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The activities of Agent Seven Mafia will form the DAO community and solve 10 social issues by 2028.

The activities of Agent Seven Mafia will form the DAO community and solve 10 social issues by 2028.

*View in browser* *Agent Seven Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
The activities of Agent Seven Mafia will form the DAO community and solve 10 social issues by 2028.
This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
Agent Seven Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Hiroyuki Nomura) aims to make April 1st the day to spread dreams.
I agree with Dream. This press release is a dream of “Agent Seven Co., Ltd.”

As a human resources agency, we at Agent Seven have worked as a team to pursue our mission of “creating encounters beyond imagination” since our founding, and we strive to do our best to create encounters between job seekers and companies with strong potential. I poured it.

For us, seeing the job seekers we support succeed in their new fields is the source of our joy and happiness in our work.
*What is our dream?*
* Our aim is to form a community with the people we have supported (*) and take on the challenge of social issues that cannot be solved within the framework of companies or the government. *

*This community is called Agent Seven Mafia.
*Mafia is a specific company where top talents who are active enough to change the world are from, such as the PayPal Mafia or the P&G Mafia, and the word mafia is used to refer to the extremely high influence of people from that company. It is.
*The difference between Agent Seven Mafia and other mafias is that they are not “affiliated with a company” but “affiliated with an agent.” In other words, we are premised on the worldview that if Agent Seven supports you in changing jobs, you will succeed in your career.

in particular,
– We have created a situation in which many of the people that Agent Seven has supported are active in their respective industries and are able to achieve career independence.
– Forming a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)-like community with talents called Agent Seven Mafia.

And, through the project led by Agent Seven Mafia, we will approach and solve social issues that have not been possible within the framework of companies or countries.
I believe that by realizing this, we will be able to gather together at our own discretion in emergencies such as the time of the new coronavirus infection, and overcome the crisis for humanity as quickly as possible.
why do it
I have a world view where changing jobs is not the goal, and I want to aim for career autonomy.
At Agent Seven, we want to go beyond supporting your immediate career change and support your future career.
* Changing jobs is just the start; what really matters is how you take on the challenge of self-actualization after that. *
In order to get closer to the ideal state you envisioned before changing jobs, I believe that those of us who have been with you from the pre-start preparation stage can maximize your career development by working together with you.
This is because, although we are agents, we want to transcend the boundaries of being an agent and be a presence that can shake up the industry itself.
To form an extremely high-quality community
Did you know that one of the important elements for career autonomy is the existence of a “community”?
* Compared to other developed countries, Japanese people belong to far fewer communities (e.g. third and fourth communities other than work and home)*
This is known to be the reason why productivity has reached a plateau. However, it is also true that running a high-quality community requires a great deal of resources. Therefore, by having Agent Seven take on a portion of the management, we will accelerate the creation of various communities, and by creating a community that produces top talents known as mafia, we hope that they will become role models for many business people.
“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.

*Inquiries regarding this matter*
Agent Seven Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer Takashi Aikawa
*About details about this release*

*Download press release materials*

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