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Home » HelloWorld Co., Ltd. Aiming to create a global infrastructure for multicultural coexistence, we provide high-quality English learning and international exchange experiences to all children!

HelloWorld Co., Ltd. Aiming to create a global infrastructure for multicultural coexistence, we provide high-quality English learning and international exchange experiences to all children!

HelloWorld Co., Ltd.
Aiming to create a global infrastructure for multicultural
coexistence, we provide high-quality English learning and
international exchange experiences for all children!
In an effort to reduce the disparity in experiences, the second batch of students from the Machinaka Study Abroad Fund will experience studying abroad in Japan on April 20th.
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Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of HelloWorld Co., Ltd. HelloWorld Co., Ltd.’s mission is to “create a society where it is normal to have friends from each country in the world,” and we offer “Machinaka Study Abroad,” a homestay experience at the home of a foreigner living in Japan, and online connections between schools around the world. We are developing “WorldClassroom”, which is an event for international exchange, and “Machinaka Rogaining”, where students form teams with English speakers and have international exchange while completing missions.
Studying abroad or traveling abroad is something everyone has dreamed of at least once. However, many people are forced to give up due to various issues such as money, time, and age.
There are also situations where foreigners living in Japan are unable to fit in with the local community and become isolated.
By creating a global exchange infrastructure, we hope to create a state in which everyone can have opportunities for high-quality international exchange. This is partly for the purpose of “creating a sustainable society without division,” and it also stems from the idea that “a diverse society creates innovation.” The opposite of “conflict” is not “peace” but “dialogue,” and we believe that a society that recognizes diversity is the place where people can live rich lives.
In the three years since our company was established, we have provided more than 80,000 people with high-quality English education and international exchange opportunities that are as diverse as studying abroad. We will continue to expand our business nationwide and overseas, aiming to create a global infrastructure that supports multicultural coexistence.
Initiatives of the Machinaka Study Abroad Fund
“Machinaka Study Abroad” is an opportunity for students to easily study English while experiencing foreign culture by staying with a foreigner living in Japan. Currently, host families from over 50 countries in Kanto and Okinawa provide cross-cultural exchange experiences, and more than 9,000 people have had study abroad experiences to date.
While studying abroad, you will experience cooking, play board games, hang out with your family, and spend time with your host family. By spending time with foreigners, you will be surprised at the cultural differences and commonalities, and while communicating in English with gestures, you will experience the emotion that can be conveyed and the frustration of not being able to convey it, and the learning that can only come from real experiences. there is.
In order to provide this learning to more children, we have
established the “Machinaka Study Abroad Fund” in 2021 with the goal of “delivering a study abroad experience to every child.” We receive donations from a wide range of people, including companies,
individuals, and host families, and are able to provide a free urban study abroad experience that is not affected by income or other issues.
[Video 2:] In April 2024, 2nd generation students will experience studying abroad in the city
Using this fund, we will provide free study abroad programs for approximately 80 Okinawan children who are unable to receive the opportunity to study abroad for two days, from April 20th to April 21st, due to income or other reasons. This is the second time the event has been held in Okinawa, following last year.
According to a Cabinet Office survey, the relative poverty rate for children in Okinawa Prefecture is 29.9%, approximately 2.2 times the national average. It has been pointed out that under such
circumstances, many children are unable to gain experience and experience, and various opportunities are lost. In this second period, we will collaborate with a wider range of organizations, including NPOs that support children attending school and Ashinaga Ikueikai, to deliver study abroad experiences to children. [Implementation schedule] 1. Participant orientation: April 13th (Sat) 10:00-11:00 (online) 2. Study abroad in the city: April 20th (Sat) – 21st (Sun) 3. Experience report session : May 11th (Sat) 13:00-17:00 (scheduled) We maximize the ripple effect of learning by drawing out new possibilities and interests in children through studying abroad in the city, and having them present their experiences.
Through familiar international exchange, we will continue to go beyond the fixed idea that “intercultural exchange is fun in English, so I will never be able to do it” and give people the awareness and confidence that “cross-cultural exchange is fun. I want to do it again!” We will work with NPOs and support groups to spread this initiative across the country and around the world.
More details about this release: