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Home » IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd. “Atouch,” an API tool that allows the fastest conversion on LINE, releases a new p lan on April 1st, with even more powerful functions.

IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd. “Atouch,” an API tool that allows the fastest conversion on LINE, releases a new p lan on April 1st, with even more powerful functions.

IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd.
Atouch, an API tool that allows the fastest conversion on LINE, releases a new plan on April 1st, with even more powerful functions. ~Features that users are interested in are now available on all plans! New convenient functions have been added! ~
IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd. (Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director: Noriaki Adachi) announces a new plan for “Atouch” that allows you to easily open an e-commerce shop on your LINE official account.
“Atouch” will transition to a new plan from April 1st, and the functions of each plan will change.
Changes due to transition to new “Atouch” plan
! Featured feature: “Coupon function”
→Applicable to all plans
Previously, this feature was only available to users on premium plans, but it will now be available to all plans.
-Assumed usage scene-
In order to stimulate customers’ desire to purchase, it will be possible to issue coupons and have them use them.
・Receive a 500 yen OFF coupon
・You will receive a sample gift coupon for your next visit.
・When purchasing over 5,000 yen, you will receive a head massage experience coupon.
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[Image 1:×2475.png ]
! New features: “Greeting message” and “Cart drop message function” →Applicable to all plans
New message-related functions necessary for an EC cart system will be added. -Assumed usage scene-
It is no longer necessary to set the “Greeting Message” on the LINE official account management screen.
The “Cart Dropped Message” feature allows you to automatically send follow-up messages after a certain period of time (or period) to customers who have items in their carts but have not yet completed payment.

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[Image 2:×2475.png ]
! Change: Plan name
The former “Standard Plan” will be renamed to “Trial Plan.”
※important point
・If you are currently using a service provider, you can continue using the plan you are currently subscribed to.
・The coupon function can also be used by businesses currently using the service. ▼Price plan
[Image 3:×623.png ]
▼Function list
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[Image 5:×516.png ]
“Atouch” service overview
With the “Atouch” service, you can select a product on the LINE chat screen and complete the payment process! This system has such convenient functions.
By providing shoppers with a stress-free purchasing experience, we help businesses prevent lost sales opportunities and increase sales.
[Image 6:×563.png ]
▼Atouch service explained in manga
[Image 7:×568.png ]
About IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd.
Since 2020, we have been collaborating with the government, public offices, and local governments as LINE Yahoo, Inc., and have been working on many official LINE accounts for coronavirus
countermeasures. Starting in 2023, we will be providing “Atouch”, an e-commerce service using LINE that can be used in all areas, both public and private, in order to revitalize and make Japan’s economy more vibrant.
In fiscal 2023, we are planning to support the government’s Digital Garden City Nation Plan, and in the private sector, we are planning to support and develop e-commerce sales on various LINE official accounts, including Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd. and Iris Ohyama Co., Ltd. . From 2026 onwards, we aim to create a platform that connects all EC industries and allows Japanese products to be sold overseas. Company Profile
Company name: IRIS Data Lab Co., Ltd.
Established: March 5, 2019
Address: 107-0062 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director: Noriaki Adachi
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