. Look Plus can sterilize the entire bathroom, both the bacteria that cause black mold and the bacteria that cause pink stains.
Keep your bathroom clean by using our anti-mold smoke agent. Regarding the data introduced this time, we gave a poster presentation at the “2023 Indoor Environment Society Academic Conference” held from November 30th to December 1st, 2023.
Title: Growth characteristics of Cladosporium and pink slime under coexisting conditions
Presenter: Lion Corporation Living Care Research Institute Hiroshi Yamagishi, Marina Nasu, Mitsumi Kono, Takamichi Hasegawa
          “Look Plus” Brand Site

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