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Home » Pet Medical Support Co., Ltd. 30% of pets are house-sitting and have a pet camera installed at home: research by pet insurance “PS Insurance”

Pet Medical Support Co., Ltd. 30% of pets are house-sitting and have a pet camera installed at home: research by pet insurance “PS Insurance”

Pet Medical Support Co., Ltd.
30% of pet house sitters have pet cameras installed at home: research by pet insurance company “PS Insurance”
Pets are worried about food and poor health when they are away from home. ……
Pet Medical Support Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Akihito Yonemitsu), which provides pet insurance “PS Insurance,” recently surveyed 856 dog and cat owners aged 20 to 69 nationwide (number of valid responses). ) conducted a survey to investigate the actual situation regarding “pet house sitting.” We will introduce the results in detail.
[Survey overview]
Period: January 25th to 27th, 2024 (3 days)
Target: Dog and cat owners aged 20 to 69 nationwide
Method: Internet research
Number of valid responses: 856 (3,021 people were surveyed, and responses were received from 856 people, or 28%)
*When quoting this aggregated data, please clearly state “Pet Insurance ‘PS Insurance Survey'” as the source.
[Survey results: Actual situation regarding pet house sitting] Just under half of pet owners leave their pets home for three or more days a week.
When traveling, pets are often left at pet hotels or with relatives or friends. The most common concern when it comes to keeping pets at home is “how to feed them” (40%).
30% of pet owners have a pet camera installed at home.
More than 90% of pet owners who installed pet cameras were satisfied. *This aggregated data is rounded to the first decimal place, so the total of the aggregated values ​​may not necessarily add up to 100%. *For questions marked as “Multiple answers allowed” in the graph, the percentage for each option is calculated using the number of respondents to the question as the denominator, so the total value may exceed 100%.
Just under half of pet owners leave their pets home for three or more days a week
It’s natural for dog and cat owners to want to spend as much time as possible with their pets. However, there are times when you cannot take your pet with you when you go out, so it is not uncommon for your pet to be left at home.
In a recent survey of people who own dogs and cats, the most common response to leaving their pets home is “3 to 6 days a week,” accounting for 25% of the total. In addition, 24% of owners answered “every day,” and in total, just under half of the owners let their pets stay home for three or more days a week.
[Image 1:×866.png ]
When traveling, pets are often left in pet hotels or with relatives or friends. How do pet owners treat their pets when they are away from home for several days on a trip? According to the survey results, the most common response was to leave the pet at a pet hotel (33%), followed by “leave the pet with a relative or friend” (30%).
If you are unable to take care of your pet for a few days, it seems more common to ask someone to take care of it rather than leaving it alone at home. Pet hotels can be a useful option if you don’t have anyone nearby to take care of your pet.
[Image 2:×866.png ]
Pets who stay home worry about their food and physical condition. The most common concerns that owners have when leaving their pets at home are “how to feed them” (40%) and “unwellness” (37%). This shows that many pet owners are worried that their pets will have trouble eating or have any changes in their physical condition while they are away.
Additionally, 28% of pet owners were concerned about their pet’s separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a condition in which dogs become anxious when separated from their owners, resulting in behaviors such as barking, breaking things, messing up the room, and self-harm. If you are a pet owner who often leaves your pet at home, check to see if there are any changes like this.
[Image 3:×866.png ]
Pet cameras are increasing in recent years, and 30% have them installed at home In recent years, many pet cameras have been sold, making it possible to check on your pet while you are away from home. The results of this survey also showed that 30% of pet owners said they had pet cameras installed at home, indicating that pet cameras are becoming more popular.
[Image 4:×866.png ]
More than 90% of pet owners who installed pet cameras were satisfied More than 90% of pet owners answered that they were happy with the installation of a pet camera. For owners who are concerned about the condition of their pets while they are away, installing a pet camera seems to have great benefits.
[Image 5:×866.png ]
What owners can do to protect their beloved pets
As you can see from the results of this survey, while many owners let their pets stay at home, there are also many who worry about their pets’ behavior while they are home.
Due to these needs, it seems that more and more people are installing pet cameras at home in recent years. Pet cameras allow you to check your pet’s behavior in real time while you are out, making it an effective way to keep an eye on your beloved pet and avoid danger. In order for pets to live healthy lives, it is important for owners to prepare for unexpected situations. You may want to consider installing a pet camera, wearing a lost tag, and purchasing pet insurance. Pet Medical Support’s pet insurance “PS Insurance” covers a wide range of conditions, from minor outpatient treatment to hospitalization with surgery. Not only can you receive sufficient coverage at affordable premiums, but the premium increases (*1) are gradual, once every 3 years of age, making it easy to continue with pet insurance for a lifetime.
*1 This does not guarantee future insurance premiums.
■Features of the pet insurance product “PS Insurance”
In addition to insurance coverage, PS Insurance provides policyholders with a free “Veterinarian Dial” service (*2) that allows them to consult with experienced veterinarians by telephone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even when your local veterinary hospital is out of business hours, you can feel at ease knowing that you can consult with us right away.
*2 Call charges will be borne by the customer.
■Veterinarian dial available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
【Company Profile】
Trade name: Pet Medical Support Co., Ltd.
Representative: Akihito Yonemitsu, President and Representative Director Address: 2nd floor, Aoyama Tower Place, 8-4-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0052
Business start date: May 2, 2008
Business details: Small-amount, short-term insurance business (Registration number: Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Small-amount, short-term insurance) No. 24)
Capital: 332.75 million yen (as of March 2023)
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