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Home » Co., Ltd. Kurate Town, Fukuoka Prefecture begins using “CloudSign(R)︎” with the introduction o f electronic contract service Co., Ltd. Kurate Town, Fukuoka Prefecture begins using “CloudSign(R)︎” with the introduction o f electronic contract service Co., Ltd.
Kurate Town, Fukuoka Prefecture begins using “CloudSign(R)︎” with the introduction of electronic contract service
~ Promoting local electronic contracts with a local government adoption share of approximately 70%* ~
……, Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Taichiro Motoei) announced that Kurate Town, Fukuoka Prefecture (Mayor: Kunihiro Okazaki) has introduced the contract management platform “CloudSign(R)︎”. We would like to inform you. In addition,
CloudSign(R)︎ has an adoption share of approximately 70%* in local governments nationwide, and continues to promote the adoption of electronic contracts nationwide as the electronic contract service with the highest number* of electronic contract services introduced by local governments. We will continue to. (*) We conducted an in-house survey to compare the number of local governments that have decided to introduce the system after making a paid contract based on public recruitment, bidding, and proposal information published by local governments across the country. Research as of March 1, 2024.
[Image 1:×2016.png ]
In Kurate Town, we are reviewing the state of administrative services and aiming to create a town where residents and all people connected to Kurate Town can receive information and services in the way they desire.The Kurate Town DX Promotion Plan. is being formulated. As part of this effort, we will begin operating an electronic contract service using CloudSign(R)︎ from April 2020.
In introducing CloudSign(R)︎, we collaborated with our sales partner BCC Co., Ltd. to digitize all contract operations that used to be done on paper or face-to-face, with the aim of optimizing operations and accelerating DX measures. . By eliminating face-to-face paperwork, it is expected to not only improve convenience for residents and local government employees, but also improve the efficiency of contract work and reduce costs for business operators.
■Comments from Kurate Town
“Kurate Town has decided to introduce an electronic contract service for all contracts from April 2020 in order to improve the convenience of business operators and the work efficiency of employees. However, we aim to improve the work efficiency of business operators and employees by introducing electronic contracts.
CrowdSign(R)︎ has been introduced and operated in neighboring cities such as Kanda Town, Miyazaki City, and Shibushi City in Fukuoka Prefecture, and we aim to continue to widely introduce it in administrative agencies. We will support the digitalization of contract work processes and support the promotion of DX of contract work that will contribute to improving work efficiency for employees and convenience for residents.
[Image 2:×1084.jpg] Cloudsign(R)︎Plan for local governments: ■About Cloudsign(R)︎:
CrowdSign(R)︎ is a contract management platform that allows you to complete everything digitally, from contract conclusion to management and AI review. Contracts can be concluded smoothly and safely using electronic signatures and time stamps that comply with the Electronic Signature Act, and in 2023, Japan’s first “My Number Card Signature” function will be launched in a general-purpose electronic contract service. Additionally, by proactively adopting AI technologies such as AI contract management functions and the AI ​​review support service “CloudSign Review”, we are able to shorten the overall time required for contract operations. Additionally, in the electronic contract market, it is the No. 1* service that has been widely introduced by companies and local governments.
*Fuji Chimera Research Institute Co., Ltd. “Software Business New Market 2023 Edition” (electronic contract tool 2022 results) Market share
◆About Co., Ltd.: Head Office: Kurosaki Building, 4-1-4 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo Establishment date: July 4, 2005
Capital: 463 million yen (as of the end of December 2023)
Representative: Taichiro Motoei, Representative Director, President and CEO Listing market: Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market
Business details: With the mission of “Creating the next common sense with professional tech,” we have created portal sites that connect people and experts: “️”, “Tax️”, and “BUSINESS LAWYERS( R)️” and contract management platform
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