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R production Inc. Launch of 2nd anniversary campaign to make highly-skilled foreign personnel ready for immediate use – start-up training

[R production Inc.] Launch of 2nd anniversary campaign to make highly-skilled foreign personnel ready for immediate use – start-up training

*View in browser* *R production Inc.*
Press release: March 30, 2024
Launch of 2nd anniversary campaign to make highly-skilled foreign personnel ready for immediate use Start dash training
*Until May 14th: “First time employment success roadmap & checklist for highly-skilled foreign talent” gift*
R celebrated its 2nd anniversary on March 14, 2024.
production LLC (Headquarters: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Ryoko Kikuchi) is running a training campaign to support both corporate managers, executives, field managers, and foreign employees who will be joining the company in the spring of 2024. We will provide you with a price. You can participate from anywhere in Japan or overseas as long as you have an online environment.
* The success of highly skilled foreign talent is determined by the start* We live in an era of labor shortage due to the declining birthrate and aging population. Highly-skilled foreign assets are attracting attention.
“Highly-skilled foreigners” are people who have graduated from domestic or foreign universities or Japanese vocational schools. For example, there are IT engineers who are concerned about a large labor shortage, and foreigners who are in charge of marketers, sales, and corporate planning, who are attracting attention from companies that want to expand their overseas markets. Furthermore, the number of highly skilled foreigners who will become leaders in construction sites, the food and beverage industry, and logistics is increasing. Unfortunately, however, we hear that it is difficult to establish a firm grip. The difference between success or failure is at the start. The first step is important.
Every year, I see many employees who think they can speak Japanese, but when they join the company, they find themselves having problems, such as not being able to communicate, or being unable to follow discussions during training sessions with new Japanese employees. If we leave things as they are, by the time Golden Week arrives, not only the foreigners but also the on-site managers and Japanese employees around them will be exhausted. Before I knew it, I said, “I’m quitting.”
To avoid such situations, get off to a smooth start, and revitalize your organization, we provide “start-up training for highly-skilled foreign personnel to make them immediately effective.”
We have prepared. This program includes training not only for highly-skilled foreign personnel but also for the Japanese managers who manage them, promoting mutual understanding and fostering a sense of teamwork.
Those who apply between today and May 14th will receive a “Success Roadmap Checklist for Hiring Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals for the First Time” as a gift.
*Japanese and foreigners: change yourself rather than changing the other person*

“Foreigners should learn Japanese rules and language since they will be working in Japan.”
Do not you think?
Many people tend to think that way.
But that idea is the source of failure. This may lead to early retirement. For example, what should you do if the oil stains on your plate don’t come off as expected with water?
Have you ever experienced that washing with hot water makes your skin feel cleaner?
If it doesn’t come off with water, try using hot water.
Problems can be solved by changing yourself.
This training begins with Japanese managers, executives, and field managers. We want you to experience the effects, and as part of our 2nd anniversary campaign, we are offering 2 hours of free training to managers, executives, and front-line managers of companies that employ foreign nationals who take this training. We will provide it. * Start-up training to make highly-skilled foreign personnel ready for immediate use*
We offer two types of training: open training and in-house training. Each course consists of lectures, discussions, and work.
◆1. Open training online First 10 people (foreign employees) April 9th ​​(Tuesday) – 10th (Wednesday), 2024
Day 1 April 9th ​​(Tuesday) 10:00-12:00 Corporate managers,
executives, and field managers
14:00-16:00 Foreign employees
2nd day Wednesday, April 10th 10:00-16:00 Foreign employees
◆2. In-house exclusive online limited to 5 companies
1st day 2 hours Corporate managers/executives/site managers
2 hours Foreign employees
2nd day 5 hours Foreign employees
-R production 2nd anniversary campaign-
Implementation period: April 1st (Monday) 10:00 – May 14th (Tuesday) 23:59 ▶Application
* Training content*
■For corporate managers, executives, and frontline managers
1. Japanese values ​​and cultural customs that Japanese people don’t know 2. Japanese self-check
3. Dealing with foreigners is not for the benefit of foreign employees. 4. Summary/Reflection
■For foreign employees (Japanese level: Beginner-intermediate, N3, B1 level or higher)
1. What is a member of society?
2. Values ​​that Japanese people value
3. Characteristics of Japanese instructions and how to receive them 4. The meaning of apology for Japanese people
5. Ho, ren, and sou are Japanese culture.
6. Summary/Reflection
★If the event is exclusive to your company, the content will be adjusted depending on the situation of the participants.
* Recommended for these people *
・I heard that you can speak Japanese, but I can’t understand it. ・Unable to understand the behavior of foreign employees
・I don’t know what foreign employees don’t understand
・I don’t know how to tell my foreign employees to get them to do the job I expected.
・I am unsure whether the current response is adequate.
* Entry fee*
22,000 yen (tax included) / 1 foreign employee
– Free training for managers, executives, and field managers of companies that employ foreign nationals.
*Comments from training staff*
* Representative of R production Inc. *
* Consultant to support the preparation and retention of highly skilled foreign talent. *
* Comment from Ryoko Kikuchi *
Are you conscious of the way you speak or the characteristics of your actions? I think most people are not aware of it. Therefore, it is difficult for foreign employees to understand the various challenges they face in the Japanese workplace.

When you actually talk to highly-skilled foreign professionals, you realize how many worries they face. I would like to work with managers, executives, and front-line managers to think about how to interact with these employees so that they can thrive and become established. At the same time, we hope that our new employees of foreign nationality will be able to smoothly adapt to their work in Japan and get off to a great start. For this reason, we offer practical training programs based on our extensive experience gained through collaboration with leading companies in a wide range of industries, including finance, IT, and infrastructure fields. The training, which uses a lot of work and discussion, has been well received by many participants.
Please take this opportunity to participate.
*About R production Inc.*

* 【Company Profile】*
Company name: R production LLC (English name: R production Inc.) Head office location: Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Representative employee: Ryoko Kikuchi
Business content: Highly skilled foreign human resource development and retention support project
Established: March 2022
Bank: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation GMO Aozora Net Bank HP:

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