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Home » The Linux Foundation Japan Hyperledger releases latest report “Hyperledger Trends: Supply Chain and Trade Fi nance”

The Linux Foundation Japan Hyperledger releases latest report “Hyperledger Trends: Supply Chain and Trade Fi nance”

The Linux Foundation Japan
Hyperledger releases latest report “Hyperledger Trends Supply Chain and Trade Finance”
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Today, the Japanese version of the latest report “Hyperledger in Action – Supply Chain & Trade Finance” published by the Hyperledger Foundation has been released.
The Hyperledger Supply Chain and Trade Finance Special Interest Group (Supply Chain & Trade Finance SIG) is an alliance of supply chain, logistics, and trade finance companies united to advance the supply chain industry through the implementation of enterprise-grade solutions that leverage technology from the Hyperledger Project Landscape. A global membership of financial professionals.
This report provides an overview of the Hyperledger Foundation/Supply Chain and Trade Finance SIG, use cases, and an overview of blockchain for supply chain and trade finance.
The report is available on the Hyperledger Foundation’s download page. Visit here:
Japanese version: Hyperledger trends supply chain and trade finance Original (English): Hyperledger in Action – Supply Chain & Trade Finance author :
Tom Klein, Alicia Noel, Andrea Frosinini, Jeff Pribich, Ned Thompson Japanese version translation cooperation:
Akio Tomita, Yumi Tomita
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