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Home » WONDERFUL GROWTH I want to communicate about the development of working adults at the Davos conference in 10 years.

WONDERFUL GROWTH I want to communicate about the development of working adults at the Davos conference in 10 years.

10 years from now, I would like to make a public message about the development of working adults at the Davos conference.
Become a human resource development company that influences many people to make their dreams come true.
From Win-Win economic activities, where new human resource development methods and company-style standards take root in Japanese society, more companies have opportunities to create employment, and as customers grow, WONDERFUL GROWTH also grows. At the Davos meeting, we hope to disseminate the idea of ​​a global standard.
Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of “WONDERFUL GROWTH”.
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Click here for the secret story behind the founding of WONDERFUL GROWTH.
The reason why we want to start our business and provide training opportunities to many people is because we want to correct the “educational disparity” that exists among adults.
As we move forward with our business, there are companies that have already introduced training and companies that have not, but companies that have cultivated excellent employees and have achieved remarkable business growth have one thing in common: “Provide training opportunities for employees.” I feel that “providing” can be mentioned.
We believe that providing training opportunities is essential for sustainable management, which is why we have created original training curricula for each company after listening to each company’s organizational issues.
Many of the curriculums we create are designed to be produced in-house by companies, so that even after we leave our support, they can be used by companies to train their own instructors and train new and young people. It is programmed.
When providing this kind of curriculum, we often hear that
This is a voice of concern to our company: “Do we need to create a sustainable business model?”
This is certainly a risk for our company, but we are also happy to receive feedback like this.
I feel that businesses up until now often provide services that prioritize their own profits rather than listening to customers’ problems and what they want to solve.
I think it would be better to do it in-house because it would give your company the ability to solve problems, but such a support system is rarely provided.
Because of this background, I believe that every company has a weakness as an organization that has to constantly rely on someone else.
This does not mean leaving the weaknesses to a specialized group of professionals, but rather temporary solutions to problems often end up becoming permanent.
In our case, we create a training plan together with our customers, and once one problem is solved, we want to work together with them to come up with solutions to solve the next problem.
This will lead to the growth of our customers’ businesses, and will also lead to our strength in being able to create a variety of training variations.
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If customers can do more for themselves by solving problems one after another, the risks for the organization will be reduced, and new challenges will be more likely to be taken on.This will also increase the attractiveness of the company, leading to stronger recruitment and turnover. We believe that this will also have an effective impact on mitigation.
Through initiatives like this, I believe that the need for adult education will become even more important in the future.
I also feel that in recent years, “having an interest in others” has been decreasing, which is a big problem.
If more employees become too selfish, there will be less mutual support, fewer people who can work to solve problems, and fewer leaders who can lead the way.
Although work styles are becoming more diverse, I believe that our strengths as an organization will continue to remain.
Because the work cannot be completed by one person, one must consider things from the other person’s perspective and produce results. If the number of such adults increases more than now, society will become a better place.
Our company happens to be located in Japan and we are providing services, but there are not many training services overseas that are company-oriented and employee-oriented.
Currently, e-learning and video training services are increasing in number, but we believe that training to solve organizational issues and training to develop individual skills have different objectives, and therefore have different tastes.
Once we developed this way of thinking, we brought out many of the good aspects of the organization, communicated its achievements while working with various companies, and presented them at the WEF (World Economic Forum) conference. , I would like to send a message that I want it to become a standard in the world.
WONDERFUL GROWTH contributes to the organizational growth of all the companies we have worked with so far and those we will work with in the future, and we hope to expand the provision of a better society and development opportunities in the future 10 years from now. We will achieve what we want.
■Click here if you want to know more about WONDERFUL GROWTH
WONDERFUL GROWTH│Human resource development/organizational development
■We also operate media for each company’s training theory.
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“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
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