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Home » GRITZ Co., Ltd. 31.5% concerned about converting farmland to solar power generation | Survey on unused farmland and solar power generation conducted among 200 people nationwide

GRITZ Co., Ltd. 31.5% concerned about converting farmland to solar power generation | Survey on unused farmland and solar power generation conducted among 200 people nationwide

GRITZ Co., Ltd.
31.5% concerned about converting farmland to solar power generation | Survey on unused farmland and solar power generation conducted among 200 people nationwide
Do you agree with converting farmland to solar power? Opposition? ……
GRITZ Co., Ltd., which operates the useful site for solar power generation “Asuguri”, conducted a survey of 200 people nationwide regarding familiar issues related to SDGs.
In recent years, attention has been focused on the use of unused farmland such as rice fields as solar land, as it is linked to the SDGs of “Affordable and Clean Energy” (English: Affordable and Clean Energy).
We interviewed 200 people about the current situation in which some farmland is being used as a site for solar power generation, and compiled the survey results.
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・Statement that the source of the quotation is “survey by Asgri” ・Install a link to the URL below as a source
Asgri recently conducted interviews with 200 men and women from all over the country regarding the “Survey on Unused Farmland and Solar Power Generation.”
“Survey on unused farmland and solar power generation”
Survey period: February 11, 2024 to March 21, 2024
Research institution: In-house research
Survey target: Men and women in their 20s to 60s nationwide
Number of valid responses: 200 people
Survey method: Online questionnaire survey
Question: Please tell us whether you agree or disagree with the use of unused farmland for solar power, and why.
Full survey results:
[Image 1:×768.png ]
Gender of interview respondent
Female: 58.5%
Male: 41.5%
In this survey, we were able to obtain responses without any significant bias in the ratio of men to women.
[Image 2:×768.png ]
Age of interview respondent
20s: 17.5%
30s: 31.5%
40s: 31.0%
50s: 14.0%
Over 60s: 6.0%
In this survey, we were able to receive responses from a wide range of age groups. Regarding the volume zone, responses were mainly from the age group of 30s to 40s.
[Image 3:×768.png ]
About converting unused farmland to solar power land
Agree: 65.5%
Opposed: 31.5%
Neutral: 3%
In this survey, a majority of 65.5% were in favor, indicating that many people have a positive attitude towards converting unused farmland.
[Image 4:×768.png ]
Specific reasons for supporting the solar power generation site (131 people) 1st place: Because land can be used effectively (66.4%)
2nd place: Because it is renewable energy (28.2%)
3rd place: Others (5.4%)
Other breakdowns included “securing power in times of disaster,” “contributing to SDGs and decarbonization,” and “revitalizing local economies.”
The majority of those in favor expressed a positive attitude toward the effective use of unused farmland, followed by renewable energy through solar power generation. The survey shows that solar power generation is attracting attention as a way to effectively utilize unused farmland, which is increasing due to the decrease in the number of farmers, and that the fact that it is a renewable energy source is also being considered as a measure to put a brake on nuclear power generation. I understand the result.
Specific reason (free description):
[1. Effective use of land]
I am in favor of utilizing unused farmland as solar land. I see it a lot where I live. Considering that if the company did not choose how to use it, it would have remained a vacant lot with lots of weeds growing, so this is a big benefit because it is an activity that generates profits for the company and is recognized as an
environmentally conscious initiative. I think. Although it is expensive and the landscape is a bit unsightly, vacant land does not generate any profit for anyone, and it becomes overgrown with weeds, reducing its value both as a place to live and as a place for economic activity. If so, we think that using it as a solar power site is a good option. Even if you don’t use the place, if you own it, you will inevitably be taxed. If you’re going to spend money anyway, you’ll probably feel like it’s a better choice to use it where you know it will help the environment. (Female in her 20s)
[2. Renewable energy]
I am in favor of using farmland for solar power. I live in Miyagi Prefecture and experienced the Great East Japan Earthquake. While living in an evacuation center, I witnessed the horrors of nuclear power generation on the news. It was only after a disaster like this occurred that I realized the horror of nuclear power plants. Even now, contaminated water is still in the news, and I think this is an issue that the next generation will struggle with. I think we can make even more use of natural energy without relying on nuclear power. I don’t think there is any problem with using farmland that is not originally used for solar power. I feel that some areas may be revitalized because of this. I feel that we need vast areas of land to utilize the energy that nature creates more effectively and efficiently. (Female in her 30s)
[3. Contribution to SDGs and decarbonization]
This is a positive opinion! In the area where I live, there is a lot of farmland that is no longer in use, and there are also many large tracts of land. With many people quitting farming, I think it’s a good idea to use land for solar power for the sake of the environment, rather than having land left over. Land that used to be farmland in the past is often turned into condominiums or residential areas, but farmland with good sunlight is compatible with solar power generation, and in this day and age when SDGs are attracting attention, it is very I think it’s a good use! Recently, we have heard about solar sharing initiatives. I hope that there will be more and more ways to kill two birds with one stone by growing crops on existing farmland at the same time! (Female in her 30s)
[4. Securing power in case of disaster]
I agree with using farmland for solar power. Demand for energy, resources, electricity, etc. has changed due to resource wars among major powers around the world. Rising prices of gasoline and kerosene, as well as food prices, have put a strain on households. My
electricity bill went up, so I canceled my contract with Hokuden and switched to a major power company, but I’m worried because the government subsidy is only temporary. I would also like power companies to use farmland and vacant land to incorporate solar power generation, secure and maintain power, and store backup electricity. Especially in the future, large-scale power outages are likely to occur frequently due to major disasters. I believe that if we have electricity that can be used immediately in an emergency, our daily lives will not be disrupted and we will have peace of mind. I had actually experienced a blackout for three days and was living in the dark, so I was in a lot of trouble when the power wasn’t restored right away. Candles and flashlights are inconvenient. (Female in her 50s)
[5. Revitalization of local economy]
I am in favor of using farmland for solar power. Here are a few reasons: The first is that it revitalizes the local economy. The installation and operation of solar power generation facilities requires manpower. This means new jobs will be created for local people. The creation of new employment opportunities is believed to have a positive impact on the local economy. The second reason is that it can prevent the land from being degraded. If farmland is left unattended, weeds will grow and the land will deteriorate, potentially damaging the landscape. The installation of solar power generation facilities is considered to be effective in preventing such
situations. Third, renewable energy can be strongly promoted by utilizing unused farmland for solar power generation. This is considered necessary as it will lead to a break away from dependence on fossil fuels. For the reasons stated above, I agree. (Male in his 20s)
[Image 5:×768.png ]
Specific reasons for opposing solar power generation land (63 people) 1st place: Environmental concerns (28.6%)
2nd place: Obstruction of landscape (17.5%)
3rd place: Disposal of solar panels (14.3%), decrease in farmland (14.3%) 4th place: Damage caused by reflected light (9.5%) 5th place: Concerns about power generation efficiency (6.3%)
The first objection raised was “concerns about the environment,” and many cited the negative impact on the environment of installing solar panels in the first place. The second reason was “obstruction of the landscape,” and many expressed a sense of resistance to the installation of unique man-made objects in nature. Additionally, it was found that there was concern about the decrease in farmland as there was a desire to actively use the land as farmland rather than converting it to other uses.
Specific reason (free description):
[1. Environmental concerns]
I’m against it. The Japanese media does not report on the fact that solar panels used for solar power generation emit harmful substances such as arsenic, selenium, and cadmium. There was a report the other day that an unlikely compound was detected in a river, but there have been no reports since then. I wonder why they only say good things about the installation. In fact, I once witnessed a solar panel installed on a rock face collapse due to a landslide. I seriously doubt what kind of compensation was provided in this case. Like anything, it will deteriorate. I wonder how explanations about aftercare will be provided. I don’t think there are any solar panels that can be used for 50 years. Moreover, I doubt that companies that install and operate solar panels will still exist in 50 years. It just seems like they are promoting environmental pollution. (Female in her 50s)
[2. Obstruction of scenery]
I am against using unused farmland for solar power. I understand that supplementing energy with renewable energy is very important from the perspective of protecting the global environment. However, it is sad that Japan’s beautiful scenery is being taken away by mechanical things. I don’t know if it’s difficult, but I learned in junior high school social studies class that harmful substances are generated when solar panels are disposed of. Regardless of whether something like this actually happens, I think the public should be thoroughly informed. If the residents living around the land are in favor of using their farmland for solar power, I think it would be a good idea to explain the pros and cons thoroughly before doing so. (Female in her 20s)
[3. Disposal of solar panels]
I am against using agricultural land for solar power. One of the main reasons is that there is no way to dispose of solar panels. I think solar power generation is one of the most effective forms of renewable energy, but when you think about the installation of panels and their disposal, I don’t think it’s a sustainable way to protect nature. There seems to be too little coverage of the disadvantages of solar and wind power generation, which are currently attracting attention as renewable energies. I think it’s important to get started, but when there are reports that focus only on the benefits, there are many people who end up benefiting from the benefits behind the scenes and end up having a hard time later on. I feel that we may end up living in a world where people become more aware of what they are doing. (Female in her 40s)
[4. Decrease in farmland]
I’m against it.
It may be necessary for a stable supply of electricity, but the food self-sufficiency rate is quite low, so I don’t want our farmland to be reduced any further. Even if it is farmland that is no longer in use, I would like to gather some ideas and people and move forward in the direction of reusing it as farmland.
Once the land is turned into a solar power generation site, the land becomes so infertile that it may not be possible to return it to farmland after several years, or even if it is possible to do so, it will take many years and a considerable amount of effort. There are also concerns about water supply, and as Japan is prone to many disasters, including not only earthquakes but also floods, there is also concern that not only natural disasters but also man-made disasters will increase.
At first glance, solar power generation seems eco-friendly and kind to the earth, but for the reasons mentioned above, I think it is not very good for the natural world. (Female in her 40s)
[5. Damage caused by reflected light]
I am against the idea of ​​using unused farmland as solar land. The first reason is the negative impact on the surrounding
environment. In order to generate solar power, it may be necessary to install a large number of solar panels, but the generation of power by solar panels generates abnormal heat, which is reflected through the panels, causing a rise in the temperature of surrounding houses and forests. This is because there is a high possibility that there will be a sudden increase in the amount of carbon dioxide, causing negative effects on the human body, animals, and nature.
In particular, there have been cases where the indoor temperature of houses has increased by nearly 10 degrees after installing solar panels around them, making it difficult to utilize them in satoyama areas.
There are also concerns that there are places that generate localized abnormal heat, which could actually lead to further global warming. Furthermore, there is a risk of secondary disasters such as panels being blown away during a typhoon and causing damage to nearby areas, so we oppose their use. (Female in her 30s)
[6. Concerns about power generation efficiency]
Currently, it seems that solar power generation is becoming more and more popular in Japan as a way to promote renewable energy. However, my personal opinion is against using farmland that is no longer used for solar power. Since each solar panel is large and the scale is large enough to utilize farmland, the installation area of ​​the solar panels is expected to be quite large. If this happens, the landscape of the area will deteriorate and there will be doubts about the durability and maintainability of the solar panels themselves. With solar power generation, the amount of power generated is affected by the weather, so it is unclear whether stable energy can be secured. I can’t say I’m in favor of it because I don’t know if there will be a return on the cost of investing in solar power generation equipment. (Male in his 20s)
Concerning the conversion of land to solar power generation, “Agree: 65.5%”, “Disagree: 31.5%”, “Undecided: 3%”
The first reason for approval was “effective use of land” at 66.4%, followed by “renewable energy” at 28.2%.
The first reason for opposition was “concern for the environment” at 28.6%, followed by “disturbing the landscape” at 17.5%.
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・Statement that the source of the quotation is “survey by Asgri” ・Install a link to the URL below as a source
In the future, Asuguri will continue to conduct research on awareness regarding SDGs initiatives and hope to disseminate this information. [About Asuguri]
“Asuguri” publishes content to deepen understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of solar power generation investment, carbon neutrality, and SDGs. It also provides easy-to-understand explanations about how to use farmland and information about selling it.
Company Profile
Company name: GRITZ Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 10th floor, Shinjuku Tatsumi Building, 6-16-6 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023
Representative name: Hiroyuki Hamano
Capital: 10 million yen
TEL: 03-6380-5788
FAX: 03-6380-5747
Business details: Solar power plant development business, media management business (renewable energy related information)
Management media: Asuguri (
Homepage URL:
-Contact information-
GRITZ Co., Ltd. Head Office
TEL: 03-6380-5788
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