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Home » Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews on frozen bento boxes do you refer to? The first place was “taste and deliciousness”!

Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews on frozen bento boxes do you refer to? The first place was “taste and deliciousness”!

Review Co., Ltd.
[Research Report] What kind of reviews of frozen lunch boxes do you refer to? The first place was “taste and deliciousness”!
“Sablog” (, an information media that is useful for daily life, operated by Review Co., Ltd.
(, is a website run by Review Co., Ltd. ( We conducted a survey among people asking, “What kind of reviews about frozen bento boxes do you consider?” We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey target: Men and women in their teens and older
Survey date: February 2024
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of people surveyed: 100 (76 women, 24 men)
Investigation report: *When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “Sablog” URL (
Survey results summary
When we conducted a survey to find out what kind of reviews people would consider regarding frozen lunch boxes, the number one answer was “taste/deliciousness.”
We will also introduce other items in ranking format.
[Image:×768.jpg] “Taste and deliciousness” came in first place.
The second and subsequent rankings were “Price/Cospa” and
“Contents”, followed by “Delivery/Delivery Charges” which came in 7th place.
1st place: Taste/deliciousness
・I don’t want to eat food unless it tastes good, so I can’t compromise on the delicious taste. People buy it based on reviews such as “It was delicious” and “This taste is good and not too bland.” (Female in her 30s)
・I want my food to taste good, so I’m most concerned about taste and deliciousness. I would like to refer to it to see if it has the seasoning to my liking. (Female in her 30s)
・I think whether frozen foods taste good after thawing varies considerably depending on the manufacturer, so I’d like to hear what buyers have to say. (Female in her 40s)
1st place is “taste and deliciousness”.
Many people place great importance on delicious food because if it’s not delicious, they won’t want to eat it and won’t be able to continue eating it.
2nd place: Price/cospa
・Even if the price is low, there are many delicious foods. Even though it has the same content, I want to keep it on hand to have some fun once in a while, and I wish it were cheap enough to keep it going. I thought I wouldn’t be able to continue if it was expensive, so I chose to prioritize cost performance. (Female in her 30s)
・I don’t have the financial means to spend money on frozen foods and pay attention to their deliciousness and health, so I tend to choose things that are cheap and fill me up. (Male in his 30s)
・Since I prepare lunch boxes for my family, price and cost performance are important. Even though it’s frozen, it’s quite expensive, so reviews that say it’s good for the price and cost performance are very helpful. (Male in his 40s)
2nd place was “Price/Cospa”.
Some respondents said that even if they were comfortable, they would not be able to repeat the purchase if it was expensive, so they wanted to make sure it was cost-effective before making a choice.
3rd place: Content capacity
・Frozen foods are very convenient these days, but my kids eat a lot, so even 6 cutlets in small portions is only enough for one bento, so quantity is the most important thing. (Female in her 40s)
・If you often see a picture of a single serving on the package and it’s frozen, you’d think it would have that much volume, but when you warm it up, it often only has a volume of 0.5 servings. So. (Male in his 30s)
・I want to focus on cost performance, but if I want to use a frozen lunch box for convenience, I want to focus on the contents. I would rather choose one large capacity item rather than two small quantities (Female in her 40s)
4th place: Number of menus
・No matter how good the other conditions are, it’s not fun if there are only 2 or 3 types on the menu. Even if it’s not like a certain bento chain store, if there are enough menus to satisfy people of all ages and genders, it will be more fun to choose. (Male in his 40s) ・If there are genres of food that are not available in other frozen lunch boxes, it will be fun to choose, and I think you will use them often. I would be happy if there were dishes that could only be eaten overseas. (Female in her 50s and up)
・After all, I think it’s more fun to have a rich menu and you can use it without getting bored, so I would like to use this review as a reference. (Female in her 40s)
4th place: Best before date
・I like the convenience of being able to store products in the freezer, so I try to keep an eye on the expiration date before purchasing. (Male in his 40s)
・I tend to miss expiration dates, and I get even more careless when it comes to frozen items, so I want to choose items with as long a expiration date as possible (female in her 30s)
・I want to keep frozen food on hand as a meal in case of emergencies, so I want to buy food that can be kept in the refrigerator for a certain amount of time. (Male in his 20s)
6th place: Ease of use
・If you are unexpectedly asked about the location of a frozen lunch box or are unable to temporarily cancel the order, there are some things that are easy to use, so if possible, you can temporarily cancel the order or change the location. It is better to have something that is easy for users to use, such as not having to take anything. (Male in his 30s)
・I think taste is a matter of personal preference, and if you use good ingredients, it can’t be helped even if the price is a little high.For me, it’s important to be able to use it easily when I want it, and to respond to sudden circumstances such as poor health. We value what you do. (Female in her 50s and up)
7th place: Delivery support/Shipping fee
・I have heard that the delivery service is not good, so I am concerned about the delivery condition since it is a food item. Also, I can’t continue if the shipping charges are too high. (Female in her 40s) We came in 7th place for “Delivery support/Delivery charges”. Make sure to check whether there will be shipping charges and how much they will cost before making your selection.
When we conducted a survey of 100 people, 65.0% of them answered “taste/deliciousness”.
Many respondents also said that they would not be able to eat the food if it tasted bad, and that the taste varies greatly depending on the manufacturer.
It turns out that many people want to check not only the convenience of frozen lunch boxes, but also the reviews on the taste before considering them.
Why not use this as a reference when choosing a frozen lunch box? ■About Review Co., Ltd.
Our company operates the information site “Sablogg
(” that is useful for daily life. We also manage YouTube channels, own media, and personal gyms. ■Company overview
Company name: Review Co., Ltd.
Address: GS Sakae Building 3F, 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Satoru Toda
Established: January 5, 2022
Capital: 1 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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