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ISFnet held a face-to-face joining ceremony for the first time in 2020.

ISF Net Co., Ltd.
ISFnet held a face-to-face joining ceremony for the first time in 2020. -I deepened my friendships with my classmates at the social gathering- ……
ISF Net Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yukiyoshi Watanabe, hereinafter referred to as ISF Net) held an in-person induction ceremony for the first time in 2020, and welcomed 78 new employees in 2024. .
[Image 1:×860.jpg] Induction ceremony held after the coronavirus pandemic
FSnet has been holding events remotely since 2021 due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection.
While holding meetings remotely has the advantage of making it easier to meet face-to-face in the same place, even in rural areas, new employees are assigned to locations all over the country, so there are issues such as a lack of communication due to fewer opportunities for new employees to interact with each other. There was a problem. Since last year, some of the training has been conducted face-to-face, but participants said that face-to-face interaction helped relieve their anxiety.
In light of this situation, we have decided to hold an in-person induction ceremony.
Scene from the joining ceremony
[Image 2:×704.jpg] This fiscal year, FSnet welcomed 78 new employees.
New employees from locations all over the country, from Hokkaido to Fukuoka, gathered in Tokyo to meet their peers for the first time. The induction ceremony began with congratulatory speeches from our executives and welcomed the 78 people joining the company.
Representative Watanabe explained to the new employees about the differences and important things between working adults and students. Other officers also sent words of encouragement.
In the new employee representative’s greeting, he expressed his hopes and enthusiasm for the future, saying, “I want to serve society with a spirit of challenge and passion.”
Exchange meeting with classmates
[Image 3:×1500.jpg] Additionally, this year, after the induction ceremony, we held a social gathering for new employees scheduled to be assigned to various branches in order to promote communication among new employees. Through mutual self-introductions, the meeting allowed us to feel the enthusiasm for the beginning of our working lives.
We also had the opportunity to interact with our company’s CEO Watanabe and other executives, and although we were nervous, we talked about our goals.
In the future, we aim to create a better working environment for our employees, and plan to hold face-to-face training sessions for new employees and regular networking events.
About ISF Net Co., Ltd.
[Image 4:×171.jpg] Company name: ISF NET, Inc.
Representative: Representative Director Yukiyoshi Watanabe (ISF Net Group Representative)
Head office location: 3rd floor, Oak Akasaka Building, 7-1-16 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: January 12, 2000
Capital: 100,000,000 yen
Number of employees: 2,546 (as of January 1, 2024), 2,667 for the entire group We are an IT infrastructure company that provides a wide range of solutions and services tailored to the situation and needs to resolve issues related to corporate IT systems. Approximately 2,000 IT engineers in cloud, server, network security, etc. are employed, and in addition to 15 bases across Japan, we also have bases in China, South Korea, and Singapore (as of December 1, 2023). Company” as our corporate brand, and we are focusing on training IT infrastructure engineers.
ISFnet HP:

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