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Home » Festival Study Group In order for Japan to continue to strive to be a peaceful nation, we will transcend religion and ring the bells of shrines and temples around the world, calling for “diversity and dialogue” to the world.

Festival Study Group In order for Japan to continue to strive to be a peaceful nation, we will transcend religion and ring the bells of shrines and temples around the world, calling for “diversity and dialogue” to the world.

[Festival Study Group] In order for Japan to continue to strive to be a peaceful nation, we will transcend religion and ring the bells of shrines and temples around the world, calling for “diversity and dialogue” to the world.

*View in browser* *Festival Research Association, General Incorporated Association* Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
In order for Japan to continue to strive to be a peaceful nation, we transcend religion and ring the bells of temples and shrines around the world, calling for “diversity and dialogue” to the world. *Even though everyone in the world wishes for peace, wars persist. We aim for a safe, secure, and peaceful world free from anxiety, poverty, inequality, resource shortages, and water problems. *
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.

Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of the Festival Research Group.

The Festival Research Association (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Mitsuo Tomari) goes beyond religion to ring the bells of temples and shrines on five continents, calling for “diversity and dialogue” around the world.

Although everyone in the world wishes for peace, there are still wars, unrest swirling around the world, poverty, inequality, resource shortages and water issues… Because these are all complex issues, I believe that the first step is to pray at the bells around the world.

On International Day of Peace in 2023, a bell-ringing ceremony to ring the peace bell was held at the Osaka Expo Commemorative Park in the presence of ambassadors from various countries.

On Saturday, September 21st, this year’s International Day of Peace, we aim to ring the bells of temples and shrines on five continents around the world.

If you are a company or organization that would like to cooperate with this dream, please feel free to contact us.
We are also looking for people living overseas and people from embassies who want to ring the bell in this country.

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.

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Festival Research Association, General Incorporated Association
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