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Home » RingsCare Co., Ltd. We create an environment where you don’t have to give up on being beautiful even if you need medical care or nursing care!

RingsCare Co., Ltd. We create an environment where you don’t have to give up on being beautiful even if you need medical care or nursing care!

RingsCare Co., Ltd.
We will create an environment where you don’t have to give up on being “beautiful” even if you need medical care or nursing care!
There may be times when you are no longer able to live your usual life due to illness, disability, aging, or other reasons. However, I hope you don’t give up on being yourself. Because “you” is still “you”. ……
At RingsCare, we believe that “small beauty” and “warmth of people” can be a light of hope even in times of suffering.
I want to never forget that patients in medical and nursing care settings are “someone’s important people,” and I want to continue to be able to support each and every one of them.
Rings Care Co., Ltd. (Location: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Chikio Ohira) provides completely personal beauty care (Rings Care(R)︎) by Rings Care(R)︎ therapists with medical and nursing qualifications. We are expanding our services mainly to nursing care facilities in the Tokyo metropolitan area. We support April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share your dreams.
This press release is a dream of “RingsCare”.
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Birth of Rings Care(R)︎
We Ringscare(R)︎ therapists have experienced various dilemmas in the field as medical and nursing care professionals. At hospitals, treatment is prioritized, and the person as a consumer takes a backseat. In nursing homes, people lose interest in themselves and have no connection to personal appearance or fashion.
Even in such an environment, there are people who smile and become more motivated to fight illness with a small touch of beauty, people who fall asleep with a foot bath before bed, people whose pain is alleviated with a gentle touch, and people who have relationships with other people. I have felt the power of “care” as a foundation. Although many nurses and caregivers have the desire to care for the person’s past life, background, and individuality, they are unable to put it into practice in busy medical and nursing care settings, and are exhausted. There are many medical and nursing care workers. “Ringscare” was born from the desire to “respond to what patients and users really want.”
Our purpose (business philosophy) is to “continue to support the brilliance of each person’s life even in the face of illness or disability,” and we work to bring out the zest for life in each person through cosmetic care.
what we value
○Caring: Caring is never a one-way street. What does that person feel, desire, and envision what they want to be? Ringscare therapists believe that through intentional relationships, we can deepen our connections and heal each other, which brings out the strength to live.
○Comfort: Through observation and assessment, we will identify and strengthen the person’s physical, psychological, social,
sociocultural, and environmental comfort.
○Beauty treatment: “Beauty treatment” is a term coined by RingsCare, which means to make one’s appearance beautiful and beautifying oneself. The makeup applied by a ring care therapist is different from the makeup applied by a beauty professional. It is important that makeup be applied within the scope of beauty care so that the person can be themselves. Our goal is for this to become a normal part of everyday life, rather than something special.
○ Connecting: The great power of appearance is that through caring with a therapist, not only will the person feel healed, become beautiful and happy, but others will also feel happy when they see this change. Maintaining a look that is “like that person” is a big problem for those around you as well. In addition, conversations with on-site staff and communication with surrounding people are also encouraged.
It will be a trigger for Ring Scare(R)︎ intentionally creates various “connections”.
And these things are realized through “touch”. Touch that person with compassion, respect, and love. The warmth and softness that comes from your hands has the great power to alleviate anxiety, sadness, pain, and other pain that cannot be treated with medical care.
Current activities
Currently, we are providing services to users at paid nursing homes in Tokyo, Chiba, and Saitama. Regular visits are made once a week for conversation, hand and face treatments, touching, makeup, and nails. Seeing the smiles, gentle expressions, and changes in appearance of our clients, and the reactions of our staff and families gives our therapists a great deal of satisfaction and joy, and they feel pride in their work as a caregiver. And I feel like I want to reach more people.
Future prospects
Our services will not be provided only to special people, but will become commonplace in society. Even if the things you are able to do are reduced due to illness, disability, or age, I hope that you will have as many moments as possible where you can feel that you are valued and feel “I’m glad to be alive.”
To this end, we would like to continue our activities to train therapists, have people other than medical and nursing care workers understand the value of Rings Care(R)︎, and help society as a whole solve this issue. !
“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
RingsCare Co., Ltd.
RISHE Building UFC 4th floor, 2-2-3 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 03-5776-2446
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