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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. Surveyed 200 people about their “trigger” for dieting. Why did “52%” choose it? Most of the causes of gaining weight are “overeating” and “lack of exercise.”

Shingen Co., Ltd. Surveyed 200 people about their “trigger” for dieting. Why did “52%” choose it? Most of the causes of gaining weight are “overeating” and “lack of exercise.”

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] Surveyed 200 people about their “trigger” for dieting. Why did “52%” choose it? Most of the causes of gaining weight are “overeating” and “lack of exercise.”

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Press release: March 30, 2024
In a survey of 200 people, what was the reason why 52% of people chose their “trigger” for dieting? Most of the causes of gaining weight are “overeating” and “lack of exercise.”
SHUFUFU, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding diet. We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 men and women
Target audience: People who have consciously tried to diet
Survey gender: 64 men, 136 women
Survey age group: 20s: 38 people, 30s: 80 people, 40s: 55 people, 50s and above: 27 people
Survey period: March 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
What inspired you to start dieting? (Multiple selections possible) What inspired you to start dieting? The most common response to this question was “Look at your reflection in the mirror (52%).” This was followed by “Looking at the number on the scale (49.5%)” and “I can’t wear the clothes I used to wear (26%).” Mirrors and scales allow you to objectively check your own condition, and because you often see them in your daily life, it may be easier to start dieting.
What is the specific reason behind the above diet?
1st place: Look at your reflection in the mirror
I felt self-loathing when I looked at myself in the mirror and wanted to gain more confidence. (Male in his 20s)

I was disappointed by the unbalanced figure I saw in the mirror (female in her 40s)

I wanted to lose weight because I looked bad in the mirror (man in his 30s)

When I tried it on, I looked in the mirror and was surprised (woman in her 30s)

I was shocked at my body shape when I looked in the mirror after taking a bath (man in his 40s)

One day when she looked in the mirror and saw how fat she had become, she decided to go on a diet. Many people said they were shocked to see the difference between what they thought they were and their actual state. *

2nd place: Look at the numbers on the scale
Once I got over 60km, I started thinking that this was no good. (Female in her 40s)

When I weighed myself for the first time in a while, I had gained over 5 kg (female in her 30s).

I gained 17kg when I got pregnant, so I really wanted to lose weight. (Female in her 20s)

This is because I have gained 10 kg since I started working from home. (Male in his 30s)

It all started when I measured my weight and found that it was a very strange number (man in his 40s).

Many people said that when they stepped on the scale for the first time in a while, they were surprised to find that they had gained more weight than they expected. It seems that each person is conscious of some kind of standard value, and if they feel that they have exceeded that standard, they use it as an opportunity to go on a diet. *

3rd place: I can’t wear the clothes I used to wear.
The clothes I wore last year were getting tighter (woman in her 30s)

The waist of denim, which I could wear comfortably until last year, has become tight. (Female from 50s)

It was tough trying to wear the clothes I used to wear for the first time in a while. (Female in her 30s)

I can no longer wear my favorite pants (man in his 30s)

When I went to buy clothes from my favorite brand, my waist was so tight that I couldn’t buy them, so I decided to go on a diet. (Female in her 30s)

* She can no longer wear the clothes she was able to wear until last year or her favorite clothes, so she has decided that she needs to lose weight. *

4th place: Look at your photo
I felt depressed when I saw myself reflected in photos and mirrors (50s ~ female)

In the group photo, I noticed that my face was rounder than I expected (female in her 40s)

When I saw a photo taken at a children’s event, I was shocked to see how solid and dignified my body looked overall. (Female in her 40s)

Many people seem to feel a sense of crisis as they are forced to see themselves objectively in photos. Also, when there are other people in the picture, such as in a group photo, it is easier to compare yourself with others, making it easier to be aware of it. *

5th place: I want to change my appearance
When I wore tight-fitting clothes, I was surprised to see how tight my body lines were. (Female in her 40s)

This is because after childbirth, the bulge in your stomach doesn’t heal easily and you look strange. (Female in her 20s)

I can now see that I have gained weight (woman in her 30s)

6th place: Health checkup numbers were bad
I decided to go on a diet after hearing that my risk of developing an adult disease was increased based on my health checkup results. (Male in his 40s)

It all started when a nurse pointed out to me that I was at risk for metabolic syndrome after receiving the test results from a regular health checkup at work, and recommended that I do things like walking (male in his 30s).

When I was diagnosed with fatty liver, I got scared and started dieting. (Male in his 40s)

7th place: Being pointed out by your lover or family
My relatives and classmates told me I was fat. (Female in her 20s)

Because I was told that if I gained any more weight, I wouldn’t be able to love you (woman in her 30s)

Because the person next to me on the train clicked my tongue and called me fat (woman in her 20s)

When running, I felt that I needed to lose more weight and body fat in order to improve my running time. (50s~Male)

The number one reason is because I see fat people on TV or passersby and feel like I shouldn’t be like that. (Male in his 30s)

What do you think is the reason for your weight gain? (Multiple selections possible)
When asked what they thought was the cause of their weight gain, “Eating too much food (63%)” came first, followed by “lack of exercise (61.5%),” which came in second place (more than half). If you take in more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight, so overeating is a no-no.
What did you do to diet through meals? (Multiple selections possible) When asked what they did to diet, the first answer was “Reducing the amount of food I eat (65.5%),” and the second place was “Stop snacking (36.5%).” If your calorie intake falls below your basal metabolic rate, your energy absorption rate will increase, making you more likely to gain weight, so it may be a good idea to moderately reduce the amount of food you eat.
What did you do to diet through exercise? (Multiple selections possible) When asked what they did to lose weight through exercise, the first place was “walking” (54%), and the second place was “muscle training (other than the gym)” (32.5%). Walking, muscle training (outside the gym), and stretching seem easy to do because they don’t require any equipment or money.
Summary of survey results
When we conducted a questionnaire survey on “diet” to 200 men and women, When asked what inspired them to start dieting, the most common answer was “looking at my reflection in the mirror.” It seems that looking at yourself objectively was the trigger for you.
When asked what they thought was the cause of their weight gain, “eating too much food” came first. Eating too much seems to be a big factor in weight gain.
When asked about diet-related initiatives, the most common response was “reducing the amount of food you eat.” For people who are consuming too many calories, the most effective thing to do is to reduce the amount of food they eat.
When asked about dieting through exercise, the majority said “walking”. Simply walking to work or school as much as possible can be effective.
What kind of diet are you all on?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme of “I’m a little happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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