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Home » Mr. David Treleaven Free Webinar (Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness) April 7th (Sun) 10:00

Mr. David Treleaven Free Webinar (Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness) April 7th (Sun) 10:00

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Mr. David Treleaven Free Webinar (Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness) April 7th (Sun) 10:00
Things that everyone who teaches and practices mindfulness and meditation should know.
Practicing mindfulness, yoga, and meditation can provide us with many benefits. On the other hand, trauma-sensitive mindfulness was born out of an awareness of the need for consideration to ensure safe access. We will be holding a webinar inviting Mr. David Treleaven, who is the developer of this and also works at the Oxford Mindfulness Center.
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This webinar is for people who:
Those who teach mindfulness or yoga, or provide interpersonal support using the essence of mindfulness or meditation in medical,
psychological, educational, etc. settings, and are interested in communicating safe mindfulness. .
People who want to practice mindfulness more safely and securely by themselves. Others who would like to learn more about trauma-informed mindfulness from the practical aspects of practicing it.
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What is trauma-sensitive mindfulness?
Practicing mindfulness, yoga, and meditation can provide us with many benefits. Mindfulness, yoga, and meditation are especially needed in today’s stressful society, and are beginning to spread in various fields such as medicine, welfare, education, business, and the community. At the same time, mindfulness is very powerful, and for people who are sensitive to trauma, it is important to communicate it in a safe manner. As the world moves forward, it is essential for those involved in meditation instruction to learn about trauma sensitivity. We want all those involved in mindfulness, yoga, and meditation instruction to learn trauma-sensitive instruction, so we have created Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Japan, a place for learning about trauma-sensitive mindfulness. has been launched. We will work with Dr. David to create a community and provide a place for learning in Japan. We aim to make mindfulness accessible to as many people as possible, making it safe and secure for both those who teach it and those who practice it.
Webinar overview
1) Target
People who practice or teach mindfulness
Those who practice or teach yoga
Clinical psychologist, certified psychologist, medical professional Those who want to incorporate mindfulness into interpersonal support Others interested in mindfulness
*No special preparation is required to participate.
2) Date and time
Sunday, April 7, 2024
3) Lecturer
Dr. David Treleaven
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4) Participation fee
5) Location
Webinar via Zoom
We will inform you of the number when you apply.
6) Language
English (with Japanese interpreter)
7) Thoughts on holding the event
Mindfulness is attracting attention in various fields and is being used in more situations than ever before.
In this context, the perspective of “trauma-sensitive mindfulness” is becoming a common recognition worldwide, and it is becoming something that requires consideration as an instructor of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga.
However, in Japan, there is still little information about
trauma-sensitive mindfulness, and it is difficult to say that it is fully understood. Many of the meditation guides published in publications and the videos and audio available online have not been taken into consideration from a trauma-sensitive perspective, making it difficult to actually use them safely or follow the guides. It is advisable to take this perspective into consideration when carrying out such work.
Our hope is that mindfulness will reach those who need it as a safe way to support others. To that end, I am continuing to learn about trauma-sensitive mindfulness and work to make it known to as many people as possible.
If you know anyone who is interested in this topic, I would appreciate it if you could introduce me to a book or give me information about a study group.
*Trauma Sensitive Mindfulness Japan was established by International Midfulness Center JAPAN in partnership with David.
*Trauma-sensitive mindfulness is not intended for trauma treatment, but from the perspective of trauma-informed care, consideration should be given when communicating mindfulness from aspects such as safety and diversity. It’s something you learn.
Trauma-informed care is a type of support in which many people providing support acquire knowledge and responses regarding trauma, and respond to the people they normally support from the perspective that they may be suffering from trauma. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014 Osaka Kyoiku University School Crisis Mental Support Center/Hyogo Prefectural Mental Care Center translation, 2018).
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