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Home » In 2531, “All Japanese” became “Sato-san” – Daito, a mail order tool company, was ahead of its time and changed its service name to “Sato”

In 2531, “All Japanese” became “Sato-san” – Daito, a mail order tool company, was ahead of its time and changed its service name to “Sato”

Daito Co., Ltd.
In 2531, “All Japanese” became “Sato-san” – Daito, a mail order tool company, was ahead of its time and changed its service name to “Sato” “Think Name Project” 2024.04.01
Takehito Yamada, the third generation representative of the Atotsugi venture tool mail order company Daito (Ikuno Ward, Osaka City), calls his business succession a “Masuo-type business succession,” in which he inherited the company but not his last name. did.
At the time, it was common for women to change their partner’s surname to their own name upon marriage, but there were also concerns that the surname of the partner, who was the only daughter of the founding family, was taken away, and that 95% of women changed their surname. I started to have doubts about the current situation in Japan, which can hardly be called a fair place. Thinking that my daughter might eventually be forced to change her name as a matter of course, I started taking action for the sake of the next generation.
[Image 1:×290.jpg] “Think Name Project”, a project to think about selectively different surnames for married couples, 2024.04.01 “Satonote” logo, not “Toranote”, available only on the day of 2024.04.01
[Image 2:×927.png ]
Project special site:
[Video 2:] ■Comment from Representative Director Taketo Yamada
[Image 3:×2700.jpg] The point of enacting the selective separate surname system for married couples is that it is possible to choose. Couples who think that “having the same surname as a family creates a stronger sense of unity” can continue to marry with the same surname, while couples who think “I want to respect each other’s surname before marriage” can choose separate surnames without changing their surnames. This is what you do.
Even though the majority of the people are already in favor of it, why is it that no progress is being made?
Let’s make changes so that the next generation who will get married in the future doesn’t have to worry about this.
■Daito Co., Ltd.
A tool wholesaler founded in 1937, we entered the online mail order business in 2002 at the dawn of the Internet. The representative, Yamada, is the third generation.
A mail order site for tools for businesses that started in February 2023. We carry over 3 million products, including power tools, paint, and gardening supplies.
[Image 4:×1220.jpg] Regular “Toranote” logo
■Background of the message
On April 1st, we will be implementing the “2531 Sato-san Problem” action as an awareness project using April Fool’s Day with the general incorporated association Asuha. Tomorrow, together with supporting companies and partners, we launched the “Think Name Project,” a joint corporate project to create an opportunity to think about selectively separating surnames for married couples.
This time’s “2531 Mr. Sato Problem” will be held on April 1st, April Fool’s Day, to ask men about the false but true story “In 2531, all Japanese people will become Mr. Sato” based on statistics. This is an initiative that we want people to know about the current situation on their own terms.
In Japan, about 500 years from now, many people, companies, services, and various other everyday scenes may be filled with SATO
characters…By drawing a vision of the future, we hope to share with you the idea of ​​choosing different surnames for married couples. I’m going to think about it.
*This project is intended to encourage people to think about the diversity of names, and does not negate the surname “Sato-san.” ■New simulation “2531 Mr. Sato problem” by a population dynamics expert The most common surname in Japan is “Sato”, and as of 2023, it is said that 1.529% of the population will have the surname Sato. There are 130,000 different types of surnames, but if the current system, in which husbands and wives are required to have the same surname in principle, continues, “the number of surname types will gradually decrease, and eventually it will end up being just one surname.” A hypothesis was born.
Therefore, as part of the “Think Name Project,” Asuhani commissioned Professor Hiroshi Yoshida of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics/Geriatric Economic and Social Research Center to conduct an independent survey, and conducted an analysis based on the growth rate and demographic trends of the Sato surname. . As a result, they came up with a simulation that if selective separate surnames were not introduced and husbands and wives continued to have the same surname, “In 2531, about 500 years later, the Sato surname would reach 100%.”
[Image 5:×1078.jpg]
[Image 6:×537.jpg] For more information, please see the following literature:
“Estimation method and results regarding increase in Sato surname” Everything from nameplates, company logos, player names, characters, etc. is now Sato! ?
This simulation is titled “#2531 Mr. Sato Problem” and on April 1st, April Fools’ Day, we will develop actions that will cause the “Sato-ization” phenomenon in various scenes with companies and celebrities. Daito and other companies and celebrities who supported this project created a world in which “What if all Japanese people were like Sato?”
[Image 7:×1350.jpg] Daito Co., Ltd. “The service logo is on Sato” / TOKYO BB “All the athletes are on Sato” / Shungiku Uchida “All the manga characters are on Sato” / AIDA Design Co., Ltd. “All the residents are on Sato” / Oisix La・Daichi Co., Ltd. “All the producers are in Sato” //Tinto Coffee “The store sign is in Sato”
List of supporting companies/partners
[Image 8:×1097.jpg] We are planning various developments in this project in the future. If you are interested, please contact us using the form.
-Think Name Project supporting company application form-
Comment from Hiroshi Yoshida, Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Tohoku University/Center for Research on Aging Economy and Society
[Image 9:×292.jpg] We are constantly working to make social issues and problems visible. I felt that the issue of married couples having the same surname or different surnames is a system that would eventually create
inconveniences for both society and individuals, and as a result of searching for an effective way to convey this sense of issue, I realized that “500 years from now, 100% of the people will be Mr. Sato.” We tried to clearly communicate this through numbers. Considering that surnames have a family history and also serve as cultural symbols, if they are lost, it can be said that the history of surnames also disappears.
Personally, I think that getting married or starting your life with a partner is a different matter than changing your name. If we value individuality even more, it can be said that there is no necessity to change one’s name upon marriage, so I think each person needs to consider their surname carefully.
Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics and Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics Research Center for Aging Society are analyzing the impact of a declining birthrate and aging society on the economy, as well as the effects of current social and economic systems on people’s lifestyles. Researching the “economics of aging”. 1. The economics of a declining birthrate, 2. Labor and social security systems in the face of an aging population with a declining birthrate, and 3. Issues of intergenerational equality in calculating differences in tax and social security burdens. We make recommendations regarding public policy.
Companies support equal marriage and equal careers! “Think Name Project” Japan is the only country in the world where you have to change your last name when you get married. And 95% of people changing their names are skewed towards women. This project creates an opportunity to think about selectively separating surnames for married couples, and supports equal marriage and equal careers for men and women. Selective separate surnames for married couples is a system that allows couples to freely choose their names. In the future, through the release of surprising data and unique actions, we aim to provide opportunities for all stakeholders, including companies and consumers, to think about same-sex couples and different surnames.
Special site URL:
Official X (old Twitter):
March 8th – On International Women’s Day, we submitted a petition and signatures to the government together with six economic organizations. Asuhana, a general incorporated association that promotes gender equality, serves as the secretariat for the “Association of Volunteer Business Leaders Calling for the Early Realization of Separate Surnames for Couples.” We were able to submit 1,046 individual signatures to the Japanese government, prime minister, and relevant ministers (list of signatures and supporting comments). The following organizations also participated in hand-delivering their requests to the government.
Keizai Doyukai Public Interest Incorporated Association (Request Form) ● New Economy Federation (general incorporated association) (request form) ● Japan Business Federation (materials)
● National Federation of Women Tax Accountants (request form) ● Japan Heiress Co-Education Association (Survey results)
● A volunteer group of business leaders calling for the early realization of selective separate surnames for married couples (request form)
Reports regarding the request (partial):
NHK Asahi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun
TV Asahi TBS
Kyodo News “Request from the business community to revise the Selective Separate Surname Law for Married Couples” held on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024
Click here for the report
[Image 10:×630.jpg] (Clockwise from top left) Hands handed over to State Minister of Justice Kadoyama, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Fukasawa, Special Advisor to Prime Minister Yada, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Koga, and group photo.

More details about this release: