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Home » B-Step Co., Ltd. Solving recruitment difficulties Increase applicants through SNS recruitment! We have started providing services specializing in support for recruitment activities of small and medium-sized enterprises!

B-Step Co., Ltd. Solving recruitment difficulties Increase applicants through SNS recruitment! We have started providing services specializing in support for recruitment activities of small and medium-sized enterprises!

B-Step Co., Ltd.
[Eliminating recruitment difficulties] Increase applicants through SNS recruitment! We have started providing services specializing in support for recruitment activities of small and medium-sized enterprises!
The number of applications has increased from recognition acquisition to three companies that have been monitored!
With the importance of using SNS in recruitment activities, B-Step Co., Ltd. has started providing SNS support services to support corporate recruitment activities. This service provides consistent support from strategy formulation to operational support for effectively deploying corporate recruiting activities on SNS.
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About B-Step Co., Ltd.
We are an SNS marketing company that provides marketing strategy planning using SNS, operational support and consulting, and supports your company from gaining recognition and expansion to attracting customers and recruiting.
What is SNS recruitment (social recruiting)?
SNS recruitment is a method of using SNS to lead to recruitment. By disseminating information on media such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter using the company’s official account, recruitment account, and personal accounts of managers and recruiters, gain recognition from job seekers and have them continue to view the site. This will increase your interest and ultimately lead to your application. Additionally, with the widespread use of LINE, the frequency of email use has decreased, especially among young people, and as a result, opportunities to use LINE as a means of communication during recruitment activities have increased, and many companies have introduced official recruitment LINE. You can see it.
In recent years, as “Generation Z” has increasingly used SNS when job hunting, the term “SNS job hunting,” which refers to using SNS to research companies and share information about job hunting, has become widespread. Masu.
Background to the attention being paid to the adoption of SNS 1. Changes in information collection sources
The reason why the adoption of SNS is attracting attention is related to changes in the sources of information gathering.
Until now, the common method of gathering information was through search engines such as Google, but in recent years, gathering information using SNS has become mainstream among the younger generation.
This is because you can find more real information on SNS posted by individuals than on a search engine.
Job seekers are looking for real information rather than official content released by companies, so they tend to use SNS for job hunting.
Since job seekers are getting information from SNS, companies have no choice but to put more effort into disseminating information on SNS. (Citation: 2. Changes in decision making
Younger generations in particular tend to make decisions based on more real information.
In the first place, the information you send to job seekers is meant to highlight your company’s appeal. Since there will inevitably be a lot of positive information, it will make you wonder, “What is the truth?”
Job seekers tend to judge how they act and what they choose by knowing the “true voice” of an individual.
Therefore, rather than official websites or recruitment pages created to make the company look good, SNS, where you can get real
information, are becoming the basis for decision-making.
This means that companies need to make full use of SNS to match the information job seekers are looking for.
(Citation: Employment status of job seekers in modern times
As a result of the “Survey on the usage status of SNS in job hunting” conducted by i-plug Co., Ltd., which operates “OfferBox,” respondents said that they use SNS to gather information when pursuing job hunting. The response rate was 59.6%.
(Reference: In addition, we asked the above respondents, “How do you feel about companies using SNS to help you with your job hunting?” “It will be,” he answered. In addition, 43.8% of respondents said “It’s a good opportunity to learn about the company.” It can be inferred that the use of SNS by companies is leading to increased awareness among students.
(Citation: i-plug Co., Ltd. press release
Actual status of SNS usage by companies
On the other hand, i-plug Co., Ltd. also conducted a survey of companies, and the results showed that 71.4% of companies responded that they did not use SNS.
This means that while about 60% of job seekers use SNS, companies are not making much progress in using SNS.
In fact, in a survey of listed and unlisted companies conducted by Mynavi Co., Ltd., 18.6% of listed companies and 12.0% of unlisted companies cited “introducing the WEB and SNS for recruitment promotion” as reasons why their company’s recruitment has become more difficult. It is recognized as something that has not been done. (Reference: Furthermore, according to Tokyo Shoko Research Co., Ltd., “While the use of SNS is expected to expand, the reality is that it once again highlights the large disparity in companies’ efforts in terms of not only the know-how to produce effects but also the management resources such as human resources that can be invested.” (Citation:” was also pointed out.
Started recruitment SNS support service!
With the importance of using SNS in recruitment activities, B-Step Co., Ltd. will start providing SNS support services to support corporate recruitment activities.
This service provides consistent support from strategy formulation to operational support for effectively deploying corporate recruiting activities on SNS.
[Table 5:] Our company, B-Step, has provided SNS operation support to a total of more than 50 local companies.
The challenges I feel are:
“We have good products and good service. However, it cannot be sustained due to a lack of employees to provide the services. ” Recruitment was difficult due to local characteristics.
I have also heard that people are not able to attract people because it is difficult to get rid of the negative image in some industries, and if the company is involved in BtoB business, there is no recognition of the company in the first place, so it is difficult to attract attention.
However, even if you post it in a recruitment media, it won’t improve… That’s no wonder. Nowadays, SNS is used as a way to gather
information, and there are an increasing number of cases in which people use SNS as a gateway to learn about a company, or conduct comparative studies based on information and impressions on SNS. Because there is.
However, as shown in a survey by Tokyo Shoko Research Co., Ltd., supporters felt that there was a huge disparity in the use of SNS. Local businesses are an important presence supporting the local economy. If we are unable to continue recruiting, valuable companies will reduce their business activities, leading to a decline in the local economy.
Therefore, based on our past knowledge, we will start a full-fledged service that supports the use of SNS in recruitment activities.
[Table 6: ]
Our recruitment SNS support service does not end with operating SNS such as Instagram and TikTok.
This is because after viewing SNS, job seekers cross over all kinds of media such as homepages, recruitment sites, and application forms. If your goal is to get hired, looking only at social media will not lead to real results.
That’s why we provide consistent support, from formulating recruitment strategies to designing and reviewing recruitment sites and
applications, and from formulating concepts for SNS to implementing operations.
◆Service details
We understand the essential value of our clients, and because we are supporters, we think about our clients from every angle with an objective perspective, even more so than our clients, and support them in proposing practical strategies and implementing measures. – Details of the initiative –
1. Organizing efforts in current recruitment activities
2. Identify market needs for recruitment
3. Creating a customer journey for job seekers
4. Formulation of implementation measures
5.Continue implementation of measures
6.Analysis and improvement
– price –
From 100,000 yen (excluding tax)
*Varies depending on support content
*Minimum contract period 6 months
– Available recruitment methods –
・Recruitment of new graduates = “Available”
・Mid-career recruitment = “Available”
・Part-time employment = “Available”
– Areas where support is possible –
·Recruitment activity
・Site production
・Internship planning and management
-Monitor results-・Wood company
Obtained our first application from a state where we had no
applications due to natural inflow through referrals only.
・Visiting nursing company
Applications flooded in from the second month of support.
Some of the applications are outside our jurisdiction, so we ask that you refer them to group companies.
・Fresh fish store
After posting on recruitment media and job advertisements and receiving no response, we received inquiries and applications within the first month of operation.
– Application/Inquiries –
[Table 7:] Company Profile
[Table 8: ]

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