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Home » NPO Corporate Education Research Group Realize a society where everyone is involved in and contributes to education!

NPO Corporate Education Research Group Realize a society where everyone is involved in and contributes to education!

NPO Corporate Education Research Group
Realize a society where everyone is involved in and contributes to education! ~ Delivering lessons that connect society to children across the country ~ ……
We support April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is the dream of the NPO Corporate Education Research Association (ACE).
I want to create more social connections with children. To this end, our goal is to “realize a society where everyone is involved in and contributes to education.”
We want to create a society where more people are involved in children’s education. We dream of such a future and work every day.
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The current curriculum guidelines advocate the philosophy of “curriculum that is open to society,” and schools are required to enhance educational activities in collaboration and cooperation with society. On the other hand, companies and universities that are members of local communities are expected to actively give back their own resources to society as part of their social contribution efforts. Companies have many resources that can be returned to the educational field, such as various networks, attractive human resources, research results, and know-how cultivated in the course of business. However, it is not easy for schools and companies to work together to create and implement classes.
We, ACE, established this corporation 20 years ago with Chiba University’s Faculty of Education as its parent organization, and have been working with over 100 companies to create sophisticated classes in collaboration with schools, companies, and universities. Ta. We have continued to provide free on-site lessons and teaching materials that are easy for schools to incorporate into their daily lessons, and currently provide lessons to approximately 50,000 children each year. Through classes, children realize that their daily learning is connected to society, and they may find new dreams for the future. You may also meet adults from all walks of life and be inspired by them. The realization of our “dream” does not necessarily mean that our on-site classes will spread throughout Japan.
We will continue to find many friends and form a large circle in order to create a society in which everyone in each region and from various positions can be involved in and contribute to education.
About the NPO Corporate Education Research Association (ACE) The NPO Corporate Education Research Group is a venture NPO
originating from Chiba University that specializes in “creating lessons in cooperation with companies” based on the Chiba University Faculty of Education. We connect companies and schools and deliver class programs and teaching materials that utilize company resources to elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, etc. Click here for the practical program 【Company Profile】
Organization name: NPO Corporate Education Research Group
   NPO the Association of Corporation and Education (ACE)
Location: 3F-A Shinba Building, 2-18-8 Matsunami, Chuo-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture
Chairman: Daisuke Fujikawa (Professor, Faculty of Education, Chiba University) HP:
“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
More details about this release: