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Home » Colette Web Co., Ltd. As a “lifestyle innovator,” we make the lives of Japanese people happier and richer, and provide exciting experiences.

Colette Web Co., Ltd. As a “lifestyle innovator,” we make the lives of Japanese people happier and richer, and provide exciting experiences.

Colette Web Co., Ltd.
As a “lifestyle innovator,” we aim to make Japanese people’s lives happier and richer, and provide them with exciting experiences. Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams. This press release is a dream of “Colette Web Co., Ltd.”・
Colette Web Co., Ltd. (head office: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture) is passionate about introducing innovative products from overseas to Japan and providing new excitement in daily life. Our goal is not only to introduce new products, but also to add color to life and provide an unprecedented user experience.
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As a lifestyle innovator
By delivering innovative products from overseas to people in Japan, we hope to breathe new life into their daily lives. Through products packed with innovative ideas and technology, we open the door to a world you’ve never seen before and provide a new user experience for everyone. I sincerely hope that through this challenge, the lives of Japanese people will become richer and more enjoyable.
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In 2020, as a pioneering attempt to achieve the SDGs, we introduced cork products from Portugal that contribute to a sustainable society and the protection of animals and plants. This contributed to the spread of cork products and the enlightenment of knowledge about cork. (Reference page: In late April of this year, we will begin pre-order sales for the “Fuse Vert” vertical record player with the slogan “An
unprecedented lifestyle created by the fusion of music and design.” (Reference page:
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This fall, we plan to introduce new products for which we have concluded a distributor agreement. Additionally, we are currently negotiating with multiple manufacturers for sales in Japan. We are stepping up our efforts to find products that bring dreams and excitement to everyone, including actively participating in overseas exhibitions.
Modern people’s lifestyles are influenced by technological advances, globalization, and even social and economic changes, and this is one reason why people feel less happy and less fulfilled in their lives. In light of these social changes, we will continue to do our best to provide new ways to enrich the lifestyles of individuals.
About us
Since our company was established in 2014, we have been developing translation services from government offices as the core of our business. Then, in 2019, we expanded into the import and sales business of small goods. We will continue to leverage our advanced language skills, excellent research capabilities, and extensive overseas network to focus on finding products that enrich your lives and provide joy and excitement.