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Home » For web creators or office workers Understand “SQL” and expand your career into the digital marketing fiel d! 4/24 (Wednesday) Free Seminar “Learn how to efficiently manipulate data – Introduction to SQL in 5 sessions (4)”

For web creators or office workers Understand “SQL” and expand your career into the digital marketing fiel d! 4/24 (Wednesday) Free Seminar “Learn how to efficiently manipulate data – Introduction to SQL in 5 sessions (4)”

[For web creators or office workers]
Understand “SQL” and expand your career into the digital marketing field! 4/24 (Wednesday) Free Seminar “Learn how to efficiently manipulate data – Introduction to SQL in 5 sessions (4)”

*View in browser* *C&R*
Press release: April 1, 2024
[For web creators or office workers]
Understand “SQL” and expand your career into the digital marketing field! 4/24 (Wednesday) Free Seminar “Learn how to efficiently manipulate data – Introduction to SQL in 5 sessions (4)”
*~Let’s try using Insert, Update, and Delete~*
On April 24th (Wednesday), Creek & River Co., Ltd. (C&R) will welcome web creators who are considering a career change to the digital marketing (Digima) field, as well as those who are working from operations using Excel. A free online seminar titled “Learn how to efficiently manipulate data” is available for office workers who wish to improve their skills in data analysis work.
We will be holding a 5-part lecture titled “Introduction to SQL (4) – Let’s try using Insert, Update, and Delete”. *

* ▼Details/Application * ** * *Deadline: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 19:00*
SQL is one of the most popular database languages ​​in the world. It is a language standardized by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and allows you to define and manipulate databases. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about digital cameras and data utilization, but understanding SQL, which is a basic technology, is essential for this work.
C&R’s seminar series “Introduction to SQL in 5 Parts” covers basic knowledge such as “What is SQL?”, basic command statements, database structure, and how to use syntax to retrieve data from a database. We’ll explain how to use SQL up to this point. In the third and subsequent installments of the series, we plan to have you learn the basics of how to operate SQL while working on exercises.
In this 4th session, we will practice using Insert, Update, and Delete statements in a hands-on format with the theme of “Let’s try using Insert, Update, and Delete.” If you are able to install it in advance, you can understand the content more deeply by installing the sample database. During the lecture, we will also explain the database structure for those who do not have it installed, so even those who cannot install it can participate. This content is recommended for those involved in web advertising, those in charge of planning, those who want to expand their work from web director to digital marketing, and those who want to change their career from an office job to the data field. If you are interested, please continue to participate. Please note that we are currently accepting inquiries and requests from companies for training and lectures for Mr. Fumihiko Kuroda, who is the lecturer for this seminar series. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.
*The exercises in the lectures will be conducted in a Windows environment. The installation procedures and sample database used are for Windows, and are intended for those using Windows 10 or 11 environments. Please note that it is not compatible with Mac environments. Installation instructions and sample database
information will be provided to those who apply by the date of the event.
* -Seminar content-*
・Explanation of the database structure for those who have not installed the sample database
・Let’s try using Insert, Update, and Delete (practice)
* -I recommend this hotel-*
・Those who want to deepen their understanding of SQL
・For those involved in web advertising or those in charge of planning. ・People who want to expand their scope of work from web directors and marketers to the digital field
・Operators who are involved in operating e-mail newsletters and aggregating data using Excel.
・Those who are looking to improve their skills or change jobs from an office job *This course is especially recommended for those who are considering a career change from office work to the data field. If you are considering a career change, please register as a C&R member before applying.
* ▼Click here to register as a C&R member**ahxzq4*_ga*OTQwOTI5MjAxLjE2NzE2MDM5NzE.*_ga_HFFQYR2TSJ*MTY4MTY5NjQ5Ni4zMTkuMC4xNjgxNjk2NDk2LjYwLjAuMA..&_ga=2.1 83053734.1067753838.1681696497-940929201.1671603971

* ▼What is a C&R member?*

* -Theme of each session of this seminar series-*
1st March 13th (Wednesday): What is SQL?
2nd March 27th (Wednesday): Basic knowledge of SQL
3rd April 10th (Wednesday): Let’s use the Select statement (exercises) 4th April 24th (Wednesday): Let’s try using Insert, Update, and Delete (practice)
5th 5/8 (Wednesday): Let’s use SQL with VBA (exercise)
*The theme is currently planned. Subject to change.
*Learn how to efficiently manipulate data*
* Learn in 5 lessons Introduction to SQL (4) ~ Let’s use Insert, Update, and Delete ~ *
* ■Date and time*
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 19:00-20:00
Held online
*A separate URL will be provided to those who apply.
*Mr. Fumihiko Kuroda*
System engineer, small business consultant (Saitama Prefecture Small and Medium Enterprise Diagnosis Association), career consultant. As a system engineer, he has been involved in system development and operation projects for more than 20 companies, including government offices, automobiles, housing, semiconductors, and finance. He was responsible for a wide variety of systems, including sales management, inventory management, production management, and acceptance
inspection. Specialized languages ​​are Java and Visual
Basic .net, PL/SQL, etc.
* ■Target*
・Creators who work on the web, such as web directors, marketers, web operations staff, etc.
・Those who are thinking of changing jobs to the digital marketing field. ・Those who are considering career advancement from operational work such as data aggregation using Excel as an office worker.
* ■Participation fee*
* ■Capacity*
60 people
* ▼Details/Application*
** *Deadline: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 19:00
-SQL related seminar-
▼4/10 (Wednesday) Learn how to efficiently manipulate data
Introduction to SQL in 5 lessons (3) ~Let’s use the Select statement~ -Related information-
▼If your company would like to request training or lecture from Mr. Fumihiko Kuroda, please contact us here.
▼Click here for details on PEC’s training services * [Inquiries regarding courses]*
Creek and River Co., Ltd.
In charge of the PEC Secretariat’s “Introduction to SQL in 5 Parts” Seminar Email:

Since its founding in 1990, C&R has been supporting the career and skill development of creators as a pioneer creator agency through corporate joint information sessions, career consultations, and seminars. Based on our mission of “improving the lifetime value of professionals,” we will continue to strive to create an environment where creators can maximize their abilities through various
* -Data analysis/Digima related seminars/courses-*
▼Internet marketing test preparation

* -Web/design related seminars/courses-*
▼4/3 (Wednesday) [Archive distribution] [UI/UX] The first step in designing from various perspectives ~Skills in demand in the industry~ ▼4/4 (Thu) Basic knowledge of design Vol.7 Layout knowledge that creators need to know ▼4/5 (Friday) Figma course [Extra edition] Let’s ask Kashi a question! meeting ▼April 8th (Monday) Improve your ability to convey information – Introductory web writing online course Vol.1 ▼Create outstanding UI for games, apps, and websites ▼Learn through banner production! Photoshop course necessary for web production
▼JavaScript basics/practical course
▼Design comp production course ▼Illustrator basic course
▼Dreamweaver course
▼UI/UX basic course Event information such as seminars is also distributed via email newsletter. If you are interested, please register!
▼Click here to register for “C&R Event Information Email Magazine”
* [What is Creek & River Company] *
We are a professional agency founded in 1990. With the mission of “increasing the lifetime value of professionals” and “contributing to the creation of value for clients,” we are working in a variety of fields, including video, games, the web, advertising/publishing, writers, architecture, computer science, life science, performing arts, CXO, athletes, etc. We operate an agency business
(dispatch/introduction), a production business
(development/contracting), and a rights management business (planning, development, and distribution of intellectual property) specializing in professionals in the field. The C&R Group also operates businesses in the medical, IT, accounting, legal, fashion, food, and agriculture fields, and has expanded to a total of 18 fields.
YouTube: ▼Company introduction video shot with a drone is now available!
▼What is the origin of C&R…? Brand site “Go Beyond the Limit” *About details about this release*

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